Guardian | Teen Ink


January 20, 2016
By xWinchesterx BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
xWinchesterx BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The party of three stopped. Their steel shined swords dull and rusting. They couldn’t keep running forever; they needed to find a town, fast. One stepped forward, away from the others. His shaggy black hair covered part of his blue eyes, “How much longer? Does anyone know?” The other two exchanged worried glances. No one knew. The warrior threw his hands in the air, his armor rustling. One of them stepped to him, his blonde hair pulled tightly in a very short ponytail. His brown eyes searched his friend’s face as he stepped forward.

“Calm down, Blake. I feel like if we keep going a house is bound to show up. This is the perfect place for a home at least. Right?”
Blake slowly shook his head, ridding him of any nasty comments or thoughts. He did what Alex suggested and began walking once more. “Let’s check out your hunch...” His words trailed off as he began to saunter forward. They were all exhausted. One warrior could barely keep up the pace. His feet dragged causing a metal clunk every time he stepped. Blake whirled around at him. The boy was shorter than him, brown short hair with pale grey eyes, “Please stop dragging your feet! You’re gonna get us caught, Dane.”
The boy named Dane stopped walking, glancing up at Blake. “Sorry...”
Blake sighed. Dane was the youngest of them all, “I think I see a light ahead. Just a bit longer, ok?”
Dane’s face brightened at the sentence. Blake quickly turned around, avoiding Dane from seeing his wince. He saw no light, nothing at all. He just wanted him to pick up the pace. They continued forward once more. Alex led them while Blake trailed behind to keep a close eye on Dane. His face shone a little bit brighter, but he could see the bags underneath his eyes.
“Stop.” They both looked up at Alex, his hand was up, “Get down.”
They both obeyed without question. They all hunkered down, hiding within the trees and bushes. A platoon of unknown soldiers was walking to the left of them, far down the path. Blake’s heart raced, they were in no condition to fight, let alone even try to escape. Suddenly they vanished behind a canopy of leaves. Alex stood up and began walking towards it.
“Alex, what are you doing?” Blake’s voice was barely a whisper.
Alex turned, his eyes shining with an unreadable expression, “Following them.”
“What?! Why?! We are in no shape to fight, let alone even try to escape!”
Alex continued forward, disobeying his leader’s commands. With a short snarl like grunt he stood up and followed after his foolish friend. Dane slowly trailed behind him.
Blake beat Alex to the scene, what he saw would haunt him for years to come. The soldiers had a young lady down on the ground. Each limb grabbed. They were beating and punching an innocent girl! Alex drew his sword, the noise caused them to turn to their attention. They could see the girl clearer now; she wore leather armor, straps and buckles everywhere. On her weapon belt she had a metal engraved blade with leather on top. She wasn’t even armed. Why were they attacking her. “This ain't your battle boy, move along before we kill you,” The men chuckled at his sentence.
Alex stood his ground, sword still held steadily,  “What kind of soldiers attack a poor defenseless lady?” His voice snarled; no one had heard him so angry before.
The man stepped forward, “And what are you gonna do about it?” He had lured forward, bending down to Alex’s height, his hands on his hips. Before anyone could think or breath the man that had intimidated Alex fell. Blood sprayed everywhere. Who had attacked him? He fell with a gurgling noise as blood filled his throat. The dark wicked eyes rolled backwards, straining against the pain. He was dead before he hit the ground. Blood twirling out from underneath him. The platoon stood shocked, mouths hanging a gap. All at once they released the girl, she landed with a thud against the grassy yard she had taken care of.
One man pointed a finger at Alex shouting, “Demon!”
“We will kill you for this!” Each man spat a sneery comment at Alex as they retreated through the woods.

Blake watched as the men disappeared from sight. His eyes glanced over to the bruised and bloody girl. Her hair was a beachy blonde color, falling past her shoulders. Her eyes glittered like the sea; only with a green tint rather than blue. Before he could move Alex was by her side. His armor creaked as he stood her up. She was very short compared to all of them, about 4 feet and 11 inches, a very tiny girl. She brushed off her leather armor, wincing as she moved. Blake and Dane stepped forward, but, before they could think the girl had drew her fan from her waist and pushed Alex away from her, “What do you want?” she snarled. They suppressed a giggle at her thinking she could defend and attack with just a fan.
Alex put his hands up, “We just rescued you. Why the hostility?”
Her eyes sparked at the edge of her eye, “The reward of course?”
His eye twitched, “Reward? A reward that makes a platoon of soldiers come down into these random woods and come get a tiny girl like you?” He laughed.
Now her face twitched, “I’ll have you know I’m 18 you idiot,” she spat out the last words like a snake.
Alex froze, “18? But you’re so short!”
She huffed, “Really? Why does everyone think that?” her eyes glided down to the ground, her cheeks full of embarrassment.
“How about this, since we rescued you why not you let us inside and rest? No weapons, no fighting. Just relaxing.”
Her head tilted to the side, she whipped the fan back into it’s waistband, “Ok...I’m not sure I have enough beds though. Not many people like these woods.”
“Why not?” The girl didn’t answer his question, she smoothly walked into the house, leaving the door open for them. Dane ran through, glad to be able to sleep finally. Alex followed after him. Blake stayed behind, his feet refused to move. His gut twisted and turned. A shaky breath left him, he swallowed down the bile and stepped through the door.

The cabin’s size stretched out before him. On the outside it had seemed so small but it was huge. She most of craved into the hillside where her house resided. His eyes slowly scanned every detail, the woodwork, the beautiful furniture, the table, cabinets, food, lamps, everything. He still felt nervous. A colorful painting caught his eye. His feet traveled back to it. A warrior stood posed within a dark forest. Monsters were all around him, but, a beautiful light swirled around him bringing him the light to defend and defeat the monsters. It was truly breathtaking. “Do you like it?”
Her sudden voice caused him to jump, his hand whipping to his sword handle, “It’s very beautiful, but don’t sneak up on me like that. I could of killed you.” His hand shook.
She stepped to stand next to him, “I painted it myself with flowers I found around the forest. It’s truly one of my best.”
His eyes flickered down to her, “You painted this? This is better than the artwork the king has on his walls and chambers.”
Her eyebrow rose, “One of the king’s knights, eh?”
Blake snapped his mouth shut. He had just revealed a secret to a stranger! “All warriors are allowed to see the castle.”
She nudged him, “Really? Why didn’t I get to see it then?”
His body completely stiffened, his face paler than a sheet, “What did you just say?”
“Well, you accidentally revealed a secret, so I revealed one of mine as well,” She grinned, “but you don’t know if it’s true or not.”
His eyes were glued to her. Her shifty mysterious green eyes. She smiled again, tilting her head. She turned, walking down the hallway, it looked as if she had glided across the floor. Blake finally drew his eyes away from the painting, following after her.

“Blake! You simply have to try her food! It’s delicious!” Dane smiled as he nibbled on a weird cake shaped bread. It had frosting sprinkled on top of it. Alex sat next to him, gladly digging into the roast she had prepared for all of them. An array of desserts decorated the table. The white linen cloth made everything pop out on the table. The girl sat down on the corner of the wrapping booth that his party sat on. Blake sat down next to Alex, he was happy that they were finally able to eat after all that had happened to them.
“May I ask all of your names?” she had stopped eating the pile of meat she took from the roast and was staring at them.
Dane spoke first, “I’m Dane! thank you for this awesome meal!” He smiled again.
Alex slowly looked at the girl, his eyes glided up and down, “You will find out the rest of our names when you give us yours,” his eyes held an edge to it.
She c***ed her head, holding now the weird bread cake in her hand, “Very well. People call me Adria. Though I haven't had to say my name in a very long time...” she trailed off, leaving them all hanging.
“Adria? What a strange name. My name is Alex,” he went back to eating after getting the information he wanted.
Adria’s eyes shifted over to Blake, waiting for his name. Somehow he felt she already knew all of their names; something was very strange about her. “I’m Blake, this party’s leader,” he didn’t know why he had added the last part. They all held an equal part in their group.
Her eyebrows perked, but she continued the conversation, “And what brings your group to this forest, Blake?”
Now they all sat silently. No one dared to move. They couldn't tell this girl why they were here. Adria would surely kick them out within an instant. Dane glanced up, his smile gone. His eyes shifted back and forth between Alex and Blake. Blake met Adria’s curious gaze.
“I feel like you already know why we’re here.” A quiet gasp echoes around the room as Alex and Dane look at each other with horror.
“She knows of what we’ve done?! Has she poisoned the food?!” Dane immediately spat out what he was chewing.
Blake shakes his head, “She wouldn’t poison us... I figured it out when I saw the painting in the living room.”
Adria c***ed her head, a thin smile on her lips, “And what is it you have found out, Blake?”
Blake steadily met her green eyes. They sparked with something he couldn’t decipher. “You’re the one that the king loved. Locked up your magic so you could stay with him but no one can keep a guardian under lock and key. Your magic was to powerful and you easily broke out. The king wants you back.”
Adria’s fair skin paled, her back stiffening, “Please don’t take me back,” she pleaded.
Alex stared at them both, back and forth, his mouth a gap.
Dane silently went back to eating, his head to confused to follow the conversation.
“I’m not going to take you back. That’s why you didn’t fight back, correct? They would have taken the rest of your magic then. The king has been very proud of some new armor that seems to be unaffected by magic; simply sucks it in instead. It was for capturing you,” Blake calmly explained.
Adria looked away from his piercing blue eyes, her hands shaking uncontrollably. Only a nod answered Blake’s question. “What brings you guys in this forest?”  her voice squeaked at the end.
Blake seemed taken aback by the sudden change of subject. He sighed, everyone seemed to tense as he answered.
“We’re wanted by the kingdom as well. Framed for murder.” He didn’t sugar coat it in anyway. Dane slowly looked up at Adria, waiting for her reaction. Her face stayed completely calm, not even a flinch or twitch. Alex looked back and forth once again; his face was contorted in complete fear.
“Blake, what the Hell?! You swore you wouldn’t tell anyone! We were gonna go to another kingdom remember? Start new?” Alex’s sentence was filled with rage. Now his face flushed red, burning in rage. His arm launches out and lands a punch into Blake’s exposed jaw; it flung his head sideways into the wooden booth. The cracking noise sounded around the quiet house as his jaw crashed into the wood, breaking the wooden bench to splinters. Dane watched in horror as Blake swung back around, his left side bloody, a black eye underneath his eye. Using the force of falling Blake slams into Alex and yanks him to the ground with him. Their armor rustled in protest as hit after hit landed on them. Now everyone was on their toes rushing over as the boys stood. Adria rushed forward, arm outstretched to stop another punch from landing on Blake. Dane rushed and held onto Alex. But, the boys were enraged, not even Dane and Adria could stop them. Their punches landed, smacking Alex and Dane backwards into the wall. Alex’s face swung upward from the force; he had tripped over Dane holding him. Blake had sidestepped, easily missing Alex’s punch, but, Adria had been the reason it hadn’t landed. She slumped downward, stunned by the hit. A black and purple bruise began to form on her right cheek. Everyone stayed where they were knocked, only Blake stood above them all. Adria sat there, clutching her cheek, her eyes were terrified. Her arms shook.
“What have you done?” her voice was barely heard.
Everyone’s eyes shifted over to Adria at the sound of her voice. Alex stared horrified as he saw the giant bruise over her cheek; it then went to Blake in hatred.
“You made me hit Adria! What kind of leader are you?!”
Blake stood frozen. He had thought he had dodged it, but, Adria had taken the punch for him. His left foot stepped backwards. He didn’t know what to do; everyone looked at him, Alex’s glaring eyes. Blake’s chest tightened as he backed up even more. They had never fought before, never with their own hands. Why had Alex gotten so mad?
Adria stood, “Leave my house,” the party looked over at her with shocked eyes, her hand clutching her cheek more, “Leave now!” Her eyes had been shut tightly, a tear leaked out from beneath the cover of her eyelid. Dane was the first to stand; he ran from the room. Alex and Blake would have to apologize to him later.
Alex glanced over to Adria, “Please, don’t make us leave. I’m sorry I hit you. We won’t survive out there for very long. We need help.” His voice cracked at the end hitting a higher pitch than usual.
Her head turned his way, her eyes still tightly shut, “I’m not kicking you out.”
Now they were both confused, Blake spoke, “Then what are you doing?”
Her eyes ripped open, they glowed purple. A twisting blue line swirled within them. It was mesmerizing to look at. It twisted with the purple, her iris always moving with color. They were wild looking, dashing back and forth between them, “I’m trying to save your lives! Now run!” Alex turned and fled like a bunny spying a lion. He truly was terrified now. They had never seen a guardian use magic before, especially with one who had been locked up for so long. The wicked eyes looked over to Blake, catching him in their purple mist. It leaked from her eyes as she stepped forward, one shaky step after another. Her hand lifted up, stretched out before him. “Hand me the fan...please..” Her mouth clattered together, grinding back and forth. Blake’s eyes shakily looked her over for the decorated fan; it laid attached to her hip still. Without thinking he yanked it out and had it in his hand before he could realize. She slowly managed a smile, her hand shaking he placed it in her tiny palm. The fan began to glow the same color as her eyes. The leather guard stretched and bent, growing into weird curved blades. The fan still seemed to be just a worthless accessory that wouldn’t be useful in combat to Blake. But he watched with awe. The mist slowly faded but her eyes still glowed purple. They settled upon his blue eyes. Blake couldn’t look away, her eyes were beautiful; as he gazed at her a bright blue swirl pierced through the purple. It circled around her pupil, the purple surrounded the rest of it. Adria’s eyes widened as she finally realized who her eyes were focused on. She looked away, “Being hurt awoke my magic...what color is the ring around my eyes?”
Blake blushed, looking away from her as well, “Like the color of my eyes...”
Her face blushed red, “ the color of your eyes..? Look at me, Blake.”
Blake slowly looked up, “Why is that so important..?”
A gasp sounded from Adria, her hand shaky as she pointed to his eyes, “You have a purple ring around your eyes...”
Now Blake was shocked, “What does that mean?!” His voice was frantic.
“It means that..It’s hard to explain,” she sighed, running her free hand through her hair. Only then did Blake’s eyes carry themselves over her hair. Her sandy blonde color had disappeared. It had dissolved into a pure white color. How had he not noticed? “My magic has accepted you as my companion. It will not harm you in anyway. You can also tap into my magic and use it yourself...” she trailed off, not making eye contact with him.
He glanced down at his hands, “I can use magic?!” His eyes flared with excitement, “I can use magic!” He jumped up, his arms above his head. A blue purple mist swirled from his palm, thunder cracked in the tiny cloud. He stared at it with awe.
Adria’s thin lips curled into a tiny smile watching Blake play with the tiny storm in his palm.
“We should go find your friends..” her voice was weak, but a sense of joy was still in it.
Blake’s eyes traveled to hers, his smile grew as he nodded at her, “Dane doesn’t have good stamina, they’ll be close.”

Adria slowly followed after Blake, there seemed to be a hop to each step he took now. The forest seemed to be eerily quiet as well as they followed after a path. Blake believed that Dane had ran down here, due to the grass being squished here. The sun barely leaked through the canopy of the leaves now, only a slit of sunlight shone through here and there. Two figures slowly began to form in front of them as they finished the curve in the path. Dane sat on a log, his head buried in his hands. Alex stood above him, talking feverishly with his hands. Blake quickly rushed forward towards his friends, leaving Adria alone to watch the scene. She couldn’t make out what they were saying but she knew the minute Blake reached them most of the hostility was gone. Dane had finally brought his head up from his hands as his leader approached him and Alex. The conformation was not for Adria to interfere with so she went to gazing upon the blooming flowers. They shimmered and danced as her head came closer to them.
“They’re beautiful,” the sudden voice caused her to jump backwards, the flowers quickly hid away. Her eyes landed on Blake.
“Don’t do that, you’re exhausting me,” her voice sounded harsh.
Blake stood there, confusion plain on his face, “Do what?”
“Use magic carelessly.”
“I’m using magic right now?” he stared down at his hands.
“My magic is curing you right now. Whatever happened to you guys was harsh. I can barely keep my eyes open.”
Blake kneeled down next to her, “Then stop healing us. Please.” Now his eyes seemed pleading.
“You’re the one healing them.”
Now he leaned back, sitting across from her, “But I’m not thinking of anything. I feel normal. Aren’t you supposed to command magic?”
Adria nods, “You are commanding it. You’re just not aware of it,” she shakes her head, “can we just go back to the cabin now? Is everything good between everyone now?”
Blake nodded, concern still sitting on his face. He swiftly stood, his arm stretched out to help Adria up. Her still shaky arm pulls on Blake, standing to her feet. Dane and Alex watched with curiosity as they both turned without a word and began walking back. They followed after them, keeping the same sluggish pace as Adria.

A week had passed quickly for the party of now four. Adria stood in the backyard, watching Blake spar with Dane; he was improving. The little boy moved with more confidence and speed and easily deflected Blake’s blows. She could tell, however, that Blake wasn’t even trying. Not a beam of sweat formed on his forehead while his tiny friend was sweating like a never ending waterfall. But yet his movements never began to become sluggish or weak, he kept his pace. Blake’s wooden sword clashed down against Dane’s creating a giant thunk noise echoing through the trees. Dane took the opening Blake had given him and dove forward with the sword. He looked up at Blake, seeing if he had struck him; Blake had twisted around and had the wooden sword poking his neck while Dane’s wooden sword hung against the air. “Too slow there buddy.”
“How?” Dane slowly stood back up, his lip seemed to be quivering as he started to complain. “You were wide open, how did you dodge it so quickly?”
Blake met his friend’s gaze, he smiled, “I wanted you to try and strike me so I could get you to open yourself up as well. You fell for the trap and let all your guard down, thinking you had won the battle. But, you lost it instead.”
Dane’s eyes fell to the ground, the wooden sword slumped in his hand, “This isn’t going to work. I’m always going to be a burden to you guys. I can’t fight.”
Blake patted his shoulder, “You are learning. Everyone has to start somewhere don’t they?”
Dane still didn’t look up. He placed the sword gently to the ground and walked over to sit on a stump. He was exhausted.
Adria glanced between the two; her purple eyes landing on the wooden sword. Without her permission her feet had glided her over to the wooden sword; she had it in her hand within seconds, “Fight me, Blake.” The sentence popped out of her mouth; she snapped her jaw shut. She can’t fight!
Blake looked curiously at Adria, flicking the sword so his grip was on the handle. He got into his stance. His eyes sparkled, “Gladly,” he smirked as he charged forward at her. Adria swiftly moved and sidestepped, bringing the sword up to hit his side. Blake easily brought his arm back and deflected it. It caused Adria to step backwards from the force. Now he attacked, left and right, up and down. Adria’s eyes easily caught up with his fluid movements. He seemed to have no openings, and he was backing her up into a corner. She had to switch to offensive, fast. He swung his sword down, Adria blocked and pushed up through her sword. Blake hadn’t expected this and his defense broke, Adria thrusted forward. A loud deafening crack thundered around them. Adria glanced up in horror, Blake had completely cut through her sword, the splinters raining down around them. His face was blank, cold. All she held now was the handle; defeated. His arm whipped around and smacked into her head, sending her to the ground with a thud. Everything in the forest seemed to snarl at Blake the minute she hit the shimmering grass. A grotesque bruise formed onto her right cheek, inflamed. Blake looked down at her, the sword pointed at her head. She knew it was wooden but she was terrified; as if he had the intention to actually kill her.
“Blake..?” her voice was shaking now. Blake looked down at her, everything tensed in him. His tan arm whirled around and slammed down towards her. Everything happened in fast motion; the sword stuck, the wielder flung backwards. Adria slowly opened her eyes to see branches all around her; the grass curled about her body. She peeked through her forest shield and landed her eyes on Blake. The forest had flung him into a tree, the branches wrapped tightly around him. His sword had pierced through the thick branching, the tip loomed down at her. It was only a wooden sword, meant for practicing, not killing. Slowly she sat up, the shield slowly curled back for her to emerge. People didn’t like this forest for one reason. They all protected her and did as she said. Each step she took the grass cradled her foot, causing her no pain whatsoever as she walked around the splinters. Blake’s face was full of shock; he didn’t remember anything.
“Adria?” he squirmed against the tree, “what the Hell happened here?! Your face! Who attacked you?”
Adria fought back the tears as she stepped forward, the forest lifted her up so they were the same height, “You did this...” pain grew on her face, “you nearly killed me.”
His eyes seemed to want to jump out of his head as shock showed plainly on his face, “What..? All I remember is blocking your attack to my side... I did all this?”
Adria only nodded, allowing the tree to release him. It crackled in protest but slowly let Blake go, tossing him to the ground. The grass seemed to shy away from him as his body hit the ground.
“Adria, please. I don’t know what happened...I don’t-I mean,” he continued stuttering, not even being able to form a sentence.
She knelt down next to him, her hand cupping his face, “It’s okay. Don’t you know that this is my forest? They will protect me no matter what. They protected me from you; they’re not going to be very nice to you anymore.”
He forced a thin smile, “ no more good apples?”
Adria laughed, slapping his shoulder, “They’ll make you eat the rotten ones!”
“No! Please I’d rather eat dirt or something,” he made a disgusted face, “just thinking about a gooey apple makes me wanna throw up.”
Adria laughed again, forcing herself to stand, “Does it now?”
Blake nodded, pushing himself to a standing position, “Why do you keep looking at me like that?”
Adria only smiled again, twirling her finger behind her. A tiny tree branch slowly placed an object in her hand. As Blake stood there puzzled she smashed the rotten apple against his right cheek, “That’s for the bruise!” It exploded against his cheek, the yellow and brown insides sliding around his face. His face was completely unreadable.
Slowly his eyes widened, “Adria!” his hands frantically flicked away at the squished pieces, his face seemed to be turning green, “Couldn’t you have just punched me instead, or something?”
She shook her head, “That wouldn’t be pay back in my eyes,” she flicked her hand at him, turning back towards the stump that Dane laid on; fast asleep. Blake slowly followed after her, the apple still over his face.

Blake began shaking Dane’s shoulder, he didn’t even stir. “Dane? We need to go it’s getting dark outside,” he didn’t even move, “Dane?” Dane was completely pale; now fear was ripping at Blake, “Dane this isn’t funny get up,” he began shaking him more violently now.
Adria slowly stepped forward, kneeling down next to Dane. She couldn’t tell if he was alive or not. Her eyes observed him more closely now, “Blake. It seems something has bitten him.”
Blake stepped over by her now, “What bit him?”
She pointed towards four tiny little holes on the side of his neck, “Nothing from my forest did this. Someone’s in our forest. Someone know’s where you guys are.”
His arms wrapped around Dane’s tiny body as he picked him up, he was extremely cold, “Who did this to him?”
Adria gets up with him, “By the looks of it I say a creature from the kingdom. What kind of spider leaves four holes behind after it?”
Blake’s face seemed to become stone as he realized who, “The kingdom’s mage,” anger poured through his sentence.
“Mage? How does a human have magic?”
“They found a staff that holds magic... Raided it from a tomb or something like that.”
Her face flushed red, “What?!” her hands clutched together forming fists, her knuckles turned pale from the force of her squeezing them, “What does it look like?”
“I don't think-”
“What does it look like?!”
“The staff is a dark purple, as you travel up it the pole twists into a white dragon, the orb in the middle is a deep crimson red. There are two metal like poles jutting out from the dragon, kinda like wings, it pulls downward and upward into tips. Two purple crystals hang from the wings. A silver handle in the middle, I believe it is wrapped around it. It’s a very tiny staff.”
Her feet stopped; the dirt swirling around her feet, “That’s my staff.”
Blake looked down at her, stopping as well, “You command the white dragon?”
She laughed once or so, “I am the white dragon,” she raised her arm, opening one of her clutched hands. A noise of thunder sounded as a white dragon with beaming purple eyes appeared. It’s scales were made into a point, it’s triangular like spikes were deadly, it’s wings unfolded exposing it’s purple like veins in the dying sun. The tail was long, the spikes decorated it as it reached the end. The horn on the bottom of the tail curved into a wicked like blade. It turned its head towards Blake, its horns were wicked and curvy, but, they still ended in a point. It opened its short snout and blue and purple flames escaped it.
“Blue fire?”
She nodded, allowing the tiny dragon to crawl about on her; it was about the size of a full grown iguana,“The hottest of the flames. This is all I’m able to summon. Without my full magic power he’ll never be his normal size again...” The dragon nuzzled against her head. She smiled as it did so.
“He? What’s his name?”
“Aegle? I’ve never heard of anything named that.”
“Well, now you have. Right, Aegle?” The dragon smiled at her, fire poufed out at her, licking her face. She giggled as she began walking once more. She waved him forward when his feet didn’t budge. “Are you coming? We need to find out what bit Dane.”
He shook his daze off and quickly walked to catch up with Adria, he muttered underneath his breath, “This means war...No one hurts Dane.”
“Alex? Alex where are you? We need to move out immediately!” Blake slammed open the door, it had a long crack in it. “Alex?!” His voice cracked as he sprinted inside; Dane’s tiny body bumped in his arms as he ran into the kitchen. The minute his feet touched the ground the air seemed to stop moving. Everything froze; he couldn’t move.
“You make so much noise there, silly boy,” the voice seemed to circle around him, “Ahh, I see my little creature did his job. Only one left to kill now. It will be quite easy.” As the sentence slivered to an end a man dressed in a dark purple cloak appeared, he held Adria’s staff. He bowed, allowing his ponytail to shatter to pieces, wicked long black hair fell over his shoulders. A smile was glued on his face.
“How could you?! We’ve done nothing wrong!”
The man began walking around him, tipping the staff to and fro, “Ah, but you know too much. The king doesn’t like that.”
“And who would believe kids like us?! No one!”
The mage stopped, touching Blake with the staff, it was pointed right at his chest, “The king doesn’t like to worry. My job is to make sure he is relaxed and right now, he isn’t. Not with your little gang of mischiefs running amok unsupervised.”
Blake glared at the man, his brown eyes seemed to be completely black, his scruffy beard barely reached down, “Why can’t I move?” all he could wonder was if Adria could save him, if she was safe. If Alex was alive.
“Magic my dear boy. It is a wonderful thing to be blessed with it.”
“Blessed with it?” he spat on the man, “you mean stealing it from a guardian and trying to wield it yourself? Pathetic. No one would bless a filthy man like you.”
That got his attention. He swiped away at the spit, the staff started glowing. The crystal twirled and danced in his big hands, “And how do you know that? How do you even know that the magical beings were called Guardians?” his face seemed to harden, “Where is she?”
Blake turned away from the man, “By she do you mean when your mother left you to die in the forest? Poor ugly baby.”
He slammed the staff down, “Silence! Where is she? Maybe I’ll spare the little one in your arms. Not even big enough to wear proper armor yet. Just a little child.” he stepped closer to Blake, “where is she?”
Blake rolled his eyes, they began to flicker with purple. No one noticed the incident. “I’m not helping you find your mommy.”
“Enough!” the staff slammed to the ground, sending a shockwave of purple and blue outwards towards him. It did nothing to him, the mage noticed, “And what is this?” he stepped closer to him, “So it seems I can’t hurt you. Fine then. I can at least finish this little one’s misery.” His hand began to inch towards Dane.
Blake twisted away from him, shielding Dane away from him, “Don’t touch Dane!”
The mage stopped shocked, “What is this? You’re supposed to be frozen! The staff listens to me, I command it! Why are you different?!”
Blake glared over at the mage, setting Dane down on the kitchen cushions, “Because I was blessed with magic,” his eyes sparkled after he stated the sentence. Blue and purple flames began to enfold him as he sprinted towards the mage, his eyes swirling with purple and blue. All the mage could do was back up in panic. He had fed him the missing magic that Adria needed; that they stole from her. She was now at maximum power, all that they needed was her staff; which Blake was gladly getting for her. Blake lifted his arm, the fire formed into a long arm, grabbing the mage by the neck; the staff tumbled from his hands.
“Please-” he gagged on his burning flesh, “have mercy-” Blake only squeezed harder. The mage’s shaking pupils glanced into Blake’s dancing eyes, he could do nothing but stare as he dissipated into ash. He couldn’t even scream.

Blake fell to the wooden floor, the air began to dance around his face once more. “Adria?!” his hand grabbed the staff, “I have your staff!” he shoved himself up to his feet. Everything seemed to become blurry and slow motion like. His feet tumbled and crossed without his permission, he fell once again. The scenery’s colors seemed to twirl into one giant blur; he couldn’t see anything. Nothing but blackness engulfed him.

Adria slowly ran into the cabin; she could feel the magic. Her magic. As the door creaked open her eyes landed on Blake, he was completely knocked out. He had her staff in his hand. She scanned the room for the mage; all she saw was ash which still glowed a weak amber color. Blake had burned the mage alive using the magic they shared. He had no idea how to use it so he passed out afterwards. Adria traveled over to Dane first; he still laid on the kitchen couch that Alex and Blake had broken. His face was broken out in a cold sweat and his face was as pale as a sheet. She touched his delicate forehead, she could barely feel a pulse underneath his porcelain skin. “Dane...” she knelt down next to him, wiping away his plastered hair from his wet forehead. Slowly she slide her hands underneath him, heaving herself to her feet. He was heavy like dead weight. His coldness began to seep into her warmth; they needed to keep him warm. Adria sauntered over to Blake, nudging him with her foot. Blake moaned in protest. This time she kicked him hard in the side. He spun upward, his eyes dazed. “Dane...please keep him warm,” she trailed off, her eyes watering.
Blake knelt down to her height, cradling Dane’s dead weight for her, “He can’t die-”
Adria stopped his sentence by placing a hand over his mouth, a tear escaped from underneath her eyelid, “Keep him warm,” that was the only sentence she could mutter.
Blake began to shake, his head hung downwards looking at the little boy, “Dane, he would-he liked it here,” tears began to flow from his eyes; they fell to Dane’s peaceful face. They kept a constant pace, one after the other. They slid around on his already wet face.
Adria glanced up to Blake, “We can bury him here if you would like. He’ll become part of the forest,” her voice had lost all joy in it.
Blake shakily pushed himself to his feet, cradling Dane in his arms, “He would like that.”

Adria stood, following him out into the cold night.
Blake stood there, watching Adria’s magic work. He had given her her staff; the minute she touched it it had swarmed up her hand and had resided on her arm as a long dragon bracelet. Slowly the purple and blue faded; the gravestone was complete. Aegle hopped onto it, glancing up at Adria. Even his head hung low. The stone was a black coated color. Adria’s magic shined within it; it reflected all the color of the rainbow. Aegle had engraved Dane’s name in swirly text. Underneath it was an ancient language that only Aegle and Adria knew. To Blake they just look like intricate symbols and designs. Adria had carved a portrait of Dane’s face in the middle, his name on the top, his life span on the bottom. The shape of the gravestone was that of a dragon standing on top of a pillar. It was truly beautiful. The dragon was of Aegle fully summoned. The dragon remained his white color while as you traveled down to the pillar part it shone with Adria’s magic. Dane would of loved it. Blake tore his eyes away from the gravestone, looking down to the grass. The spot that Dane slept in had already grew back the grass they had dug up. Flowers bloomed around his gravestone. A sigh slowly escaped his mouth, “Adria,” he looked up to meet her curious gaze, “we need to look for Alex...”
She slowly began to walk over to him, Aegle glided over to her arm, settling on her shoulder, “What did the mage say about him?”
Blake shook his head, “That I was the last one he had to kill,” they began to walk down the dirt path.
“He was nowhere near where Alex was, was he?”
Blake shook his head, “The last time I saw Alex he had gone to gather some food for when we left,” his sentence became very quiet as he muttered the last part.
“Leave? You were just gonna leave me here?” shock resonated around her.
He sighed once again, “We’re putting you in danger...”
Adria stopped, “Me in danger?!” before Blake knew it Adria’s arm had flung out; connecting with his cheek. She had slapped him, “Are you an idiot?!”
His hand went to his red cheek, “I nearly killed you! The mage found out where you lived!”
She rolled her eyes, “Seriously? Are we really going to fight now?” she spun away from him. She was heading towards the house.
“Where are you going?” Blake quickly caught up to her.
“I’m getting you better armor; find Alex as well,” before he could say anything else she had ran into the house and locked the door behind her.
Blake just stood there dazed, “What’d I say?”

The sun was slowly beginning to peek through the canopy of leaves. Alex was nowhere to be seen. Blake’s voice was harsh and sore. He had yelled for his friend for the rest of the night. “Alex, please! Where are you?!” Only silence echoed back, “Dammit Alex,” the wind barely carried his voice anymore. He was to exhausted. At a sluggish pace Blake began to walk back down the path he had came from.
“Blake?” a weakened voice hissed through the silence.
Blake whirled around, his eyes landing on Alex. He was bloody and bruised; crawling on the ground with his arms, “Alex?!” he rushed over to his friend. His armor was cracked and stained with blood. It crusted over the spots it had landed. As he came closer to him he realized that half of his leg was missing, “What the Hell..? Your legs gone!” He slid down to wrap the bleeding stump with his shirt.
Alex forced a smile, “The mage’s spider got me. Had to get the poison out.”
“By cutting off your leg?!”
“Stopped it from killing me, didn’t I? You know that there is no way to remove that poison from your blood. So I cut it off the minute it bit me.”
“Did you kill it?”
“No, it was to quick for me,” he looked around Blake, “Where’s Dane?”
Blake grimaced, his eyes watering, “The spider got him...”
Now it was Alex’s turn to be shocked, “What?! Why didn’t you cut it off or wrap something around it to try and stop the effects?!”
“The spider bit him on the neck! What was I supposed to do decapitate him? Strangle him to death?”
Alex glanced away from Blake, tears streaming from his eyes, “Where is he...?”
Blake’s gaze softened, “In the forest.”
Alex slowly turned his head back to Blake, “Can you help me back to the cabin...please?” He wanted to ask to see Dane but he knew he would just break down. He didn’t want to look weak in front of his leader.
Blake knelt down to his level, lifting him up by the shoulders, “Of course buddy. I’m sure Adria can do something about that leg, too.”
Alex smiled through the pain of putting weight on his good leg. They both slowly hobbled back to Adria.

The door was now unlocked as Blake turned the knob. The aftermaths of the battle still stood on the walls. “Adria?! Alex is injured! Where are you?”
The floorboards by the kitchen squeaked as Adria walked through the hallway, she was wiping her hands on a cloth. Aegle fluttered around her, blowing flames here and there. He seemed to be in a very joyous mood. Adria slowly looked up from cleaning her hands. The minute her eyes met the scene laid before her the cloth tumbled from her hands. Aegle dove and caught it, unaware of why she dropped it.
“What in the world happened to you?” she sprinted over, Aegle frantically flapping behind her to keep up, “Wha..why?!” She slid in next to Alex, immediately going to work on his bloody stump. Her magic became to manifest, the blue and purple swirling. Alex screamed when it touched him.
“What the Hell are you doing?!” Alex screamed again after the sentence.
“Burning the wound closed and disinfecting it! Would you stop screaming?!” Adria seemed to have no empathy for Alex’s pain. Slowly the screaming died down as Adria’s magic slowly faded from his stump. The blood that had stained his skin and armor were gone; completely clean. His severed leg now just looked like he had been born without his lower leg.
“Is it back..?” Alex turned his head to try and see his stump leg.
“Is what back?” Adria’s voice seemed edgy and annoyed at the moment.
“My leg of course!”
Adria rolled her eyes, “You cut it off, remember?”
Now Alex’s face paled, “I didn’t tell you I cut it off.”
She tapped her head, “I’m a Guardian, remember? The forest will protect anyone who has been underneath this cabin. They told me what happened to you. The spider that bit you was not the mage’s.” Alex’s mouth hung open, he was about to say something but Adria interrupted him. “I refuse to give you another one. For all I know you can rot in Hell for the rest of your life.” Alex’s eyes flared, he tried to interject but she slapped his face, silencing him. “The spider that bit you only bites those who have betrayed their friends and loved ones. You told the kingdom where your party was. You told them to attack Dane because he found out who you really were. You set this whole thing up so that the mage would kill Blake while I was trapped outside and you could bring me back to the kingdom. To make it seem real while you were ‘gathering supplies’ you cut your leg off. Thinking I’d use my magic to give you a brand new one in which you could capture me. That’s not happening. And by the way; I didn’t heal your wound I just pretended to use magic on you. Used an illusion spell. You’re still bleeding out as we speak.” With her speech done she stomped away to the hallway she had come through.

Blake stood there stunned. Alex had betrayed them? His eyes glazed over with hatred, glaring down at Alex laying on the floor. “You told them to kill Dane?! He was only 10 years old you monster! Remember how we found him on the streets? Alone and abandoned?! He thought of us as a father and you killed him!”
Alex’s face changed. His once joy filled face turned to stone. His soft brown eyes hardened into a wicked gaze, “I made sure he wouldn’t have to feel a sword stab through him again and again. He died a painless death.”
“He was 10 years old! Who would have believed him, huh? You actually think we would of made him fight? That we wouldn’t of protected him?”
“Good job protecting him from an itty bitty spider...” Alex trailed off, his eyes glowed with only darkness.
Blake’s anger flared, on instinct his arm swung down with so much momentum that Alex’s head crashed through the wooden floor allowing them to see the basement. “I hate you!” Punch after punch landed on Alex. He continued to pound on him again and again, the tears pouring from his eyes. “We trusted you! How long have you been with them?! How long have you just been thinking of ways to kill us?!” Alex didn’t respond, “Answer me!” His voice was at a screaming pitch now. The punches came down harder and faster as his anger and frustration grew. Soon his knuckles were raw from hitting his body over and over again. Slowly he stopped, bringing his hands up. They were covered in Alex’s blood. The blood reached all the way up to his elbows. His eyes refused to look down to see what he had made of Alex. “Adria..?” his voice shook along with his body. “Adria please! I need you-” His voice cracked once again. He fell to his knees, covering his face in his bloody hands. The hands that had killed his once trusted friend. His crying soon turned to sobbing and heaving. He sat there sobbing for hours next to Alex’s bloody body.

Adria slowly walked back to the door area. Blake laid there covered in blood; his eyes swollen and red. Carefully she began to tiptoe towards the mangled body of Alex. Being as quiet as she could she picked him up and walked through the door. The night air slammed into her as she began to trail through the woods. Barely any light broke through the canopies as she walked. Slowly with carrying such a heavy weight she reached the outskirts of the woods. A plain stretch of grass stared out at her. She sighed, looking down at Alex. Dry crusted blood was beginning to rub off onto her new armor. Alex’s would go to waste, as well as Dane. She destroyed both of them and created herself some armor with theirs. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Her armor slowly shimmered in the mooling, the armor had a white base with purple and blue reflecting anywhere the light hit. It was curved to fit her body completely. It wasn’t a typical shaped armor suit. She began to walk again after she tore her eyes away from his peaceful face. She was going to bury him far away from Dane.

Blake slowly woke to the sound of scrubbing. It seemed to be right next to him. His neck stiffened and cried out in pain as he sat up. Slowly he forced his bloodshot eyes open. Adria was scrubbing at the floor where Alex had laid. The broken wood had been replaced as well.
“You keep wrecking my home,” Adria said awkwardly. She wanted to start conversation but had no idea what to talk about.
Blake looked down, “Sorry...” he mumbled.
Adria stopped washing the floor for a moment, “I finished your armor, would you like to put it on?”
Blake only nodded getting up and heading towards the hallway she had retreated to for so long, “I’ll get it myself.”
Adria only sat there, blank faced. She watched as Blake just simply disappeared behind her walls.

Blake sauntered out of the hallway, wearing matching armor as Adria. He came to an empty living room. Adria was nowhere to be seen.
“Adria?” no one answered. He didn’t even see Aegle anywhere as well. “Adria?” His voice grew louder as he walked through the empty hallways, the empty rooms. “Adria this isn’t funny. Where are you?” Finally his feet led him to the door; it had been left open. No hesitation whatsoever he began to sprint through the woods. He was following his hunch.

Adria stopped, the men protecting the castle walls turned to the lone girl standing there. Her arm went to her fan; whipping the leather brace free. The blades shined in the new found light escaping the horizon. The guards only laughed as they released their swords from their sheathes. Slowly the platoon approached her.
“What’s a fine lady doing here? Trying to take down the castle are ya?” The man that had spoken snickered. His helmet was different from the others. He had a long blue mane on top of his; it was higher than anyone else’s.
“And what if maybe I am?”
The other men laughed now, the leader stepped forward towards her again, “Then we’ll have to kill a pretty girl like you.” His eyes flashed with a sinister glare.
Adria smile, dragging her foot, “You hurt my friends, you murdered them. I see it only fit to kill those who murder the innocent.” Before the men could even react to her sentence she lept forward. The curved blade slashed into the leader. It ripped away at his throat allowing the blood to flow freely from his cursed body. He fell to his knees, his eyes filled with shock. All he could manage to say were drowned in his gurgling noises as he drowned in his own blood. Adria flicked her fan, the blood wiped off of the purple and blue glistening blades. She smiled once again, looking in their fear filled eyes, “Now who’s next?”

Blake slowed his sprint as his eyes landed on the castle. Adria stood there, she was fighting off multiple soldiers. What shocked him the most was she wasn’t using a sword or shield. She was using her decorative fan. His hand went to his handle of his sword immediately. As he was about to charge into battle something stopped him. His eyes led him to the sound he had heard. A huge knight was descending on him. He held a two handed sword, his armor clanking together as he stepped forward. He was slow but his reach was long. Blake ripped his sword free, facing his new foe.
“Your girlfriend over there caused quite a commotion. All the guards are coming now. You will both die,” the knight laughed as he forced his sword up. He brought it down with such force that it would of killed Blake instantly. Blake watched the sword as the man brought it down, he side stepped allowing it to splinter the ground next to him. As the knight worked to remove his stuck sword Blake charged in. Stabbing and slashing at his armor. Not even a dent formed on the silver barrier he wore. The knight chuckled as he swung back around. Nearly cutting off Blake’s head if he hadn’t of dodged. “Stop moving and accept your fate peasant!” Now the knight swung back and forth over and over again. Blake had to stay on his toes and watch each of the knights movements or he would be killed. The knight continued to back Blake up, step after step. The knight changed his swinging style and changed it at the last second. Instead of swinging down he curved it to hit Blake in the side. Blake noticed the movement but couldn’t dodge in time. He slid his sword down and pushed against the knight’s heavy sword. They stood at a standstill as they pushed to break one or the others defense. Blake’s heart raced as his sword was being slowly pushed back against him. At this rate the knight would kill him. He planted his feet into a better position and pushed with all his strength. Now the knight’s hand was shaking as bad as Blake’s. They were both exhausting each other. Blake lept forward, slamming through the knight’s defense. he brought his sword up and stabbed at the armor’s only weak point. The gap between the armor and the helmet. He sunk his sword through the knight’s flesh. He yelled in pain as he slammed down harder. Blake stabbed his sword down all the way, his blade no longer visible. The knight fell to his knees, the crimson blood poured from his neck. The huge beast tumbled over and fell to the grass; painting the green with his red. Blake yanked on his sword and released it from the man. The silver was no longer visible. Only blood trailed down the engravings in the blade. Blake sighed as he looked down to the corpse he had just created. He turned, his eyes finding Adria. But, something once again stopped him. His eyes flashed down as he saw the sword pierce through his stomach. The armor crippled underneath him. The wiedler released the sword as Blake fell to his knees. The handle hung in front of Blake as his head loomed downward. A cough escaped his mouth. Blood trickled through with it. He finally felt the warmth; his blood slipping free. His knees gave; causing his body to fall to his side. The sword still hung in him, the blade sticking out from his back. His black hair plastered to his forehead as he looked up. The wielder had a crown upon his head. It was the king. The king smiled as the blood filled Blake’s mouth. It trailed from his quivering lips.
“I liked that knight. One of my favorites.” He kicked at the ground sending dirt on Blake, “You just had to make this difficult didn’t you?” Blake couldn’t even respond. The adrenaline was wearing off now, the pain was excruciating. The king smiled; his eyes following the blood leaking from Blake’s sword wound, “I rather liked Alex too...pity that he couldn’t do as I commanded. You wouldn’t be dying here right now- But, I do like that I am the last thing you see.” His smile grew even wider than before. “No one to save you now,” the king crouched down, leering at him. “Bye bye, Blake,” and with that sentence the king turned and walked away, there was a hop in his step as his devilish crown faded from Blake’s sight.

Adria stopped, her heart hurt. It felt as if someone had stabbed her through the abdomen. She scanned around the landscape, her breathing quickening. Her eyes land on Blake, a sword stuck through him. Adria’s feet broke out into a sprint, no. Her eyes stung with tears, no! Her heart was racing now, panicking. All her mind managed to spit out was no, over and over again. Blake was ice cold, his blue eyes dull and weak. “Blake?” She cupped his face, turning his head to look at her, “Blake?!” Blake only managed to spit blood out of his mouth in response to Adria being there. She wiped away her eyes, smearing Blake’s blood underneath her shaking eyes, “I’m- I’m going to do something Blake, ok? You have to trust me,” his chest began to rise and fall less as she continued on, the tears dripping from her face, “You won’t remember me, but-” Now she couldn’t even finish her sentence. Her arms held him tight as his wheezing breathing slowed even more. Adria sat there, the blood soaking her as his last breath left him. Shakily, her hand reached out and closed his peaceful eyes, the purple ring still around his pupil. She sobbed as she focused her magic on one thing; stopping her mistake. Slowly purple and blue began to engulf them both. They swirled together growing bigger and bigger, until, finally it stopped. Within a blink of an eye the magic shot out everywhere, covering the whole land, the whole kingdom. Adria was going to get it right this time. She glanced down at Blake one last time as everything went black.

“Blake! Hurry up we’re missing the celebration!” It was Dane’s voice. Blake looked out the window, his eyes carried him to Dane waving his hand, jumping up and down to get his attention. Alex stood next to him smiling as well, “Yummy snacks everywhere! And they’re free!”
Now Blake smiled, chuckling, “Be right down!” Blake quickly lept from his bed rushing through the hallways and down the stairs. The minute Dane saw him he grabbed his hand, running towards the sound of celebration. Blake glanced over at Alex, “What’s the special occasion of all this celebration?”
Alex smiled, “You don’t listen do you? The kingdom’s rejoicing, the king is to be married.”
Blake’s eyebrows perked, “Married? To whom is this princess?”
Alex shook his head as Dane finally stopped pulling Blake along, “Not a princess. No, someone better.”
Now Blake’s curiosity flickered in, “Who?”
Alex’s smile grew as Dane ran about taking snacks here and there, “The king is to be married to a Guardian!” 

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