The Letter by Zarzuela martinis | Teen Ink

The Letter by Zarzuela martinis

January 21, 2016
By Zarzuela BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Zarzuela BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Judge Truman,

To begin with, It was a cold windy day as i approached my old wooden house behind the barn my father had just renovated. My mother was in the kitchen watching a news report with my father. Aliens? My father said in a brusque tone. Yup said my mother,i guess there in this town…. my mother said in a fearful tone. Well if you see any,don’t give them my where abouts. I said smirking on the way to my room.

Once dinner approached my mother had made us a wonderful dinner just as if it was the last meal to a prisoner before they were killed.As we were eating , I noticed my dad was acting a little perculiar like a kid after he had did something wrong. But I decided to brush it off and go to bed. In the middle of a nightmarish dream, I heard a faint creakkkkkk coming out of our front door so I looked out the window.What I saw was my father in the midst of the night walking to the barn. So I got curious and started to investigate where my father was going. As i reached the barn, I started to get nervous and anxious of the unknown. But, what I saw in the barn was something I never expected. My father was an ALIEN.I stood paralyzed like a statue in Times Square. I couldn’t move, I felt my face and body become very pallid.Then I heard a sound that made me jump with fear so I darted to my room faster than a bullet and went to bed. When I arose the next morning, I was still very much in shock. My body still trembled as if I was standing there looking at the extraterrestrial thing I called my father. Then it had occurred to me, maybe my mom was an alien too? Or even worse was i an alien also!? That’s when I started to investigate more, I watched my mother and father even closer than a precise military sniper.

As weeks and weeks went by, I started to get paranoid, i didn’t eat, i skipped school, and i stayed up every night and day watching my parents. It got so bad that my parents got me a psychologists and she said i was in a traumatic state of hallucination that made me think my parents were aliens. That’s how i got sent to this mental institution, but i know my parents are aliens! I know what i saw! I’m not crazy! My parents... their the aliens! For the most part, it's alright... because pretty soon i’m getting out of here and i’m going to take revenge for what my parents did. Ah Ha Ha Ha! Ah Ha Ha Ha!

Sincerely, Prisoner 0915

The author's comments:

Hi I'm Zarion and I wrote The Letter because I love sci-fi and science. So I hope you enjoy!

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