A Cosmic Comedy | Teen Ink

A Cosmic Comedy

February 16, 2016
By Anonymous

Two aliens walk into a bar orbiting a nearby planet, and order drinks, then talk about current events and the state of the galactic economy.

Praxus: “Hey, Zebanon, did you hear about the galactic monopoly that collapsed recently? Man, that corporation has been afflicted with misfortune ever since it was established.”

Zebanon: “No, Praxus, I have not heard. What is it called?”

Praxus: “Starcrossed Industries.” (tries to stifle laughter but fails. Praxus can’t stop laughing)

Zebanon: (Annoyed) “Way to make a stellar joke. You’re an ass-teroid sometimes, you know?”

Praxus: “Maybe, but I’m not nearly as much of an asshole as that space beetle looking thing over there.”

Zebanon: “Where?”

Praxus: “Over there you dolt, right in front of the bartender. Look at how scared he made the poor insect!” (points his leg towards the unfolding scenario)

At the same time….

A beetle-like alien visits the same bar Praxus and Zebanon are in, and sits down on a high rise seat in front of the beetle alien bartender’s desk. He asks for a drink.

Pincer: “Hey, yo! (whistles) Bartender, I’d like a drink, stat!”

Bartender: “Alright, what would you like to have sir?”

Pincer: “Hand me over some Betelgeuse, will you?”

Bartender (terrified): “Wha..what?!”

Pincer: “What? All I wanted was the Betelgeuse special!”

Bartender: “Get away from me you cannibal!” (runs out of the bar)

Pincer (looks towards a blob-like alien next to him): “Geez, what’s his problem? (chuckles)” (does this while sticking his thumb out as if to refer to the horrified bartender).

Blob: “...Slimeball.” (squiggles and sloshes away, leaving a gooey trail from the seat to the bar’s exit).


Zebanon: “Yeesh. What a pest.”

Praxus: “Yeah. That sun of a female Sirius actually thought his joke was funny.”

Zebanon: (Aside) “That sounds like someone I know.”


The author's comments:

With this piece, I have created what I feel to be a unique science fiction "skit" with elements of comedy dispersed throughout. I was inspired to create this story when I envisioned the iconic cantina scene in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and was inspired also to create the first pun in the skit (the punchline being "Starcrossed Industries") by Shakespeare's trope "star-crossed lovers" in his play "Romeo and Juliet", connecting this idea with elements of futuristic fiction and fantasy. I hope that people will get a good laugh from my piece and appreciate the effort I put into devising the puns and ironies present in the skit-- no matter how bad some people may think the puns to be. Ultimately, I hope people can enjoy my first piece of writing since my registration on this site. 

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