Drift Away | Teen Ink

Drift Away

February 22, 2016
By NicoleTong SILVER, Lisle, Illinois
NicoleTong SILVER, Lisle, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So there I was.  In the hands of a lady, my master, I was taking pictures of butterfly fish, and coral delicate to touch, but bold to see.  Archways were covered with pillow-soft algae, and seaweed forests waved their mossy hands in the ocean.  Scarlet red hermit crabs scuttled along the rocky, yellow bottom, and turtles were basking in the sunshine, belly-up and drifting. Clams opened up their sandy shells, showing beautiful pearly teeth.  I was enjoying myself so much that I didn’t realize myself slipping from my master’s hands until it was too late. 
“Noooooooooooo!” I yelled, but nobody could hear me.  As underwater sand dunes swirled in the indigo colored liquid, my vision blurred and all I could hear was the blubbering of water filling my lens. The last thing I saw was the wavy blonde hair of my master.   Then everything went black……      
I woke up to the sound of waves crashing onto the shore like a giant after a huge temper tantrum.  Hopefully the waves hadn’t done anything to hurt my beautiful outside.  Fearfully, I looked at my body.  To my horror, I discovered that the edges were smeared with rust, the lens streaked with seaweed.  How long had I been in the ocean?  After calming down from being petrified, “Wh-Wh-Where am I? “ I asked to no one but myself.  I helplessly tried to heave myself up, but as you know, cameras aren’t that strong and ended up tumbling into the shallow water.  Waves spilled over me, laughing and teasing at me for being so clumsy like a beetle on its back.  I spent hours and hours heaving myself up, and falling back down again. Why couldn’t I have those muscles of a human?  That would surely help.  I watched many people walk by, all seeming to be minding their own business, not in the world caring about an abandoned camera on the beach. 
Suddenly, I felt myself being picked up.  Rough, but warm hands held me and carried me for a distance of what seemed like miles.  I was just so happy to be thought about.  I got put on something smooth, a table maybe and when I looked up, I saw a man.  His hair was black and wispy, like smoke coming out of a pipe.  His face was bony, rough from working, but young and his hands were ever so warm and gentle.  He had on a uniform that said Taiwan Airlines on it.  But the most interesting thing about him were the big steel-framed spectacles lined with foreign writing that made him look like Theodore Roosevelt.  Ha, ha!  Theodore Roosevelt!  But this was not the time for jokes.  This man was surely kind, I knew, but this was not my master.  I had to go back!  My master, where was she?!  I tried to wriggle out, but I knew the man was too strong for me and gave up.  I watched the man look at me and tilt me from angle to angle, looking very curious.  
Where was I?  But it didn’t matter to me where I was, I had to get home.  But you have to remember that I’m still in this man’s hands, and couldn’t get out no matter how hard I tried.  I felt like a bug under a microscope.  Minutes were ticking by, and I felt more and more nervous every second.  Finally, the spectators had left the beach and back to his tiny apartment in a giant crowd city.  “Spectacles” (that’s what I’ll call him for now) carried me to a room.  “Hmmm,” he said in a raspy voice,” Let’s see if you still have your memory card in there, shall we?”     My memory card?  He was taking out my memory!  Before I knew it, his long bony hands were reaching over to my left side.
I was dreaming about a man with wispy hair the color of smoke, inserting my memory into a computer.  What was he doing with it?  Was he going to take out my memory and start my life all over again?!  No!  I wanted to remember my days in the ocean watching the colorful fish go by.  He couldn’t just take it out and keep it all to himself!       In a moment, I saw a picture on Spectacle’s computer!  It was an image of colorful fish roaming by.  Was he really stealing my memory?  Yeah!  There were pictures of colorful fish, and cookie cutter sharks, and coral.  And…… a picture of a lady with blonde hair!  “That’s my master!” I wanted to yell.  Spectacles looked down at me and said, “Let’s see where we can find this beautiful lady in your memory.”  Spectacles pondered in front of a globe. 


“Oh, my God!  I can’t believe it, honey. My high school classmate just found a news on Facebook about a lost Canon camera on the east coast of Taiwan. On the memory card, there were pictures of me!” a lady shouted to her husband when she opened an email from her best friend, “They believed it is the one we lost in Hawaii 6 years ago! How did that happen?!  Taiwan Airline also offers a free ticket to Hawaii to pick my camera up! Somehow, I wonder if that camera is enchanted.”
(Based on a true story)

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