Hands | Teen Ink


March 4, 2016
By Anonymous

Slender fingers reached into a deep pocket and withdrew a long match. Lighting the match quickly, the hand held the match up to the bottom of the cigar. Once, twice, three times the match circled the rounded tip. A cigar lighter would have been preferred, but a match was all that was on hand. The slender fingers brought the cigar up to thinned lips. With each puff of the cigar, the invisible weight upon broad shoulders began to lessen. Eventually, a smile graced the lips.
    “Do you always have to ruin dinner by smoking?” A disgruntled voice said.
A sharp glare was directed to the voice. With a hint of restrained anger, the hands once again brought the cigar up to thin lips, already thin lips became even thinner with agitation. Another puff was deliberately taken. The drawn out action served only to fuel the air of hostility in the room. “I did not come home from working all day just to be harassed by you.”
    The clanging of dishes filled the awkward silence that followed. “I’m sorry. You know how I get when I'm alone for too long.” The cigar was put out.
    “I know, I am sorry as well….” The pair relapsed into meaningless chatter as the dishes were brought into the kitchen.
    “I’ll clean up; you must have had a hard day at work.” A brief smile graced the thin lips.
    “You spoil me, Darling.” Strong hands with slender fingers reached out to grasp another cigar. “When will the kids be home?”
“John will be home shortly but Amanda...I have no clue. She doesn’t tell me anything when you aren’t home! I am sick of being treated like a second class citizen by my own daughter.”  A sigh was heard, followed by a plume of smoke. A delicate nose crinkled in disgust.
    “I’ll have a word with her.” A pregnant pause ensued. Small shoulders tensed, and full lips opened and closed. “What?” Thin eyebrows shot up in surprise.
    “It’s just that...Nevermind, it’s not important.” A groan was heard followed by clanging in the fridge. The strong hands now held a beer. Long legs began to walk away.
    “If it’s not important then don’t waste my time with it.” Pretty lips angled down slightly in a frown. “You’ll give yourself wrinkles if you keep that up.” The lips promptly returned to their natural position.
    “Maybe she would respect me more if I had a job!” Small hands immediately went to cover full lips, as if the lips had spoken without permission. A crash was heard. The beer bottle lay in pieces on the ground.
    “That's ridiculous. What would the neighbors think? Who would take care of the house?” A powerful voice boomed. Small hands went to soothe broad shoulders.
    “I’m sorry, forget I said anything.” Strong hands encompassed the small hand.
    “You know I work so hard so that you don’t have to. You don’t want to work, trust me.”
    “I know you work for me I just would like to do something for you! Wouldn’t it be nice if I could buy you something with my own money?” A prominent jaw bone clenched.
    “Is your allowance not enough? Is that what this is about?”
    “No! I mean… For god's sake Beth, it’s the 20th century! I think I should be able to get a job!”
    “Men belong in the house. I don’t want to hear otherwise, John. Now clean up this mess while I get another beer.” John kneeled down.

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