The Rise of Martian | Teen Ink

The Rise of Martian

March 4, 2016
By Anonymous

Slowly climbing out of the horizon, the dark orange Sun gains its luminosity and transforms into yellow beams of light. The light casts shadows of hills and mountains across the horizon and reflects the desolation of the dusty world. Far into the distance, multiples miniature tornado of dust pick up the along surface of the hills. Sleeping between those hill lies buildings and domes that stretch across the flat basalt ground. Standing on top of the hill is one of the machine operator in the mine. James Allen is a third generation human born on Martian soil in a city below called Romulus. Watching the Sun rises, he ponder on how lonely his home world is and how important it is to him. He takes a shaky breath in amazement and fear for his future  as he views the town below. Then he looks up into the sky and see a blue world that far and out of reach . “One day” he thought to himself “we will be free.” Suddently, the scenary are darken as the sky turn dark and three gigantic triangular shadow cast over the ground. The objects descend lower and fly toward Romulus. As it lower in altitude, he could make out the huge sign painted on the side of the objects, “UEC.” Then the city’s emergency alarm ring blazing and James knows that the battle begin here.

Since the first establishment of the U.S colony on Mars, other countries scrambled to claim the Martian land. Eventually Mars was inhabited humans and runs by cooporation. Colonies throughout Mars were sponsored by different nations on planet Earth, and are in constant rivalry and competition. Scientist and miners are the most common inhabitant on Mars because there are plenty of jobs for them. Minning is low gravity environment has improved drastically because human have adopted an advance mining technique using the assistance of artificial intelligence. The Martians trade their resources for foods and supplies transported from Earth by Earth-Mars Enterprise (EME). The colony is not self sustainable so everything is dependent upon the trade. But like other Martians, James Allen is struggling to mine enough minerals to trade the EME (Earth-Mars Enterprise) for supply and food from Earth. Like other miners, his average monthly credits is 2500 but the food and supplies are extremely expensive. Just to give  perspective, a crate of bread from Earth cost 1400 credits. Water is worth twice the amount, but luckily the Martians were able to drill into the ground, extract frozen ice, and convert it into water. Even for a third generation, it is a tough lives but they are here to create a new world and future for generations of human in the future.

Before two years ago, James lived a happy and easy life. Growing up with his parent, James Allen hears all about the stories of poverty, disease, greediness of mankind that lead to the world war. He remembered the tales of the destruction of millions of lives and countries on lies in waste. James Allen’s dad, Jonathan, was a leader of the Martian movements toward freeing Mars colonies from the grip of United Earth Council and its EME. Together, they were a team and happy family. But one night, as his parent returned home from their laboratory, their shuttle exploded. James remembered three colonial law enforcer comes knocking on his front doors and slowly breaking the news to him. He was 16 during the time but regardless, he cried like a little child. Ever since, he was adopted into an orphanage home where his lived with others orphan kids. He never liked any of the kids there because they always made fun of how smart he is. There is only a person that never made fun of him but instead she tried to defend him many times. For two years, they grew up together and become close friends. As they get older, the connection and feeling between James and Katelyn  are more deeper and complicated than before. They found comfort and happiness in each other's presence and soon they were a couple. Growing up with the love of science and planets, Katelyn chooses becomes a planetary scientist. Meanwhile, James Allen decided to become a miner instead of another scientist because it reminded him too much of his parent.

Right now, James wishes that everything was as simple as it was two years ago. It all began when the tension between the nations on Earth turned Martian colonies into a battlefield. The United Earth Council is in a deep division between the nation that wanted to use Mars as their economic boost and those that hope to free Mars from the grip of corporation. As the nations on Earth take sides on the debate, a deep division was created and threaten to plunge human to enter another World War. As the tension increases, the colonies on Mars began to take sides and further fuel the conflict. Even in Romulus, James Adam see colonists beginning to stockpile weapons for their town garrison force in case of conflicts with other colonies. Despite the greatest display of weaponry, James Allen know that they lack a real leadership and strength to fight any other colonies. An all out conflict with other colonies would leave their colonies in ruin as they plunder the supplies and water away.  He has the urge to join the garrison force but he do not want to fight against other Martian. He wanted to free this planet from EME. Just two weeks later, he saw a news article from Earth that stated “Superpower Nations are massing their up defences. Is this a sign of another World War?” Despites the horror, he couldn’t take his mind away from the thoughts that the colonies are slowly becoming free from the grip on United Earth council. As the tension on Earth increases, every nations there would shift their focus from Mars colony to their immediates conflicts.

Had made up his mind long before, James march straight into the town hall one day and express his concern to the garrison force. He explained to them how they could be free, independent, and self sustainable if they resist the ruling of the United Earth Council. Standing aside him is Katelyn, who is supporting his belief and is willing to follow James to be a rebel. After a long 3 hours of debating and explaining, the people of Romulus begin to see a new possible of hopes. Reluctantly, they nominated James Allen to be their leader. Katelyn suggested that they reduce the trade with EME and that they should start to grow their own crops and made their own materials. To her, this is the first step towards self sustainable colony and hopefully they would be free. For the next 6 months, the people of Romulus works together and expands their own towns. James and Katelyn have never be a more happy couple. They provide advices to the town folk and took up the leadership position seriously. Soon words got around about James Allen intention to unite all the Martian, and many colonies begin to join in. People from all classes: doctors, miners, farmers, engineers, and mechanical pilots begin to shows up for James Allen meeting at the city council of Romulus. Every other colonies begin to take example of Romulus city and take this advantage to break free from Earth. Each colonies begin the construction of their underground farm for wheat, trees, and other survival resources. They expand their city by constructing manufacturing center for metal alloys, shuttles, machines, and medicine. They stopped paying taxes to UEC and their trades with EME are the minimum. To James and other Martian, it seems that they might be free and becomes self-sustainable after all.

But their freedom did not last long, as soon as the EME realized what happened on Mars and they began to tramits this news to UEC. Hearing of this news, the corporation backed nation send their fleets to Mars colonies to crush the rebellion once and for all. Taking this as act of war, the nation that wishes Mars to be free declare wars. And so begin World War 4 that will soon plunge humanity and its colony into destruction…

One evening, a rebel undercover working at EME headquarter on Mars overhead a radio transmission from Earth. He found out that the United Earth is sending two of its star fleet to suppress and vipe out the rebel starting on Romulus City. In fear and urgent the rebel delivery this new to James and Katelyn. The news cast a dark shadow across everyone's faces and extinguish all their hopes and dream of becoming free. James said quietly to Katelyn “It is time we stand up and fight.” The Martian across Mars took arms and prepare to face the might of Earth’s star fleets. However, James and his people will not be able to win the battle of Romulus if  their reinforcement from other colonies do not arrive on times. Losing his hopes while he plans the evacuation of the city, but one evening, Katelyn came up with a brilliant plan to buy the colonist sometime. She is proposing James and her will personally pleads the United Earth for mercy and surrender themselves at the EME head quarter. Hearing this great news the, United Earth halt their invasion and put their fleet in Martian Orbit. Waiting for three days, the United Earth realized that it was trick and they order their fleets to attack.

One morning, James stand longingly on the hilltop overlooking Romulus and its surrounding landscape in envy as the Sun is rising. Then gigantic triangular shadow cast darkness across his city and the landscape below. Up in sub orbit of Mars is Interstellar class starship that is descending to his city. Down below, Romulus emergency alarm rings and he knew that their peace is over. Hurrying home to find Katelyn, James uses his jetpack to fly down. At the town hall is his Katelyn and standing all around her are thousand of Martians fully armed. The starships land and thousand of soldiers march out in formation, then the battle begin. Chaos is everywhere as thousands of plasmas bolts burn down house and streets. James and Katelyn taking defensive position behind a build as the Earth soldier march forward. Rockets are exchange from both sides and send a powerful vibration is explodes over head. Badly outnumbered, the rebels are forced retreat to their town center. Buildings all around them have hundred burned holes in them. The rebels all around James looks beaten and most are injured. Soon they have to surrender or they all will die. Just as James and Katelyn about to walk out from their defensive position in a white flag, shuttles, hundred and thousands of shuttles are heading toward Romulus. The rebels reinforcement have arrived and as the shuttles land, thousands of Martians are running out toward Romulus. Over take by surprise and surrounded by Martian reinforcement, the United Earth troops retreat into their starships and head back for orbit.
The war has now begin and they have won a battle. It is only a matter of time before they swarm the EME and kick outs all the greedy politician. It will be a bloody war and whoever have the iron wills shall be the victor of this brewing wars.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the ideas and concept of colonizing Mars in the near future. 

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