Zombies Inside Me | Teen Ink

Zombies Inside Me

March 18, 2016
By Ph123 BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
Ph123 BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There it was, right in front of me. A video that I thought I would never see in my whole entire life. I was happily using my new “Zora” computer, and all of a sudden, a video popped up on the screen. Groups of unidentifiable human-like creatures were in the background, but right in the center was a guy whom I knew was a scientist, his stained white lab coat convinced me that he was. He creeped me out; the guy seemed like those mad, mental scientists. Turned out that he actually was. With a strident, ominous voice, he spoke out horrifying words. “Ladies and gen-tlemen, my name is Roy McKane. A century ago, many people believed the living dead was real. That belief died down, but as of today, I have made history. I have proven that I am the best sci-entist who ever lived. Thanks to me, everyone will experience pain and suffering because the first ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE will happen. You’re welcome! The zombies will be coming for you and there’s no escape. Good luck to all you people. 3… 2… 1… NOW!”
Once he said the final word, I sat frozen on my bed. Then a thought came to my head; I remembered that my mom went outside to buy food at the grocery store. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and out the door. Sprinting with all the energy I had, I arrived at the grocery store in five minutes. The automatic sliding doors of the store opened up for me. I walked inside and noticed that so many things were broken and damaged. Cash registers were thrown on the floor, food from the shelves were ripped open, the list of damages could go on. From what I could see, the store was empty, but before I turned around to leave, I heard a very high-pitched scream of fear. I followed the sound to the back of the store and saw a huge number of zombies surround-ing a group of people. Right then, one of the most gruesome things I’d ever seen happened. The zombies began to eat the brains of the people and the flesh as well. My eyes shot out of my head when I saw the only family member I have left; my mom. A zombie had his arms around her with his mouth nearing her head. I grabbed the first thing I saw which was a can of soup and ran to my mom, but I was too late. Though no flesh was eaten, my mom was lying on the ground with blood flowing out of her body.
I cried my heart out, until a zombie grabbed me from behind. All the sadness I felt just went away. I turned around and saw that this zombie resembled a man’s body and I could swear that I saw someone who looked like him before. His breath reeked of what I made out as a chem-ical that was used in one of my science classes. I suddenly felt excruciating pain at the sides of my stomach; the zombie was digging his dirty, long nails through the fabric of my jacket and into my hips. My light red blood gushed out of the wound at a slow rate. I struggled to escape his hold, but it was no use. Zombies in fantasy stories were supposed to be weak with bones easily being ripped out, but for some reason, this zombie was strong. His mouth started to come close to the top of my head, and I knew right then that he would eat my brains and that I would just die. Luck came my way though, and the zombie was disgustingly cut in half by a guy holding the re-cently made device, the plasma sword.
I could identify the guy as Flynn Fury, the creator of the plasma sword. He was really young; probably around the age of 20. I remembered him coming to my school to tell us about his new invention, and I, Crystal Waters, actually got to try it out on a dummy. He held his hand out, telling me to grab my hand and come with him. Frightened by all the chaos, I grabbed his hand swiftly. Unfortunately, as were about to leave, an abundant number of zombies were sur-rounding us. I looked around and noticed that many humans were on the ground, but I couldn’t see my mom’s body. Flynn took a circular object from his pocket and suddenly our surroundings changed. I was no longer encircled by the living dead; instead, I was inside a very luxurious mansion packed with people. I noticed some out of the many things in the mansion: a chandelier on the ceiling, three white-leathered sofas, collections of the advanced “Zora” computers, “My-Phone” phones, and many gadgets. I took a seat in one of the sofas.
I looked at the circular object in his hand and noticed that it was a teleportation device. The device was created about five years ago and was very limited to the distance one can travel and how many that can travel at a time. Flynn Fury looked at the bleeding wounds near my hips, and grabbed some daisol (alcohol with faster healing rates for any wound) and some cotton balls. He stared into my eyes and then looked back down at the daisol. It seemed like he was asking me if he could treat the wound and I nodded my head in response. Flynn added the alcohol onto two cotton balls and with one ball in each hand, he delicately dabbed both of my wounds. The pain hurt so much that I cringed, which made Flynn stop and set all the things down right next to me.
After setting the things down on the sofa, he walked up in front of the group of people and stood on a small podium. In a loud, calm voice, he then said, “Hello everyone. I can see that many of you are in a panic about this zombie apocalypse. I want to tell you guys to calm down, but that would be very stupid of me. Many of you guys know him and actually, he helped me make the plasma sword.  He’s always had a strong belief in zombies. As we were working on the plasma sword, I saw some weird papers on his desk. I looked through them and saw the name, Namuh, on the top. I saw pictures of the zombies you guys saw today. I was frightened by the pictures. I ignored them though thinking that they were just drawings, but I never knew they would be real. Only today, did he give me a separate video. He told me that those Namuh crea-tures (namuh is human backwards) are actually humans changed through our advanced technolo-gy. Though it is unknown how technology can change humans, it is a fact that chemicals are be-ing used as well. I have killed many of the zombies with my plasma sword and I took a small skin sample of the first zombie I killed. Examining it, the skin seemed to be like the ones we have but altered through chemicals. And now I’m really scared.” Flynn kept giving his speech. The topic suddenly shifted from the scientist to how everyone in the mansion must help save the hu-man race by helping defeat the Namuh. Many people shook their heads, disagreeing with Flynn.
Unexpectedly, alarms inside the house were blaring and making red lights. Everyone in-side the house went on a rampage. According to Flynn, the zombies had found us and were breaking the force field surrounding the house. (Yes, force fields had been made already.) All the people grabbed their very own teleportation devices and fled from the mansion, while I stayed in the house, alone with the distressed Flynn Fury. Flynn ran to me with the circular object in hand once again. Tapping the button on the object for us to go to any place but here, nothing hap-pened. He tapped it repeatedly, but the white-leathered sofas were still in front of me. The only chance of the two of us getting out of this horrid place was gone.
The zombies had broken the force field and had now went inside the big house. Like ear-lier, we were encircled by these “Namuh.” It was so obvious to me that I’d be dead. The Namuh neared both Flynn and I, but all came to an abrupt stop. They were still breathing, but were fro-zen in place. I walked closer to the zombies and they all took a step back. Then, I saw their eyes; they were looking at the spot on my hips where the wound was. Some were also looking at Flynn’s hands. I started to think of why and remembered the daisol. Daisol was put onto my wound and Flynn must have forgotten to wash his hands after applying the daisol with the cot-ton. Was it possible that these zombies could get hurt by daisol?
I kept taking steps forward, causing all the zombies to take steps backwards, which was what I wanted to happen. The daisol on the sofa was just an arm length away and I quickly grabbed it. I walked back to Flynn, while the zombies took steps closer. They still kept their dis-tance away from us though. I told Flynn about the daisol and he seemed happy; probably be-cause it gave him hope that he wouldn’t die today. He would have used his plasma sword, but for some reason, his gadgets (teleportation device and plasma sword) weren’t active or working.
I saw an old-fashioned gun from the 2000’s in Flynn’s pocket. I asked for it and he gave it to me. Fortunately, there were pistols inside it. I coated the outer surface of all the pistols with daisol and pointed the gun at the Namuh. I hesitated to shoot, realizing that these were still actu-al people, but I had to. The zombies were no longer human. Pointing the gun at one specific zom-bie, I pulled the trigger. The bullet coated with daisol pierced through the zombie’s skin and she wailed in agony. Later on, she dropped dead on the floor. The zombies looked at their “friend” with a blank expression. I think I just made a large group of killers angry. I turned out to be wrong and instead, they all fled.
The dead zombie in front of us changed back to its original human form, and my eyes opened in shock. It was my mother, but it couldn’t be. I saw her dead on the ground. I definitely saw my mom getting slashed through the stomach with a zombie’s long nails. I started crying, just like I did when my mom (as a human) died. I couldn’t accept the fact that I killed my mom.
After some time crying, a scary thought went in my head. My mom turned into a zombie when she got slashed by the zombie’s nails. So, maybe the nails can turn humans into a Namuh. Then I realized that I got wounded by a Namuh’s nails. Does that mean that I would turn into a zombie as well? That seemed so impossible. My wounds started to hurt again, but I ignored it. All of a sudden, I smelled something with the best aroma ever. I looked at Flynn and it was com-ing somewhere close to him. I’m pretty sure it was just chocolate or something. I stood up and walked around, looking for what had the pleasant aroma. I knew that it was definitely edible. I couldn’t find it. I walked up to Flynn to ask if he could smell it as well, but then I became aware that the smell was coming from him. It was inside his head. It was his brain! I wrapped my arms tightly around him so he couldn’t escape. The hunger was so tempting and I just wanted one taste.

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