Zombies | Teen Ink


March 18, 2016
By Lloydylloyd BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska, Alaska
Lloydylloyd BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska, Alaska
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Once in Unalaska, Mark and his big brother, Carmen, were in the hills and a hunt for ptarmigan. They had just gotten a new black lab named Dexter. Dexter was a funny dog that always had energy. Dexter liked to go and get the ptarmigan after they were dead. Mark and his brother got three and Dexter ate one.
When they got home their mom, Teresa, was cooking some corn to go with the ptarmigan. Their dad was a fish processor that usually got off work at 6:00 p.m. It was eight and they were getting worried so they went across the town and when they got to the bridge the city was blowing up the bridge. They asked why and the city guy said, “go home, and asked if they had a gun.”
They said yes and he said, “Board up your windows too.”
Mark asked, “Why we have to do that.”
The guy said, “To not get attacked by that,” and pointed to the other side of the bridge. Mark saw ten or eleven guys who looked like the military fighting something. “What is Tha”... BOOOM!!! the bridge exploded, And when that happened one guy got hit by a piece of the cement from the bridge hit him and it looked like he lost an arm they guy next to him rapped his arm and carried him back to the helicopters. Dexter was barking and Mark had to calm him down. Then Mark realized the things were, Zombies.
On the side of the bridge that Mark and his family were on, they had a camp with people that were rescued from the other side it all started on. Mark saw his friend Matt but not the rest of his family. Matt lived on the other side of the island and was alone over here. Mark went over to Matt and asked, “Where is your family?”
He said, “over on the other side of the island.”
They went outside to see what was banging on the windows and it was the zombies. Matt was upstairs in the attic doing homework. Luckily that was where the guns were. He killed his family who were zombies and then was rescued by a friend next door.
Mark and his family took Matt back to their house. When they got home they boarded up their windows and got their guns and ammo and just waited. Dexter was sleeping until they heard a gunshot outside. They left holes on the boards so they could look out. The zombies are coming. The house they lived in was a good house for this kind of thing it had a seven foot fence around the house. The lady who used to own the house had a dog care thing and had a fence built to keep the dogs in the yard. The kids went on the roof and were killing the zombies that got to close to the house.
The zombies were really weak they were killed by a Twenty-two caliber bullet. One zombie got to the fence and stood there and leaned on it. Than Carmen Marks brother, shot and hit him in the shoulder and his arm fell off. Then, it just, died. Then Mark was thinking how did they get over? They went inside and asked, if they could go to the bridge in the car. Their mom was scared too but she said sure but only if they would not bring guns. The kids asked why and she said because she did not want anybody to get hurt. The kids went to their room and decided to sneak some guns.
They were driving and there were not as many zombies on the road. But they did not care. When they got to the bridge the rescue center was dark. Nobody was around. Dexter was a big dog that would be able to run from the zombies so they let him run around. And they knew it. The zombies did not walk that fast. They were as fast as somebody crawling like a baby. They heard at bark and found Dexter and he was on rock barking at boat and it was going to leave. It was dark out but it was not that dark. Mark snuck back to the car and grabbed his gun and looked through the scoop and it was people on the boat and they were just sitting there talking like nothing happened. Then they here a shot and it killed a zombie right behind Teresa. They all looked back at where it came from. It was there dad Sean. He walked down and he was actually at the center and he left and went to a friend’s house to try to get a ride home. But the rescue center actually gave him a gun and right when he left him here a gun shot. He ran back and the zombies were on the beach. They never thought that the zombies that fell in the water would drift to shore. He ran and got to the friend’s house and saw the car go by and walked back and here he was.
Than they saw zombies there dad shot on the kids ran to the truck and grabbed their guns. Their mom was mad because she told them no guns. But she was also happy they brought the guns because it helped them not get killed. Teresa took Dexter back to the truck and calmed him down. They found lots of ammo and guns there and put it in the back of the car. She started the car and got everybody in and they went back to the house. When they got there they got the ammo and guns into the house and found what had ammo and what did not. They had a lot of hunting and military riffles and sorted them out. They said we need to have guns on us all the time and in every room of the house. So they all had a pistol on them and a rifle. They went to sleep and rested but none of them could get sleep.
The next day they started to zombie proof the house. They had guns in a box up on the roof and ammo. Then there dad and Carmen went to go get wood. They found a truck that was across the street. They took it and went to get wood. They came back a few hours later and had a truck full off the beach. They put it in the back and had a good mountain.
Matt and Mark were in Marks room talking and Matt was sad because his family died. Then Carmen yelled from out back get ready. Everybody ran outside and hundreds of zombies were coming towards them. They said “don’t shoot and maybe they will walk right past them.”
They went inside and waited when the zombies got there they walked by but they were dropping arms and legs along the way. Than they here a scream it was Sean he was bitt. They ran outside and shot the zombie. Than Sean pasted out and Mark chopped his arm off.
Two days later Sean wakes up in the living room. He was confused because the last thing he remembered was being bit. Mark enplaned that he past ort after he shot the zombie. Than told him he did not have a right arm. He looked confused because it did not hurt and then he looked down and yelled. Then they heard a shot and ran outside and saw someone. He was a young boy but he had a pistol. He was running from the zombies. Dexter was in the back yard when he started to bark. He was barking at a spot were the zombies had started to bend the fence. Matt was trying to put wood to support it and it was working.
The kid was coming toured the fence and yelling saying “LET ME IN, LET ME IN.” the fence door spot was clear of zombies. They opened the gate and closed it fast it was a kid Matt new. It was his brother’s friend. Shane, Shane was his name then Shane asked where Nate is. Matt said he was at the house when he died and he was bitt and then Matt had to kill him.
Shane had a gun but it was a 22 caliber pistol but it would kill the things. Shane was a kid who had a family but they died in a car wreck a few years earlier he lived in with his aunt and uncle. They were out working when it hit.
A Month later they heard a signal over the radio that it two hours there will be a rescue that will take people out of the town. There would be a few helicopters that could hold twenty and if you were alive to go there. It was going to be at the airport and they should get there as fast as they could. Mark, Matt, Carmen, Shane, Dexter, Sean, and Teresa packed up. They got the essences and hit the road. When they got there they were on the first flight out 249 people survived the two months.

The author's comments:

Some of the Characters are real peoples personality. Like Dexter is a Black lab that is still a puppy but is 65 or so pounds. Mark is me and Matt is my freind.

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