Short Story | Teen Ink

Short Story

April 12, 2016
By Wiseguy03 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
Wiseguy03 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How Will It End?
“Ah!” Zach woke up and screamed. I had a horrible dream. The world was practically destroyed, and everyone was fighting for power. I need some fresh air. Zach walked up to the window and opened it. “What?” Zach asked himself confusedly. Zach was horrified. “Oh my God.....this is real!”

June 22nd, 3000. This was the day the world collapsed. The world was working perfectly and the largest nuclear power plant was just built in San Francisco, California. Although, while building the plant, the builders missed something. This….was the second sheet of blueprints….
Two days after the plant was finished, it exploded and permanently destroyed almost the whole world. A black cloud of smoke covered the whole world for about a week, and nobody knew what to do. Everybody stayed inside until the smoke went away. Some people didn’t even know what had happened. No news, no tv, no government. There was one all powerful government before, but now, the society was fighting for world power.
A few years later in the year 3003, practically a new world was created.It is called Potestatem, which is latin for power. Five groups or Kans were created. The Monstrosities -- humans that gave themselves bionics; The Machines -- machines that gave themselves their own minds; and The Magabithians along with The Biffs -- aliens from the core of the Earth. Along with those, there are The MuPlants -- mutated plants from the nuclear radiation; and The Mutanimals -- mutated animals from the nuclear radiation.Each of their objectives, to take over and rule the World.
Zach and his family were once part of The Monstrosities, due to being humans, but they couldn’t take the fighting. They left the war and went to live in The Rocky Mountains in Wyoming. Their objective, stop the war; make the world and government how it used to be. They’ve been trying to stop the fighting in San Francisco, which consists of The Monstrosities, The Mutanimals, and The Magabithians along with The Biffs. They’ve also been trying to stop the fighting in Washington D.C., which consists of The MuPlants, and The Machines. For months, they’ve been trying to get the Kans together and talk to them, but they won’t stop fighting until they have all power.

Zach’s Mom, Marta, Dad, Andrew, and sister, Jessica, were up all night thinking of a plan of how to get into each Kans base to talk to them. Maybe my family and I could make some sort of loudspeaker that would be able to be heard around the country and we can talk to the Kans that way. Oh, oh, oh, or we can travel to Washington D.C. and San Francisco, intrude on the fighting and try to talk to them. I’ll tell my dad later.
“Zachary, get ready,” exclaimed Marta.
“For what?” Zach asked.
“The Supplies Store,” Marta said.
Ugh. The Supplies Store. That place is gross, but it’s like a second home. “Fine,” Zach said as he dropped his head down.
They arrived at The Supplies Store. The Supplies Store was the place where the whole family got their supplies for fighting. It was a gross, old place, but it mainly looked like that because of the explosion.
Andrew ordered, “Everyone, get 4 loads of ammunition, 2 flash grenades, and 3 regular powered grenades. Make sure not to grab the high powered grenades: they could be almost as powerful as the nuclear explosion a few years back! It would be 3000 all over again!”

A few seconds passed with no answer.
“Can you hear me?” asked Andrew angrily.
“Yes -- Control Freak,” Jessica said.
“No, I am not a control freak!” yelled Andrew.
“Well…actually,” Marta said.
“Fine! You all can think that -- I just want to save the damn world from destruction!” Andrew yelled.
“Okay, okay, stop it! We have to stick together. You know what Jessica and Mom? Dad is right. Now, Dad, we hear you, but you say this every time, so there is no need to stress it. Okay, everyone?” Zach said.
“Okay. I’m sorry,” Andrew said.
“No, don’t be sorry. You were just concerned,” said Marta.
“Yeah,” Jessica agreed.
“We all settled?” asked Zach.
“Yup,” Marta, Andrew, and Jessica all said simultaneously.
“Okay, good,” Zach said.
Goodness sake! I hate it when my family fights. It just makes me feel like we will never fix the world because we can’t stop arguing with each other and compromise. I just want to leave. I grabbed what Dad had said to grab and waited by the front of the store.
“Everyone ready?” asked Andrew.
“Yup,” Marta claimed.
“Yup,” said Jessica.
“I guess,” Zach said exaggeratedly.
On the walk home, Andrew brought up how they should attempt to stop the war.
“Okay, guys. We have to figure out what we should do to stop the damn war. Ideas, anyone?” asked Andrew.
Jessica suggested, “Maybe we could drop bombs on the two battlefields. I don’t know.”
“No, that would never work. Most of each Kan would die. I guess that would stop the war, but that plan would only make the Kans mad at us and they would try to kill us,” Marta claimed.
Now is the perfect chance to tell Dad my ideas. Maybe if it was a good one, everyone would be proud of me.
“Oh, oh! I have an idea,” said Zach.
Marta asked, “What is it, honey?”
“We can create a loudspeaker that would be able to be heard from around the country and we can talk to the Kans and try to convince them to stop fighting,” Zach suggested.
Jessica exclaimed, “That’s so stupid, Zach! Where would we find that, or how would we make it?”
Zach yelled, “I don’t know it was just an idea, and it was better than yours!”
“Is not,” Jessica said.
“Is too,” said Zach.
“Is not,” Jessica said.
“Is too,” Zach said.
“Guys, GUYS! Stop that! Sorry, but neither were good, so too bad,” Andrew exclaimed.
“Sorry, Dad,” said Zach as he nudged Jessica in the arm.
“Yeah. Sorry, Dad,” Jessica said as she nudged Zach back.
Zach claims, “Oh, I had one more idea.”
“Oh geez,” Jessica said.
Andrew said, “Go ahead, Zach.”
“I, I, I forgot it,” Zach depressingly claims.
“OMG, Zach. Are you kidding me?” Jessica obnoxiously said.
“Jessica, stop! It is okay, Zach,” said Marta.
Andrew said, “Just try to remember. I have a headache.”

Soon they got back home. The next few days were just the usual. The family was trying to think of good ideas to talk to the Kans and attempt to stop the war. Suddenly, Zach remembered his idea…
Marta said, “We’re coming.”
“Ok, Zach. Lay it on us,” said Andrew.
Zach suggested, “Well...I think that we should just go to Washington D.C. and San Francisco separately, and intrude on the battlefields before the fighting starts in the morning.”
“Zach…!” Jessica said.
Andrew claims, “Wait…that isn’t bad at all. The chance of the Kans hurting us is slight because we are just suggesting something.  Although, I have one suggestion. I think we should use a hologram with a recording of what we want to say, and we can set up a camera so we can see each Kans response from home. Here is the problem…one of us has to go.”
“I volunteer to go. I should go anyway. Jessica and Zach, you can’t go, and we need Andrew here, at home,” Marta claims.
“Ok, that makes sense,” Andrew said.
“Mom, will you be okay?” asked Zach.
“Yeah, honey,” said Marta.
“Ok. Fine. Go ahead,” said Zach.

Marta was getting ready to leave. She was confident about this journey, and she would go to Washington D.C. first.

“Marta, are you ready?” asked Andrew.
“Yes,” said Marta.
“Ok, great. Take this camera and this recorded hologram of us. Set up the camera right near the hologram so we can see the Kans, and their reactions,” said Andrew.
“Can do,” Marta said.

A few hours later, Andrew, Jessica, and Zach saw the camera go on and were able to see Marta and the battlefield.
“Guys, the Kans should be here any minute,” said Marta.
“Ok, get ready for it,” Andrew said.
Zach said,”Stay safe.”
Marta said, “I will honey.”

The MuPlants and Machines started to become visible in the camera on both sides of where Marta was standing.
“Here it comes…..,” Andrew said.
“Kans, listen to the hologram,” said Marta.
The hologram started playing, and the two Kans were listening although they didn’t seem to like what the family was saying.
Some dis-liking sounds broke out in the crowd, and the Kans did not seem happy because they really wanted war. 
“Grrrrr. Grrrrrrr,” said one of the MuPlants.
“Bahhhh. Bahhhhh,” some of the Machines said.
Marta said, “Stay calm, stay calm. No need to worry.”
Some words came from either side. 
Someone on either Kan said quietly, “Get her with the laser gun.”
A red laser zipped through the air. Nobody knew where it came from, but it was heading towards Marta. 
Andrew yelled, “Nooooooo!”
“Huh -- Chak!” Marta was dead.
Zach yells, “Moooooom!”
“Zach, calm down. There is nothing we can do now. We knew all the Kans wanted to kill us, but Marta took the risk. If this was anyone's fault, it was mine; I let her go,” Andrew said.
“No dad, we needed someone to go,” said Jessica. 
The MuPlants came up to the camera. “Hello, stupid war stoppers. You can’t stop us. We killed her and we will kill the rest of you if you try to interfere with our fighting. Do you read?”
“Yes. We do,” Andrew said.
“Perfect. Goodbye.”
“Those damn Kans. We gotta get ‘em,”
“This means waaaaaar!” Jessica yells.
“Indeed. Indeed, it does,” said Andrew.
Andrew asks, “Zach, are you okay? Zach?”
Zach was gone. He loved his mom and couldn’t live without her. There was no doubt he wanted revenge on not only the MuPlants but all the Kans. To Zach…the killing of his mother, meant death for all.
A noise was heard, and it sounded like a growling gorilla. The sounds of shattering glass came too.
“Zach!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jessica yelled.
Thump, thump, thump.
“Sorry guys. I just needed to get out my stress,” said Zach.
“Zach, it is okay,” Andrew said.
Zach said, “Thank you, but what we need to do know is kill the damn Kans. Okay?”
“I agree,” said Jessica.
“Yeah,” Andrew said.
“How about we just bomb all the Kans. We are risking everything, but we could just start from scratch. Is that okay?” Zach said.
Jessica and Zach looked at Andrew, for they were waiting for his response.
Andrew said, “Okay. Let's do this!”     
The family or rest of the family was now just thinking of what to do to just kill off the Kans.
“Alright guys, I got an idea. It’s risky, but it’s good. So…we need to make sure that the Kans die, but no matter what there will be an extra group of ‘people’ from each Kan,” Andrew said. “Anyhow, I think we should take the high-powered grenades and bomb The Monstrosities, along with The Magabithians/Biffs, and also The Mutanimals through our 30987A Jet. After those bombings, we’ll escape quickly and jet above Washington D.C. to bomb The MuPlants and The Machines.” “So, what do you all think?”
“I’ll do that,” said Jessica.
Zach exclaimed, “Me too!”   
“Alright, it’s settled then. We head for San Francisco at noon tomorrow. I’ll go to The Supplies Store now and get all the supplies. You two, just get yourself some rest,” said Andrew.
“Can do,” Jessica said.
Zach said, “Fine.”
I’m so bored. I hate my damn life. Why couldn’t the damn construction workers not be so stupid? They're dead at least. I just wish that the world would be the same. It was good; I loved it. All my friends and family are now Monstrosities, and they want to kill me! My dog is a Mutanimal. I don’t want to bomb him; I hope he is a survivor. Maybe we can make him normal again.
For about an hour, Andrew was gone. Zach was lying down, and Jessica was just thinking about what would happen after the bombing.
Soon, Andrew got home. He put 10 high powered grenades in a bunch on the table. Also, he was holding 1 sniper for him, 1 machine gun for Jessica, and 1 small automatic pistol for Zach -- he couldn’t put Zach in the hands of a machine gun.
By then, it was 10 o’clock, and the family needed to wake up early tomorrow to get everything ready for the attack. They would have to put fuel in the 30987A Jet, put everything in it, and add the non-detectable feature to the jet -- this made the 30987A Jet undetectable through radar, such as a Stealth Bomber. One great trait about this aircraft is that it can reach speeds of up to 7,000 potos per meca, which is about 9,673 miles per hour. Above all that getting ready, the family also needed to get ready, so Zach and Jessica went to sleep, but Andrew stayed up planning the perfect attack.
12 hours later, Zach and Jessica woke up, but Andrew had been up for hours.
“Yahhhh,” Zach yawned.
“Hey, Zach. Where is dad?” asked Jessica.
“In the kitchen.”
“Ok. Get ready, and then meet be in the kitchen, and we’ll all start to load the plane.”    “Can do.”
Zach was feeling confident and was ready to bomb the Kans. He  walked up to his dresser and picked up a necklace. It was made of string. Just ordinary black string. At the end of it, it had a small sort of frame. In it, was him and his mom. Zach put in on. He must have been wearing it to remember his mother. Zach went into the bathroom. He put on camouflage cargo shorts, a black v-neck, white socks, black hover-sneakers, and his special edition hologram A16093 watch. The watch was given to him from Marta.
Zach brushed his teeth, did his hair, and walked out to the kitchen. Jessica and Andrew were waiting there for him. By now, it was 11 o’clock.
Andrew ordered, “Jessica, grab all the equipment except the grenades, I’ll take those. Zach grabbed the undetectable feature. After that, you guys meet me outside, on the runway.”
“Alright,” Jessica and Zach both said.
Jessica grabbed the sniper, machine gun, and the automatic pistol for Zach. Zach went to the drawer under the utensils and grabbed the undetectable radar feature. It sort of looked like a walkie-talkie. It was gray and it had an antenna.
“Come on Zach, let’s go to the runway,” said Jessica.
Zach and Jessica went outside and went up a rocky hill, hence the name of the mountain range, to where the runway was. Andrew was standing next to a medium sized army looking jet. It had a black window in the front, and it was actually self-flying. Jessica and Zach went up to the 30987A Jet.
“Dad, where should I put this,” said Zach.
“Just step on the latter, and stick it in the little indent in the jet. Then to lock it, say ‘lock’.”
Zach did what his dad had told him. He climbed up the latter, and like Andrew had said, there was an indent. Zach put the feature in the indent and said “lock”.
Andrew ordered, “Jessica, put the guns on the back seat next to the grenades but not on top of them.”
“Can do.”
“Alright guys, we leave in about 30 minutes…just do whatever ‘till then.”

30 minutes passed and Zach, Jessica, and Andrew were all outside by the plane getting ready to leave.
“Ready guys?” asked Andrew.
“Yup,” said Jessica.
“I guess. Better late than never,” Zach said sadly.
“Alright. Head in,” Andrew said.
Zach and Jessica went in the back, and Andrew followed.
Andrew informed, “I’ll tell you guys when we are ready to bomb. Lay down. After all, I’m not even flying.”
Zach and Jessica were lying down, and Andrew was just pacing back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
A few minutes passed, and the 30987A Jet was in the clouds, hovering over San Francisco.  “Guys, it’s time.”
“Yes,” Jessica said.
“Alright. Let’s do this. For mom!!!” said Zach.
“Everyone, grab one high powered grenade. The guns were just in case something happened.”
The family was in a circle near the middle of the jet. Suddenly, a 2-foot by 2-foot door just opened downward out of nowhere. This was the path for the grenades to go.
Wow! This….place. It was destroyed, but what everyone was doing was amazing. There were just these three types of people fighting. The Mutanimals were pretty nasty. The aliens were also kind of awkward, but the Monstrosities…they just looked like ordinary humans. Of course, they had metals arms or legs, but they looked like people.
“Alright, everyone. Drop!”
Zach, Jessica, and Andrew all dropped their grenades. A few seconds later the bang came. “Boom!” All the grenades hit at the same time, but in different places. The Kans didn’t even notice us; they were very surprised.
A few minutes passed, and no gunshots or anything was heard from the “people”, or whatever was left down below.
Oh my God. I can’t believe I just contributed to that. It, it’s okay. It was for mom! It is a little hard to see because of the giant smoke cloud. You can guess what that reminded me of. The family was getting ready to jet to Washington D.C., and it was okay that they couldn’t see down below because they already had many cameras both there and in D.C.
“O…”, Andrew hesitated, “okay guys. Great job! Now, let’s take this 30987A Jet to D.C., and finish the job.”
Jessica said, “Okay.”
“Fine,” Zach said.
The family started flying to Washington D.C. for the second and last attack.
About an hour passed when the family started getting ready to bomb The MuPlants and The Machines.
“Alright, guys. Now, these guys are tougher. Everyone take 2 high powered grenades. That’ll do it.”
“Okay,” Zach said.
“Can do,” said Jessica.
Everyone except Andrew picked up 2 grenades; he picked up 3. The little door opened.
Wow, and I thought the other Kans were cool! The MuPlants are like beasts. They even have mouths! And The Machines, wow! They are like robots. I’ve never actually seen robots like these because the robots in the world have always lived in Washington D.C., even before the war.
“3, 2, 1, DROP!” Andrew ordered.
Everyone dropped their bombs.
The city exploded underneath them and once again, a cloud of smoke ascended.
“Nice job guys! Let’s head home and check the cameras.”
What the heck? What are we going to do? We just destroyed almost everyone else in the world, and dad seems so confident. Is it only going to be us left?
Zach said, “Wait a minute. What in the damn world are we gonna do? The world cannot be three people along with some damn…rebels.”
The plane went top speed and got home in a second.
The family started getting out with the guns.
“Okay, guys. That is what we have to talk about. We basically have two options -- the world can be just us -- or we can create people using science. So which one do you guys want?” Andrew said.
“I vote people,” said Jessica.
Zach claimed, “Just us…”
Andrew interrupted, “Me too. What if this all happens again? What if when we created people, they found out what had happened, and then they fight for whatever Kan they think they are a part of? We just can’t take those risks. Sorry Jessica, but it’s true.”
“Your right.”
“It’s settled then,” said Andrew. “Anyway, let’s check the security cameras. San Francisco first.” The family started checking the cameras around San Francisco. “Alright, it seems there are about 7 fully alive Monstrosities, but no Mutanimals, nor any aliens. Now you can see on the Washington D.C. cameras that since we used more grenades, everything is dead.”
“That’s pretty good,” Zach and Jessica both said.
“Yes, yes it is. Now, enjoy life, but remember, they are out there, so keep a gun on you at all times. Oh, one more thing. We can travel around the world if you’d like,”
“I’ll think about and I will also make sure I stay safe,” said Jessica.
Zach said, “Same.”
“Okay. Go have fun.”
Jessica went to go sleep, same with Andrew although it was only about 5 o’clock. Zach decided to go outside.
Time to start a new life. It’s only dad, Jessica, and I.
Quicky, gunshots fired, followed by a huge explosion. What the heck? Suddenly, a giant black smoke cloud ascended over the horizon. It was the rebels, and they had exploded The Supplies Store using the high powered grenades or some sort of bomb.
Zach now knew that this war could never come to an end. The rebels…were after him and his family.










The author's comments:

My love for Sci-Fi made me write this piece. I believe that science fiction is a very interesting genre. 

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