Aftermath | Teen Ink


April 12, 2016
By Anonymous

I feel the sweet taste of lemonade on my lips as I slurp the cup empty. It’s a beautiful, sunny day in June with my dog, Brock, on my side, and myself looking forward to Raph’s party coming up later that afternoon. Only Leo, Brock and I got invited, so the four of us will be going to John’s best rides in the galaxy! Meanwhile, Brock and I are staring at the bright sun and laying on the warm, green grass. I see Brock starting to fidget and wants to go on his walk.

Immediately, I walk inside to get his leash with one thought in my mind: Where is that leash? I search all the expected places like behind the couch and under my bed. I start to get angry at myself for losing it, so I look in the weirdest places. I start to come to the bomb shelter and realize, it can’t hurt to look in there. As I descend down the stairs I see all the food and water crammed into the corner and surprisingly find the leash. That's odd. I’m about to climb the stairs, but all of a sudden I come crashing down with a thud. THIS IS THE END! I shove whatever was on me off and kick it, only to realize it’s my dog. Why is he here? I ask myself, soon being  cut off by the sound of the radio going off in an alarming voice, “BEWARE, BEWARE, the infected are moving east and will be arriving at the Capitol Building in 2 hours… Remember Mission S”, following with the sound of a nuclear bomb alert. That's when I realize… It's still the apocalypse.
U.S- 2434
The sound of a gun going off rips through my ears as if I were right next to a group of sports fans cheering their team on, listening to it go off, with no protection. The sound of an ear-splitting “BANG” carries throughout the hall. In less than a second, I hear another six go off with similar blaring effect. Immediately I’m runin’ past my friends to the door to avoid an attack.
When out the door, I turn around to help my friends only to find an unreal amount of Infected by the doorway. This time I fire a gun of my own a few times, sadly missing a bullet. Darn, I thought to myself. How could I have missed that shot? Less ammo, less chance of survival, I constantly remind myself while I enter the outdoors. After a few more seconds of drilling the thought of survival in my noodles, I realize something. I wasn’t the only one trying to survive… immediately, I calm down by the sound of more gunshots and the sight of my friends. That was a close one. Raph was a little scratched up, but luckily no one else was harmed.
“So,” Leo started, “Beautiful weather we're having”.
“Yes, my good sir,” Raph replied in a sarcastic voice, “Don’t you love it when all hell breaks loose”
“My favorite”, Leo started to remember, “Usually we stay inside and play games, but now we get to play in the--”
“STOP! We should probably get inside anyway” I reminded the team with a disturbed face. Their faces are in sheer confusion, and I think I just shut them up. 

By the time we got to the warehouse it was almost 15 o’clock. It is still sunny out, but it's starting to get dark. We walked cautiously towards the back and unlocked the door. They don’t keep the infected out but we must try! After opening the door I decided to walk in first with confidence. Usually, the first person to walk in in was in danger because of surprise attacks, but I had a feeling that told me it was fine. Although it looks odd, nobody is actually here. What a relief, I think to myself in pleasure. That could have ended poorly. Despite the slight thrill of opening doors, we finally decided to sit down and examine our rations.
“I got 6 bullets...” Raph started to say.
“7”, Leo corrected.
“Bonus!”, Raphael exclaimed.
Grrrrrrrr…, Brock adds.
Why is Brock acting up? Meanwhile, I could see Leo and Raph arguing about how to count:
“You start at zero you moronic twit!”
“NO, it goes 1, 2, 3, 4… Haven’t you ever gone to school?”
“Of course not! None of us have because of this fubbed up world!” said Raph as he walked away in tears.
“Dang,” exclaimed Leo after a few minutes of silence.
“That‘s the first time I’ve ever even seen Raph like that,” I recall with a face filled to the brim with confusion, “He usually can take that stuff or, at least hide it.”
“I think I’ll go talk to him,” said Leo with a heroic smirk.
“Good for you”, I reply. As Leo walks away to find Raph, I began to try to calm Brock. He keeps barking and is getting on my nerves. He would probably end up ruining our cover. During my “ruff” time, I suddenly heard something in a very faint and familiar voice, “Help...” I didn’t hear the rest. Immediately I sprinted towards my friends. Luckily, as I’m running, I can see Raph coming towards me. But wait…where in the world is Leo? As I get closer to Raph though I see some tears going down his face. “What happened?” I shout.
“He’s… He’s gone,” Raph sobbs.
“WHAT!?” I question in disbelief.
“Yeah… h-he saved me,” Raph mumbles, “ W-we h-have to g-go… NOW.” And with that, we both start sprinting to the door, but as soon as we run a few feet the infected are in sight.
“Ok,” I whispered in a super sneaky mood, “Let’s go around the corner, wait a bit ‘till we got an opening, then sprint out… Kapesh”
“Kapesh,” Raph responded in a low tone. Soon enough I saw the Infected start to move away and make an escape path.
“Alright… Let's go,” I demand.
“Ok,” Raph weakly replies.
Soon enough we swiftly move past our hiding spot and out the door. I keep running only to realize were out.
“Hey!” Raph alerts, “Stop, you're goin’ too far.”
“Ohhh…oops,” I oddly reply, “Let’s do something to get that off my mind… maybe we can go get some supplies.”
“Great idea, let’s go,” Raph said in an attempt to cheer me up.

Both of us walked in the store with a small agenda on our minds: GET SUPPLIES. At first this seems easy, but of course not. As soon as we get inside there is a herd of people in there with the same idea as us, but there is only a few items left. Immediately both of us sprint towards the food aisle with high hopes until we see a man with a gun. “Ok,” I started, “Let's go somewhere else--”
“HEY!” Screamed the mystery man, “Come over here you varmints!” After that exchange, the both of us ran like the wind to another aisle while pushing people aside.
“Watch where you're goin’ you crazy kids!” Replied one woman or whatever that mishaped thing was. Meanwhile the man behind us wanted a chase, meaning one thing… RUN FASTER! As we sprinted through the aisle Raph decided to pick up some materials.
“Great idea, Raph,” I said in a somewhat hopeful voice. At least we get something out of this.
“Yeah, just grab as much as you can!” shouted Raph as we kept running. Soon the aisle is in sight and the man is still chasing us.
“Turn the corner sharp and hide!” I exclaimed. Immediately we made a hard turn and hide behind the bread. “I think we lost him,” I hopefully whispered.
After a while of silence, the man finally spoke up, “There you are!” Followed by the sound of a gunshot. After this I realized something, Brock isn’t here! He killed Brock! Before this thought reached my head, I already found myself pulling out a gun and turning the corner.
“How dare you!” I screamed while shooting him in the foot. I decided to follow this up with plenty of curses and much more shots in non-important areas. It took nine shots to actually kill him. Nine bullets! Think about it… nine. Just like, nine. I mean like nine.
“Did you actually use nine bullets…Just like, why?” Raph questioned with anger, but a little bit of satisfaction.
“BECAUSE HE DESERVED IT,” I exclaimed while depressed, “Every little piece of lead that PENETRATED his sinful body.”

Eventually we get some more supplies and head out, still on our toes. While outside we realize that it's already dark and should get in. It's probably 20 o’clock and the infected come out at 21 o’clock. While we decide where to go and what's safe, there’s a sound.
    “What in the world was that!?” Raph questioned in pure horror.
    “Alright, let's go… now!” I shouted after hearing that awkward sound again. It might be a crazy magician or something, but I know one thing, I ain’t gettin’ anywhere near that guy. He gives me the creeps.

When we finally get to the nearest empty warehouse I put my supplies on the ground to examine.
“This isn't good,” I told Raph, “We got very little supplies and probably enough for only one person… But that's not going to happen, right?” Raph replies with a fake smile. We’re probably thinking the same thing…I need to survive.
“So…” Raph started in a suspicious voice, “Let’s go-- RUN!” Immediately he sprinted away, but this time, with me on his tail and not that crazy goose I shot.
“Where you going, friend?” I shouted in a devilish way, “You can run, but can’t hide… come out come out wherever you are.” Eventually I see my little friend or shadow of a friend move into a room. Trapped, I think to myself while embracing the survival genes oozing through my blood.
More time elapses, then, I hear a creak.
“Alright! That’s it,” I exclaimed while firing my lethal weapon. Following this is a faint gasp and my thoughts of victory. I decide to check behind the hollow crate I shot through only to see a boy in pain, “I’m finishing the job, any last words?”
“Please spare me… Please,” Raph weakly said with little hope.
“I don’t know…” I mumbled while glancing back, but when I look back, Raph is reaching for his gun, “NO!” I screamed while piercing his skull with a bullet. I start to look away, why did I do this? “Oh yeah, survival of the fittest… Sorry, but it had to be done,” I said to myself out loud.
I finally get to the grounds of Mission S when I start to hear some growling and grunting. Is that what I think it is? Yup, the entire landing area is filled with infected. “SHAT!” I yelled. I’ve gotten this far, so I guess I’d better try. “Yeah you heard me you growling mutants! Come and get me!” I may not get out of this alive, but I can go out in style. Think of this, a football field crowded with crippled murders. That’s what I’m against out here. It may sound impossible, but it could be fun to just mow them down and try to survive. That’s when I take action. Immediately I pulled out my pistol and got to work. Blood erupted from the crowd and I think one actually ran away.
Eventually, I made a pathway fifteen feet away from the doohickey that could save me. YES, my mind cried, I CAN DO IT. The thought was still in my head when they blocked off the exit. “AGAIN,” I shouted to my adoring fans, “I’ma blow your heads off now!” At that moment, I use the last reserves of my energy. Turning in circles and firing my bullets at one-thousand per second. Time went on and on as if it has been a million years, but they started getting closer and I was running out of ammo. DARNIT, how many are there? Apparently an infinite amount cause this isn’t ending anytime soon.
Only got 7 bullets left. “Timeout!” They surprisingly all stopped. “Alright let's... fire some more bullets!” I exclaimed while shooting all but one bullet. This one has a special purpose for me. I fired it straight up at the ship above me in succession with the other metal projectiles to start Mission Savior. The monsters were immediately upon me knowing I wasted all my ammo, but at the same time, there was a sound barrier exceeding noise and a flashing light with the power of the sun. Darn, I really need a nice, cold and stress relieving glass of lemonade.

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