The Tall Ones | Teen Ink

The Tall Ones

April 25, 2016
By Anonymous

Todd wakes up every morning. He goes down his stairs, opens his door to find an amount of ingredients with a prepared recipe to a morning meal. It is cooked and ate. It is now eleven thirty AM exactly. At this point Todd will leave his home and walks down an already created path under a solid sky to a previously designated bench overlooking a previously designated view. This is when a already cooked meal is brought down from the sky at twelve forty. It is eaten in exactly twenty minutes and Todd shall then deliver his food to a building along with the other inhabitants of this boxed city. The sky shall open and he will walk the 3 hour walk home and return to his home where he will receive the ingredients and the recipe to his evening meal. It will be cooked and eaten and Todd will go to sleep.

This is everyday for Todd. These exact steps are followed at the exact time every predetermined day of Todd’s predetermined life. He had never questioned it as it was all he ever had, along with all the other citizens. Todd was now 31 years, and he had woken up in his bed one morning as he always did. He got out of his room and after his morning meal set out for his lake spot. As he sat down there was an sound. A strange sound that Todd immediately associated with agony and misery; feelings he had never felt but had in him. At first Todd could not comprehend it, something different had occurred. Soon the feeling hit him. It was a feeling of fear but good at the same time. Todd had never felt regular fear let alone this strange concept of an emotion. He heard it once more 4 times and the feeling ran through him again. It made him wonder and, think and, question, and so Todd did the thing he never had done before he stood up when he usually didn't and he saw his lunch fly down beside him. He ignored it and ran through the perfect green grass turning it a natural brown.


After passing multiple others Todd arrived at the end of the cube its menacing black wall staring at him. He walked along the wall until finding a door. He attempted to open it but it did not budge unlike any door he had attempted to open had. Anger coursed through Todd and struck the door with his foot again and again until he heard a crack and as he tried once more to open it the door creaked open and the most light Todd had ever experienced blasted into his eyes and he was blinded for a moment. His eyes opened slowly and he stepped out.

Todd was on a flat white floor. As he looked behind him, he could see the cube where he had resided almost his entire life. The noise was gone but he was curious now and he had to journey forward  and soon he could see many other cubes identical to own. The same size same color same shape. But soon he could see other smaller red cubes with strange symbols across them. This is where he heard the strange sound of agony again. He saw another door leading into it. As he approached it he saw another door with more symbols on it. As he grabbed the handle of the door a burning, searing pain ripped through his body. His hand shook for a moment and then he fell laying there in pain. He slowly turned over on his back letting out a groan of pain and slowly stood.  After silently regaining his strength he stood and after a quick consideration of standing once more he walked away. As he walked away he believed he could see something in the distance. He ran to it, steadily growing momentum, until finding his way at the bottom of the steps. He stood there for about twenty minutes thinking and thinking about what to do. Should he climb the steps and find out once and for all what and why he was. Or should he return to his cube and live the rest of his life there in peace and beautiful ignorance. But ignorance was not an option at this point. He had seen, he had heard he knew enough to no longer be in ignorance if he returned. No ignorance was not an option. So slowly and steadily Todd climbed the steps. The steps were perfect white, not so different from the perfect green of the grass, and the perfect black of the walls, and though he was feeling brave the feeling wasn't so different from the nice-fear of his lake trip, or the anger that got him through the door or the curiosity that drove him further. So he climbed, and climbed, and climbed. It felt as if Todd had been climbing for ages and ages until he finally climbed the last step. It was a  circle with a glass floor. A floor that Todd was not ready to look at, and in front of him, there were all the cubes.
“Why I can almost see mine…” Todd whispered to himself. He stood there looking in awe at the mess of cubes; one of which he had previously called home. This is when Todd looked down. He was in a even stronger awe now as he looked at…it. It was a large group of very tall buildings. They were decimated and destroyed yet still inspiring. There was an old looking grand bridge that ran across a vast river of water yet fell in the center having water flow through it. Todd stepped back in his surprise and fell to a door which opened as he neared. He was now in a room.  The room was dim yet glowed with some green liquid flowing through pipes on the side and out of the shadows two figures stepped out of the shadows. These creatures were very tall at about ten feet and a dark orange. They were skiny to the point where you could see their ribs and had dark black soulless looking eyes with tentacles in the place of their mouths. Though they were bipedal they did not look human in the least. The Tall Ones stood there staring at him, looking into his eyes as well. Neither said a word and Todd didn't say a word to them. It was piercing, terrifying silence. Finally one Tall One turned to the other and let out a mess of jumbled assorted inhuman sounds. Todd could not understand what it was saying but if he could he would know that it was saying “It got out…” Now both Tall Ones turned to him and stared at him again. Finally to Todd’s surprise one began speaking in English. “Why are you out of your enclosure?” The Tall One asked him Todd drew a blank. The other Tall One turned to him and let out more sounds which was roughly “Don't try to talk to it, It’s an animal. They can’t think like us” Todd remained silent. One Tall One turned to him speaking in a cooing baby voice.  “Come on you have to return to your enclosure or else the guests will be worried and unhappy!” Todd finally spoke “No… I can’t… I won-” The other Tall One cut him off while saying “Put him in the help cube” the Tall one approached him pulling out a remote like device. It pointed it in Todd's direction and pressed it. Suddenly Todd's head pounded and after a few moments Todd slid out of consciousness and fell to the floor.


Todd’s eyes opened and his thoughts immediately turned into a rambling panic. He realized he was in a red cube and as he went to yell for help he suddenly realized that he couldn't as a painful sound came out. He was making was the very same sound that he had heard. The same sound that started it all. He tried to yell for help, yell a warning and tell the rest what was happening. But all that came out was the sound. Again and again.


Outside the red cube round platforms flew around with hundreds of Tall Ones. The ceilings of the cubes slowly opened as the Tall Ones stared in awe. Suddenly the sound of the strange language ran through the array of boxes spoken by one of the very same Tall ones Todd had met before. The sound if brought to our lower language level would be heard as, “Here... see the strange creatures of earth in the orion zoo!”

The author's comments:

Space has always interested me and ever since I was very young I always thought about what else could be out there in the almost endless void. I also love to write and am thinking about trying to become a writer, so here is one of my first full short stories I've written.

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