Aliens come to town | Teen Ink

Aliens come to town

April 29, 2016
By theonlyines BRONZE, Haltom City, Texas
theonlyines BRONZE, Haltom City, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  The aliens roamed across the field. Their naked bodies exposed for small children to see. Did they not have no shame? I got my phone ready to get a better look at the creatures. I wondered how they thought or lived.

As I began to get closer, a strong scent/smell filled my nose that smelled like rotting meat. Covering my face with my jacket as I tried  to take a step there was something stuck to my foot. Looking down I see green slimy goo,and next thing I know I’m slowly drifting away. What was happening to me? Did those aliens do those? Running back to my house I slip and fall and then I’m out.

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