ET's Return | Teen Ink

ET's Return

May 13, 2016
By KaceyM BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
KaceyM BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A family is out at a dog park but what happens in an hour will change everyone's life. There dog spot starts whining because it is getting darker so the two brothers Logan and Carl start to calm him.  Fritz their dad is helping to while mary the mom is making some lunch. The family wonders why it is getting darker at noon as they look up confused they see a bright light. After the light disappears there is a huge ship with smaller ships flying off of it. The family knows it can’t be good so they get into there car and drive home.

Fritz says “What the heck is happening our day starts off great and the weather goes down hill and gets dark what the heck”

Logan says “Dad it’s fine we can go have some family time at home”

Carl says “ Dad, Mom, what's that thing near our house”

They see weird creatures walking around and there house and coming out of ships. Their neighbors and friends dead, laying on the ground. The youngest brother starts screaming and freaking out. The aliens hear and slowly walk towards them. The family hides and muzzles spot so he doesn't bark.

Logan whispers “ Dad what was that i'm so scared”

Fritz answers “ I don’t know but it's something not from this planet”

The family hideout for a few days until they do not hear any sounds of the unwanted creatures. They started to run low on food and water which was a bad thing but there was a store that was only a 10 minute walk away. Fritz the dad and Logan decide to walk to the store to try and get supplies. Fritz grabs a gun and hands it to Logan and grabs another for himself and they leave to the store.

Logan says “ Dad what am I supposed to use the gun for”

Fritz replies “ Use it if we get in trouble”

They continue down the road and they hear a sound. An alien jumps out the bush asking for help, but fritz and logan didn't know he was friendly. They shot him in the hand afraid of him because he is not a human.

The alien says “ NOOO please help i'm friendly I won't hurt you”

Logan hides behind Fritz scared to death.
Fritz says “ what's your name if your frendly and why should we help you if your kind is taking over our homes”

The alien says “ My name is ET if you help me I will tell you how to stop this invasion and get your earth back”

Fritz says “ Ok but first we need to stop at a store to get supplies for my family”

Logan, Fritz and ET go to the store with no further problems and get back safe. Mary and Carl freak and start running around in panic because they saw ET.


Logan says “ Mom it's ok he is friendly if we help him he will help us get rid of the aliens”

ET starts to explain how to get rid of the mother ship he says “ First we will need some sort of explosives and we need to strap it to each of the legs, I will take the rest into the ship because I am one of them they won't expect anything”

Fritz answers “ Won’t they wonder why you were gone alone for so long?”

Et replies “ That's why you are gonna shoot my arm”

The family grabs propane tanks and gas from threw out the neighborhood. They glue and paint grass and leaves to make them look like land. After they get all the supplies they get into two cars one to distract the aliens and one to take the bomb to the ship.

Carl says “ Dad who will drive that other car as a distraction”

Fritz answers “ Son I will and i'll need you, mom and logan to go take the bomb to the ship”

Logan, Carl and Mary all say “ No we need you we won’t know what to do”

ET says “ I will show and help you guys do it, Fritz you are very brave for doing this”

The family get two cars one that is super bright colored for Fritz and a dark green car. The family loads the bombs into the cars and kiss each other goodbye. Carl starts crying then Logan starts to cry to, they don’t want their dad to do it.

The brothers say “Dad it's too dangerous we can’t live our lives without you”

Fritz says “ I promise I will try to come back to you after we are done and we can live our normal lives like we used to”

Mary runs and hugs and kisses her husband knowing that he might not come back and there life will change after this day. Logan grabs a gun and gets into the car with his mom, little brother and ET and drive away. Fritz gets into his car with tears dripping down his face grabs his gun and drives off. The ships flying around see Fritz and start shooting at him and chase him down. The family starts planting the bombs.

ET says “ I have a small bomb that has the same explosion as hydrogen bomb I will use it for the inside of the ship”

Logan pulls a gun out and shoots ET’s arm so he can get back on the ship.
The aliens come and help ET and believe he is stranded and alone. The family runs and explodes the legs one by one. The ship starts falling and ET pulls his bomb out plants it and gets in a ship and flies away. As he flies away he detonates the bomb causing the whole ship to explode from the inside out cause 90 percent of the aliens on earth to die. The rest were killed by the survivors and life sorta went back to normal. The family lived but never found Fritz body. ET had help build a new ship from the government to go back home.
The aliens failed on taking over earth and ended up DEAD LOL karma.

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