The Long Road Ahead | Teen Ink

The Long Road Ahead

May 14, 2016
By Bobables BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Bobables BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  This is a halfway changed story based on TellTale Games’, The Walking Dead Series. Again, this isn’t 100% my story, all I’ve done is taken the names, made some up, and revised/edited most of the story into my own.
“Come on Clem” Kenny said as they left the 6th empty/scavenged apartment. “I’m coming, but I thought I saw… There! A can of beans.” “Where?” Ryan asked. “It’s under the bed, come look and see… It looks new-ish.” Clementine explained “Let me- wow! There they are! -picks up the can- blah blah blah… the expiration date is in 2 days! Nice find Clem!” Ryan said. “You guys never seem to look very hard. But it wasn’t a problem.” They had been 398 days, (August 17th, 2026) into the outbreak when they found Ryan. This is now the 486th day. People are getting to know what happens, and how the zombies work. They have been in 2 other groups, but they didn’t seem to work out. So the three were basically a family, and they knew each other very well. As you’d expect, there have been countless close calls for them, but they know well how to survive. Just 4 weeks ago, someone they had known for about 2 months got shot while trying to protect Clementine. He died 2 hours after, and shook the group.  They lost some supplies out of their backpacks while escaping that area, and they are finally getting back some things, and feeling better.
  Chapter 1 - Kenny

Clem had been with a man named Luke before she met Kenny. They fell into some trouble and had stumbled across Kenny, with his brother, wife, and son. Kenny wasn’t too friendly, but he was definitely not a bad guy. After about a week or two at the camp, Kenny had really warmed up to Luke and Clem. But for basically the first time, it being only 74 days in at the time, disaster struck. While Kenny’s son, Duck, was riding the rest of the gas out of a traktor, he fell off, out of the fence and into a crowd of zombies. Kenny and his wife Katjaa ran as fast as they could, but he was already bit. They saved him, but the fever had set in, and he wasn’t talking. After Duck’s death Katjaa couldn’t take it, and she died too. Kenny, about 3 weeks later had gotten caught in a building, and was trapped in a corner. Everyone thought he had died, and shortly after all of these things happened, Clementine was on her own. Day 174, Clementine, with her own different group, had been caught up at a huge ski lodge, and found Kenny again! They now were all grouped up, but problems arrived.

  Chapter 2 - Can’t Feel Too Safe.

“It’s so great to have you back Clem!” Kenny explained. “I thought you were dead all of this time…” Clem said. “I am. This is all a dream!” Clementine looked surprised.  “Hahaha… Bad Joke.” 2 hours later, they see some flashlights coming close to the lodge, but no one expects trouble, until Pete, Luke’s uncle had gotten suddenly shot. Ryan, Clementine, Luke, and Sarita, Kenny’s girlfriend, had been upstairs getting sleeping bags, etc. While Kenny had went to check the wind turbine, in which was supplying the lodge with power. An old foe of Luke, and Pete had come for them and the group. “Luke, I know you’re here somewhere! You want to escape, fine. But don’t expect me to throw away the fact that you killed our people, and stole our food. Now you better come out from hiding, or these people start getting punished, for your actions. I hate to do this, but you’ve left me no choice…” “Bring him over” Carver points to Walter, Kenny’s friend who found and restored the lodge. “This man is going to have another broken finger, for each minute that you hide from me. And once I get to ten, he won’t have a head anymore, either. One.” He continues to break a finger… “Two-” Kenny shoots his rifle through the window and hits one of Carver’s people. Carver kills Walter. “That was for our man. I suggest you surrender now, as I can do this all night, and your people are tied up.” Kenny stops firing and surrenders. Now, Luke steps out and is tied up. “Now it’s time for you to take a trip down memory lane…”

Chapter 3 - Stuck, but Not for Long.

After arriving to the camp, they are introduced to a man they Call X. X introduces them to their surroundings, their rules, and their consequences. X says, “Get some rest, we got some jobs for you tomorrow…” He leaves. James walks up and says,”Hey guys! What brought you here? And what are your names.” “I’m Kenny, this here’s Clementine, and Sarita.” “Hey James…” Luke shrugs and says in a sad, quiet matter. “Luke? Never thought I’d see you again… How’s it, uh, going?” James says friendly but awkwardly. “They killed Pete, and they also killed Kenny’s friend. Walter, I think.” “What? What happened?” James asked. “They didn’t even get in the door before shooting Pete. And Walter was getting his finger broken while I hid… Kenny tried to help, but that only got Walt killed, so we both surrendered and now, well, we’re here.
They had a fire going for a while, and Kenny was the last one asleep. He was already thinking about ways to escape what looks like a jail.
“Get up” Charles went around kicking people to wake them up. “We got work to keep y’all busy. Don’t get too comfortable.” Charles said. “Little girl, come here. You’re going to work on the garden upstairs.” “And me.., Right? Someone’s gotta keep her out of trouble.” Kenny nudged. Charles gave a dirty look. “Fine, hurry up... First impressions can be key to your trust, and we need that around here, because without trust you won’t go far at all. And it might come to bite you later.”


Chapter 4 - The Plan

“Alright, So here’s what you guys will be doing. You see these plants? You’re going to be cutting all of the dead branches off and stack them neatly for composting. If I see any healthy branches cut, or dead branches left, there are consequences. I told you how to do it now, so don’t let me down. I’ll be back in about an hour.” “Got it.” Kenny assured Charles. Charles left, and they both picked up the clippers, and began. “Got any ideas on how we’re going to get out of this hell hole?” Kenny asked Clementine. “ No, but I’m with you on escaping, Kenny. It’s like James likes this place, and Luke gave up.” “Exactly Clem, how is it that you’re basically the only person who gets what needs to happen, and that it needs to happen soon?” “I don’t know, but we can brainstorm, because this place is worse than jail. Except I never went to jail.”
Charles barges in. “How’s it going? I see that you both listened, and there’s only one dead branch. I’ll excuse it for your first day.
They get down to the yard, and Luke is fighting with X. “I asked you for more nails, and YOU didn’t give me more.” Luke argued. “Maybe because you didn’t need more nails. You were the only person who didn’t finish your work.” X yelled. “Hey, hey. Stop fighting or both of you are getting kicked out into the herd.” Charles threatened them. “This was the first day, and I can say that it went relatively well, considering some things. Get ready to do more tomorrow, and dinner is on it’s way. You’re welcome.”
After they left, they talked about leaving. “Everyone, me and Clem here have been trying to figure out a way to get out of here. Anyone got a plan?” “There’s a halfway open gate in the back that they haven’t noticed, it would be an easy escape, but there’s another fence surrounding it, along with the horde. We would need a weapon to get past them.” James said surprisingly. “I thought you liked this place, I mean you’ve stayed here for at least a year!” Luke said, as James had told him that he liked the place before. “Nope, I’ve just gained their trust, while looking for a way out. Now i think that we’ve got ourselves a group. Let’s leave at midnight.”


  Chapter 5 - Escape

“Clem. Get up, it’s time to leave” Kenny whispered, They’d been up getting things ready to go, and making sure that the guards weren’t near. “HEY” yeled a guard as they walked up to the gate, and slipped through the gap. James was the last one down from the fence, and they found their way through the horde. BOOM. Ryan fell, as he had been shot, so Kenny picked him up over his shoulders, and ran. They ran and ran, took rights and lefts, and stumbled onto an empty road. They heard gunshots, but no bullet streams or bullets themselves. They started walking down the road. But they knew that they were in trouble.

Chapter 6 - The Road Ahead

Three days of walking and little sleep later, they stumbled across a store, but weren’t quite happy, because they thought that it would’ve been scavenged by then. “We’re running out of food as it is, so let’s try it out. Hopefully there’s something” James said. They went into the store, and surprisingly there was tons of food. It was too good to be true. They had waited for something like this forever. They talked about boarding up the next day, because the place looked near untouched. They filled up on food and fell asleep. They all slept long, The next day, Kenny woke up and saw 2 familiar looking people. They had all slept until around 3 o'clock. Kenny nudged for everyone to get up. They all tip toed to the back, only to see X and another guard trying to attack them… To be continued.

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