Fringe:The Asylum | Teen Ink

Fringe:The Asylum

May 18, 2016
By NecroAtrocity BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
NecroAtrocity BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hello there. You alive in there. Well of course you are. I mean if you weren’t I’d be dead. So yeah.
But still why aren’t you talking. Oh so I’m bothering you. I see how it is. Oh so now you wanna talk. I don’t know should I listen. Oh you wanna know where we are. Good question. Um well I’m in a strait jacket upside down with a mask on so I can’t bite anyone. Oh and I’m being dangled in the air by chains. So by good old fashioned reasoning I guess we would be in an asylum I mean it makes sense why. I can move around quickly. I don’t have wings so just hang me upside down and I can’t do anything. Yes I guess they have thought this through. Uh no I’ve only just woken up like you. I mean I guess I could try but they really stringed me up well. I can’t swing at all. How about we just wait and see if they make a mistake and we’ll act on that. I thought you would like that plan, glad you agree. Now what to do. Oh wait I hear somebody coming. You think it’s a doctor I do to. I mean we were unconscious. You know I don’t remember what we were doing before this either. Yes, we are still alive we are not dead. I don’t know why we can’t remember anything. Maybe we were bashed over the head really hard. Anyway. What yes we are still female. Don’t be ridiculous. Have you seen me. Of course I know I’m a-. Oh wait you can’t see you’re just my consciousness. Oh you want name. Hmm. I’ve never thought of naming you. Hmmm. Fine Devilheart. Devilheart that is your name. My name. Well you know my name don’t you. No you don’t. My name is Cringe. Cringe Hellacious. I feel like this is the first time we’ve ever had a decent conversation. You’re usually a jerk. Yeah I’m work-.”You know you are the most dangerous thing on this planet. Probably the most insane too.” The doctor spoke as if they had known each other for years.
“Who are you? Where am I?” Cringe said. 
“I am Glaciark a dragonic like you. A glacier dragonic unlike you.” He spoke this as if it was common knowledge. “Oh that’s right you are the newest creation only just made today. Well let me tell you what you are and how you came to be.” I don’t know what he’s talking about either. “Well you see this lab is dedicated to creating the most unique dragonics possible. And well let me just say you are the most unique specimen so far. You are an Arachna dragonic. An ancient breed of dragonic the most powerful and deadly too. But unfortunately the most insane bread of dragonic. We believe looking at you this was how the original Arachna dragonics met their demise. But still you are about as new as it gets. Here let me take a look at the time. Ah yes you would be about 12 minutes old. Genetically engineered using the ways of the long dead D.S.J. to be specially unqiue as well as deadly. Yes you aren’t the only successful one there are others each ,like you, genetically engineered to be unique and special as well as deadly in every possible way. Now when it comes to your sanity. Like the arachna dragonics of old you are about as insane as they come. So we have you tied up like this until we can learn to trust you. Once we can trust you will be free to roam the facility as you please. Then later on even leave the facility only to return later when you find it necessary for you to return. Of course though we will still support you and treat you like family. I am just here to make sure you are doing well. Who knows maybe if you keep on behaving like this the maybe you will be let out of these bonds sooner than expected. So how does that sound.”
“So you can talk excellent. That’s all I was here for. Good day” Months go by of same routine same conversations with this Glaciark. Each one with some sort of improvement. “and that’s how your future armor will work all I’m doing is plugging in the bio-armor. So you can use the armor in a few years. Now this bio-armor though will grow with you as you get older.”
A zap goes off as Glaciark completes his work. “Ouch.”
“Still only using one word sentences if you can. You know, it makes it hard to have a real conversation with you. Makes my job twice as boring.”
Is he talking about us? He better not be talking about us. If he is I’ll rip his head open with my bare hands. Days go by Glaciark doesn’t come. By then she is released of her bonds and is allowed to freely roam her cell.
“I can tell you are think but think about what? Hmm.” Glaciark says.
“I have a question. Why are you giving me armor and means to defend myself if you don’t care whether I live or die.”
“There’s a simple answer to that they pay me to do this. So I do simple as that.”
“Why do they pay me.”
“Because they require my services.”
“Is that with all types of services?”
“Yes matter of fact. They even have bounty hunters whom people use their needs.”
“What is a bounty hunter?”
“A bounty hunter is someone who gets paid for killing targets of value to a client.”
I think this will be a good job for us once we get out of here, don’t you think. Glad you agree. We need out of here. Wait. But why. I guess we do need to find out more before we run out.
“What are you thinking about. I don’t like that look on your face.” Glaciark says fearfully.
“Oh nothing.” Cringe speaks in response.
“Well on to other matters. I now have permission to tell you about two other genetic experiments.”
“You have two identical siblings. They look exactly the same as you but have different personalities. They’re bio-armor even looks and acts the same.”
“What are they’re names.”
“Cryta and Mournra.”
“What is.”
“That I have identical siblings.”
“Didn’t think it would be that interesting.”
“It is. But you wouldn’t understand why.”
“I also have been granted permission to tell you about the bloodline your DNA comes from and any dragonic that is currently a living part of it. As well as your parents. Would you like to know?”

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