The New Ancient Beginning | Teen Ink

The New Ancient Beginning

May 20, 2016
By EmirethAvila BRONZE, Ausrin, Texas
EmirethAvila BRONZE, Ausrin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The New Ancient Beginning

Long ago a titan had a daughter who was known by the name Leto. Leto had a love affair with mighty god Zeus of Olympus. After sometime with Zeus , Leto found out she was expecting  children.While having this affair with Zeus , Hera had figured out what going between them she was tormented with jealousy.One time when Leto was going to visit Zeus, she walked by trying not to be noticed. At that moment Hera grabbed her by the hand and pushed her out of Olympus.
Safely Leto landed on island called Ortygia which her sister ruled.After being pushed onto an island Leto decided to start walking to find a safe place to stay in.For walking over mostly two hours Leto found a lady who was walking inside a cave and she asked the lady if she can stay with her.The lady said yes especially seeing that she was pregnant.After sometime of being with lady she told her that she was a witch and Leto also figured out that her friend was on the island too.So after hearing that her friend was also here Leto decided to go find her.
With luck Leto found her friend near a pond not that far from the cave.Leto asked her friend if she can tell more specific details of the prophecy she told her about.Her friend yes and told her mostly everything that had to with that prophecy.When her friend told Leto why she needed this information she just said that she wanted her children to be part of something great and that she needed her and the witch's help in order to accomplish this.Leto already planned this because she was already close to giving birth and that's what she exactly needed in order to begin.Leto told the witch in order to keep her children alive and young for a very long time she would need to create some sort of thing to keep the children inside until the right moment approaches them but the witch only agreed if Leto made a promise that she will keep to only her children with her for ten months after the spell has broken.
Three days had passed and Leto was even closer to giving birth. Every once and awhile the witch and her friend would check Leto just in case to make sure if she was ready.An hour had passed and Leto started getting contractions,so the witch and her friend got everything ready in order to be prepared.Leto kept following witche’s directions and by doing that the first baby came out.It was a girl,Leto was so happy to see that her children came well.But that wasn’t it the witch told her that there was another one.After some pushing the second baby came out and Leto was surprised to see that it was a boy.
Once the baby twin process was taken care of Leto went and laid down with her new born babies and that’s when she decided to name them. The first was the girl and she decided to name her Artemis.The second born was the boy who she named Apollo.A month later the witch began to start creating the spell that would keep the children young and alive for a long time.Leto wrapped the children in blankets and put them down on the floor where the witch would start the spell.The spell would create this sort of ball that would act just the same as if they were still in the mother’s womb.In minutes the spell touched the babies and started creating a gel like texture that would surround them and protect them.
The gel like thing started getting hard from the outside like glass but still soft like gel in the inside.Now that the babies were secured all that was left to do know was wait and let the years pass on by.With time everything started changing the cave was still there no matter what because it was protected by magic.As time passed Leto’s friend would leave in order to know what has happening to the world and making sure that nothing bad would change the prophecy.Time was getting closer and Leto kept getting more nervous.She kept wondering if what she was going to do was right and if it would really help her children.Leto would think of  great things her children would so she wouldnt worry as much.
Time just kept on going and going getting closer every minute.During this moment Leto had a lot of time to plan what she would do with her children.She thought of leaving her children with some friends but she didn’t know if they survived  the wars that had happened there.So Leto kept thinking and preparing herself to where to put her children when the time approaches them.Leto would count every decade or century that would pass.The days would go by so fast for her it was 1600’s then the 1700’s next 1800’s and finally 1900’s.As the 1990 came Leto and the witch prepared themselves to the day where the witch would break the spell.It was the year 1997 that’s when they have decided to break the spell and take the children out.
The witch grabbed the ball where the children are in and placed them on top of blankets and pillows.When the witch was saying the spell to take the children out the ball it started to melt.The ball kept melting and Leto got happier every inch the ball melted because she would finally get to be with her children after all this time of waiting.Finally when the ball was gone and her children were only left of the spell they began to cry.As Leto promised she only took care of her children for ten months.The children kept growing and Leto would love every moment, she would sing,play,and do anything a mother would do with her children.Months kept going by getting closer and closer until it was time.When the day aproached them they waited until midnight to let the children go.
Finally it was night only two more hours till midnight.At this very moment the witch started doing a spell that would make portal that would send Leto and her friend to the rightful place they would leave the children.Evey minute was worth getting the children safe and to the other side.When the portal was finally made Leto carried Artemis and her friend carried Apollo.As they went through the portal they went over what they were going to do.Once they got there Leto and her friend split up.Leto left Artemis in one orphange her friend left Apollo in an orphange some miles far away from Artemis.Once they got back to wherethe portal was Leto told her friend that she would need to go to talk to Zeus and get things straight.When the portal came back before stepping in Leto knew that she would come back and see her children grow up in this beautiful city called New York.

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