Flower Man | Teen Ink

Flower Man

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

  It was a dark gloomy town and he was the only brightness the town had, besides the lights. Walking street to street with nothing but his dog and terrifying yelling at every opened window. Not having anywhere to go he kept walking, in search of a place to picnic at for a while. On a soggy, mysterious street he finds a house for sale. As he continues to ignore the fact the town is creepy and beat down, he buys the ratty house. The next day, the sun is out, and the old man fixing his, soon to be beautiful home. Everything in the town is still so dark, yet the old man is still smiling and happy. Everyone looks so sad and upset but the man is still up and happy. On the side of his house a little girl is admiring the old man and though she is covered in black-and-white she does at least, have a smile on her face. The old man catches the little girl standing there. He finds out her name, Daisy. In shock, the old man gives Daisy a daisy he has a grown in his yard. Daisy runs off in pleasure and hope!

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