The Wasteland | Teen Ink

The Wasteland

May 27, 2016
By vworg BRONZE, Indainapolis, Indiana
vworg BRONZE, Indainapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 1986 the world war had made the earth a radiation bucket, and so called radiation bucket is very hard to live on. I live temporally in a school gym; only because its one of the few of the buildings somewhat left standing. I have a small group of five including myself.
Anthony is one of the hunters along with me and Greg. The Rodger twins stay at “home” to protect our supplies. Even though we live on this forsaken planet we still have to do chores, we switch out our chores each week. There are three main chores, dig a hole for feces, washing dishes, and to keep the fire lit.
So far we only found one survivor, but to find him we had to go to some uncharted territory.  There are all sorts of monsters out there including a rat that is the size of a cow, but also there is a small spider the size of the tip of a pencil, that can put down five people with one bite. Even though most people bit the dust in the war.  Most of them were killed by our new predator the Garchondia. This freak of nature is like if you take a bear put a scorpion tail on it then gave it long slender sharp claws.

  “You ready to run?” Anthony asked grabbing his baseball bat with knife embedded in it.
     “Yeah, let me grab my kukri.” I yell back.
“You comin Greg?”
“No you guys go on ahead, I will catch up later.” Greg answers.
We both head out into the ashes and debris of the waste seems we have been walking for about thirty minutes when we head into a crater were a missile obviously hit when Anthony grabs my chest. We both here a sound we have never heard in our life.  We both upholster our weapons very slowly. We look around the corner of a rock. There is a four legged creature with very thick legs; it has rough black and white skin, and four teeth pop out of each side of its mouth. It looks me dead in my face with dull eyes. I know if we run, it will catch us and slaughter us like a thanksgiving turkey. It scrapes its foot on the ground, and charges at us. I spin around the corner while Anthony dives to the right. It zips past us with amazing speed then spins around. It turns its head in my direction and charges  again. I dodge it lodging my kukri in its side. It lets out a yelp and stumbles into some rocks. Blood flows down its head and shoulders. We go back to where it originally was. There is a human with some camo and a combat knife its hand. It is a relatively new corpse maybe been sitting out for two days.
We start to continue on our path when we hear our alarm from back home. Its two tubas and they send messages through patterns. We run back home to see a grazing herd of Bilkow’s. A Bilkow is an invasive species that can produce milk. We tried to catch them before but they usually run to quick. In this herd though we can already see four injured Bilkow’s.

The earth shakes knocking us off our feet. I look up in time to see to boulders hurdling down towards my direction. I roll to my left dodging the boulder. I notice two long claw marks engraved in it.  
“get in the gym!” I yell out.
We all bolt to the gym except for Anthony.
“come on Anthony no time to take a nap!” Greg yells.
I run back to go get when another rock rolls down the hills.  I flip Anthony over and there a gash on his forehead about the size as a pencil. I run Anthony back to the gym when a rock fly’s out of nowhere and hits the entrance rocks crumble down blocking the entrance but at least Anthony fell inside. I turn around to see a creature flying down the hill with terrifying speed. I see it for a split second before it hides its face again and it’s a Garchondia. Its stands up on its two hind legs and lets out a high pitched scream.  Its hands unravel showing off its long slender fingers.
“Get the spears!” I hear someone shout.
Two spears fly over my head lodging themselves in the beast. It pulls the spears out with its mouth than crushes it with its back teeth. I grab my kukri and karambit then charge. Its scorpion tail strikes at me and cuts my shoulder open revealing my muscle. Its tail swipes at my feet so I grab its tail and hold on for my life. I take my karambit and lodge it in its hind leg. I push it in farther until flesh touches my hand. I rip it out spurting blood everywhere. It lets out it terrifying screech. I holster my karambit then take out my kukri. I lift the weapon over my head then I chop off the monsters two toes. It stumbles twice then drops like a rock. I relax against the monsters body. 
“Watch out” I hear someone blurt out.
I look up to see its tail about to spear me. I dodge two my left as it explodes right up back on its feet. It charges at me with its arms ready to grab me. It clutches me with its hands then slams me on the ground. It lifts me then slams me back down. My weapons have already fallen out of my hands, but I see a piece of spear lying on the ground. It slams me once more and I manage to shift the ashes around and grab the spear. I lodge the spear in its arm. It flings me to the gym wall. My eyes become heavier and heavier by the second. With my last few blinks I see it charge at me.
I can tell I slip into a dream by how there is grass on the ground and leaves on the trees. My vision fades for a second and I see dull colors like what I’m used to. It goes back to the bright green and blue. I hear people scream and pointing at the sky. I look up and see two to three red lights followed by clouds. Everything turns white and I wake up. There is an excruciating pain in my shoulder. I look at the gash in my shoulder. It is red around the edges and green around the red. I see Anthony walk past with a glass of liquid in it.
“How are you doing?” Anthony asked.
“wonderful.” I answer.
“You were out for three weeks.” Anthony says.
I start to get up carefully.
“We caught three Bilkow’s.” Anthony says.
Bang! Booom!
We all look up to see to red streaks in the sky.
“Is that a flare?” I ask hopefully.
“Yes I think it is!” Anthony reply’s.
Help has finally come. Two longbow apaches rise above the hills. The two apaches land next to our camp. From the looks of it they are the U.S military’s.  the left one has two long scratches on the door.
“You guys comin?” the right one asks.
“Were too?” I ask.
“To the military camp.” the right reply’s.
I grab my bags and head to left. The door slides open to a man offering his hands. After an hour of trying to stay awake I manage to fall asleep. I wake up to the chopper rumbling. I look out the window to see a wall about 30 feet. I hop out the chopper to see a man in a general’s uniform.
“welcome to your new home” he blurts out.

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