Erasure | Teen Ink


October 7, 2016
By lyraxryan BRONZE, Surrey, Other
lyraxryan BRONZE, Surrey, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect, and I loved you even more. -Anonymous

It was dark and cold; a frigid wind blew leaves through her auburn hair. A quiet hush fell on the church as three tolls rang deep from within the bell tower. Everyone standing around inhaled sharply at the realization from the sound. They all knew deep in their hearts that it might be their last night alive. Alice turned to look at the door, wishing she had never agreed to take her brothers place in the Erase. She could have been at home, playing by the fire with her baby sister, or helping her mother with dinner. But she had been stubborn, and insisted to take her twins place; fully aware she might not be coming home.

It happened every five years. One hundred and fifty teenagers were placed in The First Angelical International Church for the Erase. We were flown in from all over the world to participate in what was known to us as the death race. Every time there was a different way the government killed the candidates. In 2074 it was poison, 2079 was radiation, 2084 they starved to death; and it went on. Now we are here, 2154, humanity has killed everything natural. We have to use air regulators just so we don’t suffocate. It’s all because of the Victory War. Nuclear warfare that lasted eighty-four years. The Erase was implemented to extinguish all rebellion in the future generation. Because Quinn and Alice were twins either one would have had to go, but Alice had insisted.

A shrill whistle reverberates around the room, causing everyone to fall to the floor. A woman’s voice can be heard clearly from the voice projector above our heads.

“Welcome children. You have been selected for the Erase. As you know the Erase means termination of life. Do not be afraid, I can promise it will be quick and painless. Here is something you do not know. We are not genetic humans. The organization responsible for this experiment has employed synthetics that mimic humans to find the best way for human survival. Each of you will have your emotions erased and will be turned over to the synths. Congratulations on your new lives.” 

Everyone was silent until we heard the quiet hiss of smoke being released through the vents. Suddenly we were all pounding and banging on the walls and doors and windows. Screaming, crying, hoping for someone, anyone to open a door and let us keep our lives. My family flashes in front of my eyes. My newborn sister Annette, my twin Quinn, our older brother Adam, and our two loving parents. I fall to my knees, trying desperately to stop the tears pooling in my eyes. The smoke slowly envelops us all and I slip into quiet blackness. Before everything fades away I hear two people stepping towards me.

“Is this the one they warned us about?”

“I can say without a doubt it is her.”

“So this is the humans last chance for salvation? She doesn’t look that impressive.”

“Do not doubt her at first glance. She is the last to carry the First Genes.”


Alice opens her eyes slowly, realizing she is strapped to a hospital bed. There are figures in HAZMAT suits hovering around her quietly. Once they see that she is awake they descend upon her in a flurry of scalpels and needles. The doctors seem to take samples of her from everywhere. There is a sharp stab of burning pain in her left hip as a doctor takes a bone marrow sample. She suddenly feels very dizzy and the room starts to spin. She can hear the quiet clicking of heels behind her head. The woman instructs the doctors to step away and prep her for interrogation. They begin to dress her in light grey pants and a white shirt. She is then lead down a hallway with white walls and white tiles. They pass many doors, some with windows and some without. At last they reach what she assumes is that woman’s office. It is painted grey with a wooden desk and soft looking chair in the middle. The only things on the desk are a sheet of paper and a yellow pencil. She stands far away from the woman’s desk as the doctor’s leave. 

After what feels like forty-five minutes the woman clicks into the room and sits in the chair. She picks up the pencil, looks up at me and delicately writes something down onto the paper. She turns her head towards me and clicks her tongue.

“You look horrible darling, what did they do to you?” She says with a smirk.
I look towards her, “You know what they did to me. I don’t doubt that you told them to do all those tests.”

She smiles widely, “You are right there dear. I told them to do every single one of those things. We just needed to make sure you carried the right Gene.”

“What Gene? I came from The Asa Colony; I don’t carry any of the beneficial Genes. My parents were After War Born. They didn’t go to the cryogenic facility.” I say hurriedly

“Let me explain before you get too anxious. You were born to a cryogenic couple but your parents died while you were a baby. Before they died, they sent to the Asa Colony to be protected from us. Because Asa is such a low level Colony they thought we wouldn’t be able to find you. Now after all these years you are the last person left on this planet that carries the First Genes.”

I stare at her shocked, “I-I had no idea. No, you’re lying.”
She turns to her desk and slides a drawer out. Pulling out a remote she points it towards the descending holoscreen. It starts to play a video of a family.


There is a mother holding a baby girl, she is wrapped in a light pink cloth. She’s standing in a wooden cabin surrounded by fake trees. She laughs and Alice smiles. Her mother, if that is really her mother, has the most beautiful laugh. A hand falls in front of the lens and she assumes that her dad is behind the camera.

“Jake stop making me laugh, I might drop the baby.” The lady in the video smiles. Is my real dad named Jake?

“But Alica I love seeing you laugh. It’s my favourite sight.” The voice coming from behind the camera is muffled but Alice can still make out the words. The next words were more solemn.

“Jake seriously, we have to bring her to the skimmer before it leaves. This is her last chance to live a normal life. Then gunshots rang from every side. She heard her parents scream.

“Alica run! Don’t look back!” That was the last thing Alice heard before a final gunshot and the screen went dark. She stares straight ahead with a blank look on her face, emotionless. The woman stands up and walks slowly towards Alice. Gently she places a hand on her shoulder and turns Alice to look at her.

“I understand that might have been hard for you to watch. But now you have to turn your attention to the big picture. You carry the one chance we have to save humanity from this horror. Let us do the surgery to repair life. I promise you won’t regret it.”

Alice turns towards the woman and nods solemnly. “Do whatever you have to do, at any cost.”

The woman smiles. “Of course dear.”

Alice feels a slight prick on her neck. Her eyes feel heavy and they close slowly. She begins to sway and collapses into the arms of the woman standing next to her. The last thing she hears is, “You won’t wake up this time darling, but humanity will.” 

And that's when Alice's mother walked in, and gave a slight kiss on her forehead. 

The author's comments:

This piece was a spur of the moment kind os short story after a teacher gave us a prompt. After six hours of straight typing this was born. If anyone had to take anything from it, I hope that it's to take your time. And realize that if you're in a difficult situation to not rush anything, to take a step back and assess your situation. 

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