Carrot Picking Season | Teen Ink

Carrot Picking Season

October 14, 2016
By Anonymous

Monty was hurrying to get as many carrots as possible, but a loud, thundering assortment of clouds was heading his way. The winds were getting stronger and Monty started feeling cold raindrops hitting his soft, warm fur he did not expect the harvesting season to go this way.
The Carrot family was well-known in the small village for their delectable carrots that they grew on their farm. The rabbit’s favorite time of the year is when the Carrot family brought in the harvest and sell them to the market.  With the amount of they got the Carrot family was able to expand their farm and make enough carrots for other villages. Monty along with his four siblings (Bon Bon, Lyra, Ace, and Chippy) ran the farm together, and when they worked together were able to harvest the carrots in under three weeks. They knew they could harvest fast when they all contributed.
This year, however, was different. All of Monty’s siblings, except for Chippy, got sick, of a rabbit flu, and they were supposed to be harvesting the crops in a couple of days. The doctor said they wouldn’t be okay by the time to harvest and would have to stay in bed. Even though his sibling were all sick, he knew he could harvest all the carrots in time if he worked non-stop. He told Chippy to take care of his brother and sisters and he’ll handle picking the carrots. Chippy said, “Aren’t you going to need help you can’t do it on your own,” Monty responded, “I can do it on my own I don’t need any help the harvest will be picked in time.”
He picked carrots day and night only stopping for a few moments before starting again.  He grabbed the dirt filled carrots with roots sticking out from under him, getting mad when he wasted his time grabbing dead shriveled carrots not worth picking. His paws and feet screamed in agony as he went on picking the carrots. Luckily with the cold, autumn breeze it wasn’t too hot, but Monty was still sweating bullets from the countless hours of working. He kept reminding himself it all for his family and friends. One of Monty’s friends, Rabbitto, came to check on him and offered to help, but Monty refused, “I won’t let my friends get in the way I could do it on my own,” he said, “You would just be slowing me down not knowing how to do anything.” Rabbitto saw the exhaustion and pain in Monty’s face from the countless days of working. Rabbitto wanted to help but knew he wasn’t wanted. Monty’s friends kept coming to see if he needed help. Monty refused every time and just kept picking the carrots. His friends knew he couldn’t do it all on his own, so Rabbitto got an idea in order to help Monty.
It was almost the end of the third week of harvesting, and Monty’s siblings were still bed-written and only about half the carrots were picked. Chippy told Monty that he saw storm clouds coming this way, and predicted a huge storm would come in no less than a day. Monty regretted not asking for help he knew he couldn’t pick the remaining half in a day. Monty started feeling rain drops and the winds picking up. He knew the harvest would die. Just then a herd of rabbits from the village came in order to aid Monty. Monty said, “Thank you, I should’ve asked for help in the first place, and I shouldn’t have been so selfish,” Rabbitto said, “Don’t worry about it now come on every rabbit lets help Monty harvest the carrots.” “Yeah,” said every rabbit. With Monty’s instruction, they were able to harvest the carrots.
Luckily, with the amount of rabbits they were able to get all the carrots before it started pouring. Monty was very grateful for what his friends had done. As the rabbits watched the rain fall, they got the first bites of the new harvest. Monty thought that the carrots tasted even better because everyone helped out, and everyone else thought that too.

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