We are what we are. | Teen Ink

We are what we are.

October 24, 2016
By rbock9236 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
rbock9236 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1. Old friend new enemy

Cold, damp, the rain finally stopped and i was leaning against the wall outside of the local pub. Waiting for my man, i’ve been waiting for about 15 minutes now. Staring at my feet i think to myself; Maybe he’s not coming?? No i need the money and i know he needs the “stuff”. People walking by splashing in the puddles with every step. A family of three walk by. A mom, a dad, and a little girl in the dad's arms. Damn.. She had no idea how lucky she is to know her parents. I swore to be a better father then mine could have ever dreamt, If he even knew i was his son. No way in hell am i going to abandon my kid…
I feel a tap on my left shoulder, “Hey man”. I look up to see my old friend from college. Boy he’s changed, used to be a really sweet guy who loved music and being an actor in class’s, pretty much the class clown.  He had just joined a gang or something and it really screwed him over. Dugs drugs and more drugs, that's all he has on his mind. His brain is pretty much Applesauce by now, shaved his head and got his ears pierced. Even has a new scar on his face i didn't know about. There's a chance he gave it to himself.. Always clawing at his body. In college it was due to anxiety but it’s either gotten worse or he’s just too high to feel it. I on the other hand have a beautiful wife and a baby on the way. I've told her honestly EVERYTHING and she still loves me, she's either insane or is just a good person. Theres one thing i've been keeping from her tho.. And i hope it’s never relevant. I met her in college too, we were all best friends.
    I looked up at him peering through my hair, which was stick to my face from the rain, I turned to face the window of the pub real fast, i brushed it back annoyingly then noticed i haven't shaved in awhile.. Oh well. I turned to face Eric one more time before he got mad, his anger issues haven't changed a bit. He grabbed my sleeve and showed me into an alley. “Where is it??” he starts hitting at my pockets trying to grab my merchandise. “DUDE back off, i got it.” I took out a bag filled with the drug, which resembled some sort of blue powter. “It’s something new i whipped up when Rose was on vacation at her sister's- Should be back tonight god i miss her, How long has it been since we all hung out?” “I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOUR FAMILY IS UP TO!!!!!!” Frighten and being coshes i pulled out my pistol and pointed it dead on into his left eye. “Step down. I know we have gone thru some s*** together but you have to calm down..-”
At that moment, my friend, someone i trusted.. Eric pulled out a knife and tried to shank me In the chest, in self defence i shoot him in the foot, took the money he had hanging out of his pocket, it was the money he was going to give to me anyway.. Then the next thing in my head was “Run”. I ran and ran in the post wind of the rain. He screams after me “Your wife is coming back tonight right?! Lets race to her!” I rapidly turn around to stare him dead in the eye a block down, “DON’T YOU DARE!!!” Panicking i run to my car and sped through the New york streets of Manhattan. Listening to the sirens following threw. “Someone pry called the cops due to the gunshot… It doesn't matter as long as i see my Rose home safe by tonight. It’s like he doesn't remember us being best friends it’s almost like… It's not him anymore..”

Chapter 2. Keep your slimy hands off.

Later that night i went to go greet her at the airport. I waited.. And waited. And waited.. Checking my phone nervously i began to worry. :”“Your wife is coming back tonight right?! Lets race to her!” Those words continued to run threw my head. Soon enough i got a call from her, finally! I pick up the phone letting out a sigh of relief, brushing my hair back, “Babe, Rose where are you i’m at the airport??” A voice answers. A voice that doesn't belong to Rose.. A voice that makes my heart stop and pound into my soul. “Ello Justin. I warned you, right? This afternoon when we met up? Im sure you remember.” Walking back to my car, heart's pounding hungry for whatever comes next. I try to say in a calm but strong voice so he didn't sense any weakness“Where's my family?” “Oh, your wife and unborn child are here with me at your place.” I press on the gas violently and speed all the way home with a scratch. Right before i hung up i heard him say “There some other family members here too..”
As i pull into the driveway while leaving skid marks, i reached under the seat to get my 12 gage gun got out and didn’t even close the car door, breaking the door down to my home only to see my Rose being held at gunpoint by my old friend, and my brother and sister also held by gunpoint by people i’ve never met. Probably more meaningless people who want my drug, or... “Let them all go and i’ll give you everything i have. The drugs money anything. Just leave them alone they have nothing to do with this.” “Actually.. They do. You see, I know what you are.” He jesters his head to his men. “ We all do, and we know what your siblings are, well.. Were.  And what’s growing in your wife” He smirks, and looks down to spit on my sisters shew that was on the floor, must have fallen off during a struggle. He looks back at me with a slim smile “Why is it your sibling haven't done anything to try and attack, they are one of you after all.” All i could think about was Rose and how she was going to react to this huge secret.. She's just staring at me with tears in her eyes, her hair falling into her face unable to move it out of her eyes since she was being held in a choke hold. Eric point at my my wife’s stomach with the gun then pulls up Roses shirt, and put the gun onto her skin. “I might as well shoot to kill two birds with one stone. Well.. one bird and one weird ass baby who can’t even be called human.” This.. This is what caught Rose’s attention. “Justin what is he talking about.?” Eric started to laugh his ass off, spitting with each “Ha”.. “You never told her?? That's hilarious! You got her to marry you, you got her to let you put a baby in her and she doesn't even know!?” Rose screams at me over Eric’s laughing “What the hell does he mean“not human”!? WHAT THE HELL IS GROWING INSIDE ME!?!?!?!!” “Rose, baby, it’s our child!” I try to step closer “Don’t you ‘Baby’ me! What are you?!” I shifted my eye’s over to my siblings. I should have known… they couldn't fight because they were already dead… Damnit.. Now i am the only one left alive.. WAIT! The baby! What if.. At this point Rose was losing it, screaming and kicking.. Eric hit her in the back of the head with his pistol. Annnnd now i’m losing it. Watching her collapse to the floor made my heart stop and all Eric could do was laugh. Clenching my fists i stared at Rose then shifted my eyes to Eric. “Do you wanna know why i’m the only person you can get those drugs from?” Eric stops laughing, swinging his arms back and forth “I’d love to know, old buddy. That way i can make my own.” “And what if you can’t kill me? You were just saying i’m not human..” Eric started to giggle “No s*** i’m saying you're a freak you have been ever since i met you. Like come on sticking to one girl your whole life the f*** man?! Don’t you wanna explore?” I was disgusted by his words, not to mention he was saying this standing over my wife.. At least he didn't really know.. I smiled. “You'll never get it from anyone else, wanna know why? Cus its not from this planet” Eric must be retarded at this point sense still all he could do was laugh! I was fed up. Staring at him threw my hair, my eyes turned pitch black. Eric stopped laughing. “Justin are you high or what..?” I stepped closer as my human flesh began to peal off. It hurt, so i have to get it over with. Huge claws start to form where my fingernails just fell off. I used these new claws to rip off the peeling flesh, pretty soon there was just a bloody suit of skin, ripped up clothing, and covered in black slime. Eric stared at my second skin tariffed, as his eyes scanned up to my true body. There in my place stood a creature not of this world, I was not from this world nore this dementhon.  “I am the last of my kind besides my siblings.. And you bastards killed them!” With one swipe of my 5 foot long steel lalans i cut them all perfectly in half. I didn't care for who they were or for what they were. All i saw were murderers. Rose began to wake up covered in Eric's blood. She looked up at me and cried, scrame. I suspect she didn't know it was me. Screaming at me in tears “LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! DON'T KILL ME JUST PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!” This broke my heart…


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