Mistakes In time | Teen Ink

Mistakes In time

October 25, 2016
By dylan_121502 BRONZE, Winona Lake, Indiana
dylan_121502 BRONZE, Winona Lake, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hello I am Dr. Mchicken and i am the inventor of the time portal. I am a very experienced scientist. I live on the planet Earth of course where else would i live. I live with my assistant Bob Mcfry. This is the year 2095 so we have more advanced technology like time portals. But there are some limitations for the time portals. Make sure the time circuit is always working. Or else there might be some problems. People think of me as a crazy guy. But it is mostly because i’m a crazy scientist and because of my crazy static white hair. I’m always wearing my lab coat i got from Harvard the college i went to. So there is a little bit of stuff about me.

Hello my name is Bob Mcfry and I am Dr. Mchicken’s assistant. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have light brown hair that is always pushed to one side. I am always wearing jeans and Converses. Plus i am a huge nerd so i always wear an apple shirt. Not like the fruit, but the apple company that makes phones. I am not in college yet. But i have already graduated from high school. There are the things you should know about me.     

Today Me and my assistant Bob will be demonstrating the time portal. First you have to turn on the time circuit. Then you have to set it to the right year you want to go to. Then you just jump into it. Come on Bob let's go to 1895.“What that is 200 years in the past,” Bob complained. “There is nothing to do there,” Bob complained again. “Fine i guess i will have to PUSH YOU IN!” Dr. Mchicken yelled.

After we jumped through the time portal we instantly fell on desert sand. I looked around and there was small town called petersville. So we went to the town to grab some things to show the audience that we really did go to 1985. So when we got the stuff we went back to the portal. And we set it to 2095 to go back to our time. But then the time circuit was not working. So we were stuck in 1895 with no way to get back to our time.

So we went back down to the town to see if there was any wires that we could use to attach the time circuit back to the portal. But there was nothing and I mean nothing. So we looked around the general store a little bit more. And we found a horse lead. So we went to the cashier. And bought the horse lead for 2 coins. So when we got back to the time portal attached the wires back together. Then I tied the horse lead around the time circuit. Then set the time portal back to 2095. Then we jumped through it.

We were home free we saw our house, flying cars, and holograms everywhere. We were back in the good old 2095. So we went back to the show where we demonstrated the portal. So when we went into the stadium nobody was there. It was all old like nobody has been in there for years. There were cobwebs over seats and and going up to the stage. It was very disgusting and terrifying. So we checked the calendar for the exact year. And you won't believe it. Instead of going back to 2095 we went forward to 3010. That is 15 years into the future. That must explain why everything doesn't quite look the same as 2095.

So we went back to the portal. And we set the time exactly to 2095. And the time portal lit up colours and that's when we jumped through. Instantly we fell on pavement. We looked around, and it looked exactly like 2095. So we went up to someone we asked what year is it. “Well of course it is 2095…” The Man grinned.

I don't quite know why the man grinned. Maybe he knows about the time portal. And that we have been traveling throughout time. Anyways if he does know, he won't find the portal. Well i guess since we are back in 2095. I should go back to my house and make a hot pocket. I know 2095 still has hot pockets. But anyways me and my assistant are going on a little break. Hey Dr. Mchicken where are the hot pockets. We should have some look in the freezer. I am looking in the freezer and there are no hot pockets! Let me check. There are no hot pockets! This day is ruined because there is no hot pockets!

Wait Bob did you talk to the cashier at all in 1895. Yeah i talked to him after you went out of the store. Do you know what this means Bob. No What does it mean. It means since you talked to that cashier in that store in that very year. That means hot pockets were never invented or even thought of. This day was fun until now that there is no hot pockets ever than this day is ruined.

Well i guess this day is over. We did a lot of crazy stuff today. Travel to 1895. Got stuck in 1895. Instead of coming back to 2095. We got stuck in 3010. And the craziest thing of all is hot pockets were not even invented. Well i guess this adventure has come to an end. Looks like no more time traveling today. Now im going to go take a long nap. Hope to see you guys next time “BYE!” 



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