The future | Teen Ink

The future

November 11, 2016
By Anonymous

            2049, there was a black hole growing slowly, awaiting in the infinintnate darkness.  Yet it wasn’t what kind we thought it was…  The rotation of the Earth would slowly halt till the spin jolted to an ultimate stop. The last turn would leave the North and the South Americas stand in the dark, while the other half of the globe would blaze and burn. Many would move to the light side but the other’s would thrive and live in the dark. Yet they would have a wave electrical system from the silent hanging moon, always full always there.  All of the thriving tribes and cities on the other half of the world would eventually kick up viruses and even Ebola, sending out death waves.  So retreat will be made to the dark cold side, into the hands of frost.                             
                              War will start with the migration of the immigrants while their old world and homes burn in the scorching sun. Thousands of years to that future, the ground will be blazed while the dirt is ice. The blackness caused chilling stabs at the ground and people. So for survival we will dig into the rock and live like the animals we shall become. Yet frost and his army will follow us and when ice gets stuck in rock we all know what happens. The evolved humans would all eventually die from the eternal frost or from the earthquakes that come from the expanding ice that cracked the surface to the core. So the future will be dangerous and will burn you to your frozen core and shake you off your feet.    

The author's comments:

The future of the Earth.

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