The Destroyer Series Part 1 | Teen Ink

The Destroyer Series Part 1

December 17, 2016
By DrakeHansen BRONZE, Platte City, Missouri
DrakeHansen BRONZE, Platte City, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“You ready Henry?” said Leno. “Just about,” said Henry proceeding to pack his bag. Henry was more excited than ever because he was traveling into space for his first time. “We’re gonna be late, come on!” Leno said sprinting outside. Henry started to follow quickly behind him.
Henry stayed on the tail of Leno as they sprinted down the stairwell. They proceeded to step outside and climbed the cliffside that surrounded their home city, Gihda. He was finally going to see what his home planet of Zyh looked like from space. Henry and Leno started boarding the Trigon, a plane able to completely leave the planet and travel across galaxies, they moved to the back and sat down. They were going to travel to the amazing city of Skye, where anyone could achieve prosperity and success.
Leno and Henry heard the pilot overhead, “Latch yourself down, we are in the winter season and the thrusters may have a hard time stabilizing.” Within a few seconds the thrusters began to glow blue and the Trigon began to lift itself off the ground. The Trigon in a flash flew upwards and began its ascension out of the planet. Leno could tell that Henry was nervous, so he tried to relax him as they floated into space. After a little while, Henry began to settle down and they flew calmly for a few hours. Henry would continuously look out the window and would watch as they passed by planets and stars. Suddenly without warning, the right thruster exploded into a glowing red plasma, causing the Trigon to spin wildly out of control towards a dark blue planet. “Brace yourselves!” the pilot screamed on the transmitter as he was trying to gain control of the Trigon. Henry looked at Leno who was furiously sweating. “Will we survive?” said Henry. “I don’t know,” said Leno. The Trigon viciously slammed into the ground, flipping upside down and then slammed into various rock structures before finally coming to a stop.
Henry began to slowly get up. He looked to his left and right but couldn’t find Leno. Trying to call for Leno was impossible because it was so cold he couldn’t form words. After searching the back of the Trigon, he began to check the front, which was completely torn in half. Finally, he saw a hand sticking out from under some crates. He violently shoved the crates off and heard Leno let out a gasp. “Leno, are you ok?” asked Henry. “Yeah, I think I’m alright,” Leno said.
“Henry, we have to get to the captain's log to find where we are and how to survive.” said Leno. Henry helped Leno up and then together they proceeded towards the c***pit. They looked around on the way towards the c***pit seeing blood scattered from the passengers that didn’t survive. They looked for something to pry the door to the c***pit open. After a small amount of pulling it opened with ease, they found the pilot, who was dead from impact. Their eyes scanned the debris until they found the captain's log. After searching, they found several bits of information to determine their location. Today was a cold day without the warmth of the dual suns beating down on the planet. The land was frozen to the core because the planet of Zago had entered its winter months. No luscious plants dared to show their face in this weather. During the winter months, the only way for survival is to have a conversion suit. These suits were very hard to come by in the galaxy because the only way to easily obtain them is if you were part of the United Corps Council of Space Exploration or UCCSE for short. Henry looked at Leno and said, ”We are going to have to find a conversion suit if we have any chance for survival.” Together they looked at the vast frozen landscape, took a deep sigh, and began their journey...

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