Unveiling the Truth | Teen Ink

Unveiling the Truth

December 12, 2016
By CaptainGelatin BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
CaptainGelatin BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Forget about all those things people say about how we should handle government. Right now, we shall strive towards a new approach to how we handle our citizens, with Glee." Those were the words Mr. Government stood by during his election, at least.

I’m Roger Deprime, welcome to the story of the man who disappeared. It all started when… No, that's too unoriginal. How about... So, the first day after Inauguration Day, people had woken to find all their problems solved. Why? Probably had to do with our new form of government introduced by The Government. Or, it had to do with an anti-depressant introduced by his pharmacy. Yes, Mr. Government's own pharmacy company. It became required for all citizens to take this anti-depressant, publicly titled 'Glee'.
Soon people forgot their woes and focused on a better life. Soon enough there would be no scruffy-looking alcoholics dozing on public benches, no trash whooshing through the streets at every passing car. Light began to pour from the darkest alleys. Well, not literally, but you should be able to understand. Enough with the exposition. How about we cut to the story?
Right about now you could hear in my head the thoughts of new stories I could report to the public. The ringing in my ears from all the silent yelling would also have been present, however, Glee could block those noises out. What it could not barricade from my wandering mind was the endless thought of separation. Separation from the joyous society brought to life from the mass production of Glee. A feeling surged through my body only a true reporter could read; I will unveil the truth behind your façade. Only the question remained, whose façade?
When I work, I tune down the uninteresting outside world. I am fully composed inside the story suspended in ink and paper. This story I had been specifically tasked with by my superiors showed no remorse. It was a difficult one to research, since not many knew about it. Seemingly nobody knew anything about it. Although these odds faced against me, I did not give up. However, I did begin to start questioning how I received this task if nobody knew the story. It was about the murder of a young editor known as Henry to his peers. When I found that records of his citizenship remained unlisted, I became quite puzzled.
When I finally had enough, I questioned my manager about the missing story, “How do you expect me to write about an inexistent man?” to which he responded, “What do you mean? I haven’t requested you since Mr. Government’s speech last month.” Then who requested me? I believe my manager, but I also believe that I wasn’t hallucinating. I decided I must have been out of it and took the rest of the day home. After that I had been dumbfounded for the next two weeks and my mind began to envision the world as a more crooked place.
Finishing a not-so-great-dinner, I realized that the trash needed to be taken out. Following a dance of taking out the full bag, replacing it, and taking it out to the bins, I saw it. I saw a rather large rat voraciously digging through the usually almost empty trash bin. I nearly shrieked. I hadn’t seen such a disgusting looking creature in years! It seemed quite famished, as well. Bones were clearly visible through its thin skin covered in a torn cloak of stiff brown needles. Then, when it found something of interest residing near the bottom of the can, it dove in, carrying out one of its deceased cousins, graciously accepting the meal. Horrified, I ran to the bathroom, ready to vomit but only to realize that my own living conditions were not so great.
When had I been living in a house with a massive stain on the wall, streaking across the floor? Oh, and the ceiling had holes, too. A huge tear visible in the ceiling drywall screamed death to the rickety house built hundreds of years ago. I hadn’t ever noticed the terrible gash strewn throughout by life. Reddish-brown stains colored the previously sky-white furniture like an abstract artist deprived of any other color of paint for years.
The next day, I forgot the Gleeful life waiting for me and ended up sleeping in, not wanting to wake only to find myself living in a nightmare. Eventually, the realm of the living truly was the only place for my earthly body. I gave in to hunger and enjoyed a terrible breakfast, coming onto lunchtime. My phone started ringing suddenly and forced me to remember the job I had worked years for. I hadn’t called in once in the past few weeks. Surely I couldn’t come back. A walk outside decided that this town was not the ideal place to live or work anyways. The sidewalks adorn with cracks and weeds growing in between were not far off from the conditions of the streets and brick complexes.
I should just run from it all, leave this treachery behind and start anew. Thus, it had been decided that I would drive to a new land, leaving my life as Roger Deprime behind. The name would stay, however. I just wanted to disappear from the town without a trace. But what about my fantasy to uncover that façade? Who was it? I couldn’t be bothered with that at the time. All I want is to escape. We can leave unveiling the truth to another, braver persona.

The author's comments:

This work is inspired by a game in development called "We Happy Few."

Please note that this is a side story to the original story which is in the form of a poem. The main story addresses a man who vows to take down the oppressive government. That man begins to look for people who have been 'freed' from the effects of 'Glee'.

Now, he stumbles upon Roger, whom he frees from the effects of Glee by distracting his mind with the story of Henry. Roger forgets to take his pills and the effects lose grasp on his mind as he returns to reality.

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