Space Aliens | Teen Ink

Space Aliens

January 27, 2017
By spaceship BRONZE, Faling Waters, West Virginia
spaceship BRONZE, Faling Waters, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you are you

In the summer of 2080 the first spaceship was made. It's also the first to be able to reach the outer galaxies. Its owners NASA set to launch it on July 4 and set it off to the Adromina galaxy. They trained six "super humans" that could withstand extraordinary amounts of g-forces , have maximum muscle and are the fittest in the world, and are the smartest in the world. The spaceship they were to fly in was worth twenty-two trillion dollars, so if they crashed once the mission was over.

The day of the launch went well the ship exited the earths atmosphere and headed toward Adromina on a six year trip. The spaceship is traveling at a speed of ten light-years an hour but an hour in space is a day on earth. The crew found them selves conversating with each other. There was two boys and four girls , and the girls were the strong ones while the boys were the super smart ones. Some had caught feelings and some had caught drama.

The spaceship they were riding had a force field on the front to protect it from any asteroids. About four years in the crew got board and weak so they relied on food and each other. Finally they got to their galaxy Adromina and they landed on an unknown planet. Scientist had no idea of this galaxy and what it holds. The crew had landed weak but still smart so they set up camp and started researching the planet. They found new type of minerals and liquid. What they didn’t find is living life. What they didn’t know was that there was creatures there that could go invisible.

They got about two months in until they started to get suspicious. Then they noticed one of the girl crew mates went missing for a week, but they were so weak and tired and unfocused they didn't care. The crew went on with their business and researched about the planet. One of the crew mates went back to the ship to grab some food and he noticed blood splattered everywhere it he described it as "chalk like and clotted" . Then they found their dead crew mates body laying with a gap in her neck. One of the crew mates noticed that there was wires ripped from the control panel. One of the guys started to freak out and scream " Oh no we can get home!" So they tackled him and lied him down. They later he died of a heart attack.

There four crew mates that were left finally found out what killed their friend it was an alien that attaches itself to your neck and sucks the blood out of you. Their main focus was to fix the ship but one by one the crew mates got killed. The last one alive was one of the girls she held her ground and killed off some of the aliens . She finally got the control panel fixed and the ship running so she started  it up and she hears a scream. It was not anything human, like a fork scraping a chalk board. She looks over the horizon and sees a horde of aliens running toward her. So she hurries up and gets the spaceship ready to leave and she gets out of there. When she exits the planet she sits down with a sigh of relief and goes to scratch her neck.....and finds an alien sucking her blood.


The author's comments:

its interesting

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