runaway | Teen Ink


January 20, 2017
By phoenix1924 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
phoenix1924 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Beep! Beep! Smack! I hit the alarm to turn it off and sat up in my bed, tried opening my eyes, but failed. The first thing I do is look over at Alexia’s bed but she wasn’t there. “How does she get up so early, I mean typically 15 year olds sleep in, don’t they?” That is to be expected, she always wakes up before me. I think it's because if she doesn’t wake up, she knows I won’t eat breakfast. So after 20 minutes of getting ready, I slowly make my way into the kitchen and there she is making breakfast for us, or so I thought.
“Why is there so much food on the table?”
“Is it? Vixen asked.
“Yes, for two people.” Her face gave it away that she made more than enough for two people on purpose.
“Your feeding them again.”
“Why not, we're friends.”
“I am not friends with those two idiots.”
“Excuse me, we are not idiots, we're smarter than you,Claire.” Garrett exclaimed.
“Just because your a year older does not mean you are smarter.” Alexia is only 15 and she is smarter.”
“I said only smarter than you, nobody is smarter than Alexia.”
They both sat down at the table with us and immediately I wanted to go to class, which by the way is not normal, but I really wanted to go. He was here. The one person who annoys me the most in this whole world, Jack, I hate him. He annoys, angers and picks on me. He does everything to spite me. I tolerate him for Alexia’s sake but I wish he was not here. I did eventually sit down at the table and started to eat, but I finished very quickly.
“I finished, now I’m heading to class.” I announced.
“Wow, you actually want to go. What's the occasion?” said Viking sarcastically.
“It's better than here.”
After that I grabbed my backpack and left. I arrived at the school 10 minutes later. I stopped at the front gate and thought “Someone please kill me, I don’t want to be here”, I exhaled and walked towards the academy building and my doom. Let me explain, the academy is like torture in disguise. This school is not your typical high school. It's a school designed for knights in training. The knights are people who handle rogue demons and angels who want to harm the human race. We are the ones who protect them. We work with the police if necessary. Basically we are just another branch of the police force but very few people know about us. The knights are either demons or angels, I am the only exception because I am half angel, half demon, the fallen angel. No humans are allowed to be knights, it's just too dangerous for them. The academy also provides the everyday English, Math and Science. Instead of a normal gym class where you would participate in sports, you are training and sparring with your classmates. You're stuck with the people in your class for all of your high school existence. There are no swapping of classmates within the grade levels except for training because everyone is at a different level. The levels are not categorized by a number system but by color. White being at novice level, black being at the top elite level. Nobody has made it to black or even gray, the level below black. The highest anyone has gotten is dark blue. How you get placed in color groups is decided by the placement test you take in the beginning of 8th grade. Except if you're like me, a fallen angel, you automatically get placed in dark blue the third from black. That color is where the last fallen angel made it, my great grandfather. I was placed there expected to go to gray. To be honest with you, it sucks. I feel pressured every time someone brings it up many people call me a prodigy, mainly because I have been training since I was four years old. The earliest someone has ever started training has been the age of six. By the way, that's why I hate training because I have been doing it longer than most. Another reason why I hate it because my group includes both Jack and Garrett. Alexia is also in my group which makes me happy but those two ruin my happiness.
It is now time for training to start and we are sparring today. My partner is Jack as usual, the reason for this is because I beat everyone else. He is the only one I can’t beat, and it aggravates me. We get into position and the whistle blows and we begin. Jack and I spar for about 10 minutes, all of it is hit after hit throwing blocks at each other.  I try to find his weak spots but his defenses are impenetrable. “It's a tie!” the teacher shouts. I look around and everyone is staring in awe because the whistle blew 10 minutes ago. We actually fought for 20 minutes without even noticing. Him and I broke apart and stood a good five feet away from each other. We stood in silence. The teacher was mad that we went over the time limit. We are always the ones that go over the time limit, no one else does. Everyone spars with each other but him and I actually fight. We become more focused, zone out our surroundings and fight like it was life or death just because we hate each other. “I am sorry.” I said.
“It's alright, this always happens.” the teacher mumbled.
I felt the glares of both the teacher and some of the students. Some of the students were staring in awe but some were staring in anger at me. It's always me not him, the teachers and students love him because he is supposed to be this prodigy just like me but the only difference is that everybody wants him to succeed, but me they don’t. They say that I’m going to grow up to be this great knight because I am a fallen angel. In reality they are scared of me. Due to the history of the past fallen angels in my family, they have ruined humanity and have praised demons over angels. They wanted to have all the power, so everyone assumes I am going to turn out like them. I am different from them, I like humanity but I hate angels and demons because they hate me.
“Claire, are you okay?” Alexia asked.
“I’m okay.” I responded.
“You don’t sound okay.”
“I am.”
The bell rang and I walked away, more like ran away from Alexia back to class. I don’t want to her to see how upset I actually am. On the way back, I feel stares burning into my back, I spin around and Stella is standing right there glaring at me. She starts walking towards me, she grabs my arm and pulls me into an empty side hallway. I knew what was going to happen next. Let me explain, you know how I told you people hate me, well she is at the top of the list. She bullies me a lot. She shoves me into the opposite wall. My back hit the wall hard. I slide to the ground and just sit there. No one else was around, it was just me and her. I heard no footsteps, so my hope of someone coming was gone. I stared at the ground, starting to put up my best defense face, I wanted to jump and fight her but it would not be good, so I just sat on the hard cold ground.
“Get up.”
“I said get up!.” She grabs my left arm and yanks me up. I face her with no emotion on my face.
“ What do you want Stella.”
“I warned you, to stay away from him.”
“It's not my fault he is my sparring partner.”
“ Well then leave the academy.”
“I wish I could.”
“Then you finally realize that everyone wants you gone,the teachers, the students, Garrett, and even Alexia. She's just too nice to say it. Then there’s Jack...he wants you gone forever.”
It hurt when she said that but I also knew it was the truth. This made me even more sad. That's when I knew I had to go, I was done. I am giving up and leaving just like everyone wants.
“I will.”
“I will leave.”
She let go of me and started walking back to the main hallway but she then turned, stared at me for a few seconds and told me “leave and never come back.” As I stood alone in the empty hallway, a flood of emotions started running through me. I just wanted to cry,  even scream, let out all my feelings right there but I knew I couldn’t do that. I got up and found the courage to walk  out of the main doors and to the front gate. That is when I turned around and took a final look at the school and vowed to never come back again.

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