The Dreamers | Teen Ink

The Dreamers

January 24, 2017
By Anonymous

It is quite interesting for those who are blessed with this ability. The believers, the blessed, the “best” those who are given dreams. Given the key to life. That’s what this world’s foundation has been built around. Before the dreamers die off. The legend depicts a world where all the dreamers abandoned and sought out a new world to inhabit full of dreamers. This world is built on the belief that you can accomplish all your dreams and more. There is no anatomical, no physical, no chemical difference between dreamers and the rest. Just the mentality. Those are the facts. Yet they are still denied. Non-dreamers refuse to believe they are the same. Refuse to believe that they have the potential.

But what happens when the dreamers are gone. Will everyone sulk? Barely making it through life scraping for the bare minimum? When they leave who will make scientific breakthroughs? Or be the new generation of doctors? New artists? Inventors? How will a civilized world continue?

The remaining dreamers are too late to start this process in building a replacement for “their kind” something that will help the Non-dreamers. As the last generation of known dreamers die what will happen?

This crisis has put the whole world in a frozen shock. Majority of the people who understood the situation viewed it as a prolonged, inevitable destruction of the human race. The first thing to go was global communications. Countries closed off their borders all immigration stopped, allies became hostile towards one another, and it was the first of the columns holding our society coming.

The next was compiled of a multiple little punches that created a chain reaction which was a crucial blow to billions. The economy started to crumble in on itself. People deserted education systems, government, and democracy was lost. The president became just a mere public figure. Anarchy swept the nation.

Now we are here. You fight for everything you have and are trying to get. Nobody is a step above anyone else much like the last world. The final wave of the dreamers have lost their “abilities” they have resorted to being no better than the non-dreamers.

An apocalypse. No zombies. No disease. No nuclear fallout. Just cause by ourselves and the ignorance for change and improvement. Now our future is dim. Hope is lost. There is no new planet. No reset button. The only chance we get is within this last generation; everyone may be wrong. There may be a chance. Maybe there are some dreamers left.

The author's comments:

This is the first chapter/prologue to a sci-fy distopian world where I plan to have journal accounts from different characters to tell the story.

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