No Ordinary Day | Teen Ink

No Ordinary Day

June 16, 2017
By Lopez16 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
Lopez16 BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A beam of light blinds Jeff and at first it’s blurry, but then he blinks to wake himself up. It was 2:00 a.m. and something was certainly outside. Jeff ran into the dark hallway that lead to his father’s bedroom.
“Hey Dad! Get up! There is something suspicious outside!” Jeff yelled while jumping on his father’s bed. He and his father walked outside into the breezy night. Jeff’s father took one look and knew that it was a UFO. He bent down slowly to be face to face with his son.
“Son, did I ever tell you I am with the FBI ,” Jeff’s father announced while sweat trickled down his neck .
“No,” Jeff replied in shock.
They go back to their porch and Jeff’s father pull out his black cell phone out of his flannel pajamas. Suddenly  men in suits arrived. The suits are navy blue with a yellow patch that says M.F.A with a UFO under it. It stands for mysterious fighting association
One man in a suit asked Jeff’s father,“Agent Preston what’s the situation.”
“ A suspicious UFO is outside,” Agent Preston replied.
All the men in suits and Agent  Preston go inside of the Preston home. They sit down at the short wooden dinner table.
They whispered to each other and decided that would make a plan to resolve this suspicious UFO Time seems to pass by it was 2:15 a.m. but now it is 4:00 a.m. As they back away from the paper and reveals a magnificent plan. The wonder piece of paper show that the men are gonna split up and Jeff will be with his father.
They are going to lead the UFO on top of one the houses on the block. Agent Preston will try to sneak in the UFO and recalibrate them back to wherever they came from. Each man started sprinting out the wooden door. They huddled in circle and put their hands together.
“ Break!” They yelled.
The men and Preston broke off into to their groups. Agent Preston and Jeff ran to the UFO. Once they hit Orston road, right above them was a huge grey spherical UFO. A beam of light shot from the bottom of the UFO. Agent Preston and Jeff  ducked under the nearest tree.
Then, the UFO starts to float away. A red, thin laser shot out of the UFO and hits  the little blue house’s brick chimney. Agent Preston pull out a walkie talkie and pages the other men. A puff of smoke escapes when a black door opens and these mysterious creatures appear. They have a bobblehead-like head and lime green skin. It seems their many eyeballs are scanning the surroundings. The creatures turned back to the UFO. Not noticing the men. Again the UFO floats around the dark pitch black road.
Boom!  Another house’s chimney is demolished by the UFO. A huge laser burn a house into pieces. Now they are damaging the block. Agent Preston and Jeff had to act quick before it’s all gone.The men arrive and gesture for Agent Preston and Jeff to huddle in a circle. Slowly Agent Preston backs away and the men are holding an enormous magnet. Jeff eyes are glowing with excitement. As the men walk stealthily onto the street and right under the UFO.They feel a pull on the magnet, the UFO must be magnetic.
Agent Preston comments, “Use the magnet to wedge it between something.”
In the distance the men and Agent Preston could see two red maple trees close together. The men pull the UFO across to the trees. Agent Preston and two gigantic men wedge it between the trees.
“ I’m going in,” Jeff shares and pushes his father out of the way. He slowly pull the door and so many electronics appeared.  In grey futuristic chairs sit the green creatures. Luckily, the creatures faced the other way. Jeff searched for a device to relocate the UFO back to where it came from. There it was a control panel for destination. Jeff saw it was just a straight route from a far planet and there was a button to go back. He pushed it and ran as fast as he could. Jeff was running but he felt stuck. His shirt is stuck in the hinge of the door. His heart beated faster and faster. Agent Preston and the men reached for his hands and pulled him from the hinge of the door.
Whooooosh! Smoke filled the air and when the smoke cleared the UFO was gone.
“We’ve decided that you can help us. Page us with this blue secret button in the pocket, ” the men announced while pulling a jacket with Jeff’s name on it.
“I am honored,” Jeff answered while doing a happy dance.
Agent Preston and Jeff walked home. Jeff plopped in his soft bed and dozed off into a deep sleep. The sun rises and it’s morning.He turn on the news. 
The news anchor spoke with a very perky tone, “ Just in a suspicious UFO was found in the night, but now it mysteriously disappeared. Now back to you Vincent.”
“We did good Jeff. You did good.” his father grinned and patted him on the back.

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