In Love with the Technology | Teen Ink

In Love with the Technology

November 28, 2017
By Anonymous

“Dad, I have to find out what mom left for me! I know, she was working on something and I have to show her creation to the world. She was a great scientist. I want to be like her too.” Alex Taylor said to her father, Ben Taylor.
Her mom passed away when she was tem. She is gifted with supreme intelligence like her mom was. She wants to be a scientist to fulfill her mom’s dream. But, her mom created something for her and she cannot find it now. It is very important for her because it’s a precious memory. Her mom created a robot for her.
“Hey Alex! Can you please open the door? I have been standing here for the past ten minutes!” Nate shouted. Alex opened the door.
“Sorry! I didn’t hear you. Come in.” her eyes beamed with joy seeing Nate.
He has been her best friend since her mom passed away. He has been for her through every phase of her life. She had only one friend, but he is worth it. He is a pure gentleman with a muscular physique and a sarcastic sense of humor. His square jawline and green eyes compliments his tall frame.
“Why did you call me at this hour?” asked Nate.
“Do you remember that I told you something about my mom’s creation? I need to find it. It’s important. I need your help.” Nate grew pale when Alex asked this. He couldn’t move. Fear took over happiness. For a second, he thought he lost her.
“Will you help me Nate?” she asked again.
“I have a job to do. I have to go somewhere.” He replied.
“Seriously Nate? You know I don’t have anybody except you. Why do you always get tense whenever I come up with this subject? Is there something I need to know?” tears filled in the corner of her eyes. Her blue eyes glistened.
“You know I can’t see you cry. Please don’t cry. I will help you. But there is something you need to know.” His words stammered. Will he tell her the truth? Will he reveal his secret that he has kept from her for the past eight years? He was afraid he might lose her.
“Alex, dinner is ready. Bring Nate with you. He will have dinner with us today.” Her dad prepared pasta for her.
“Mr. Taylor, I am sorry. I have to go home and help my brother in some daily chores. Rain check on dinner?” He never had dinner at her house. He never took Alex to his house.
Alex was standing near the wall. There was a picture of her and Nate on the wall. Suddenly it fell and Nate rushed and grabbed it without hurting Alex. Everyone was shocked at his speed, reflexes and reaction time. Alex started calculating his speed in her mind.
“Are you OK Alex? I grabbed the picture. I hope I didn’t hurt you.” Nate sarcastically exclaimed.
“How did you do that? How did you run so fast? The fastest human on earth is Usain Bolt. You ran faster than him.” She asked in astonishment.
“Only machines can run that fast!” her dad joked and she laughed. But Nate’s face color changed. He couldn’t meet with Alex’s laugh. He turned around and left without saying a word.
Alex and Ben had dinner and she didn’t utter a single word. Her dad understood that something was up. He couldn’t see her like this. He wanted to help her. But this is not the right time, he thought.
Alex couldn’t stop thinking about what happened today. Nate was acting so strange. She kept thinking about his hidden truth. Would it break their friendship? She thought.
“No matter what he is hiding, it wouldn’t affect anything. I cannot lose him. Because…. I love him!” she mumbled to herself lying in bed. Tears were flowing from her eyes. She wanted this pain to end. She decided to tell Nate about her feelings tomorrow and slept with peace.”

She woke up at 7 and went straight to his house. She has been to his house a couple of times but still it felt strange. She pictured every scenario in her mind and started drawing conclusions. It was November and mornings were chilly. She was wearing a coat but still felt cold. After 9 minutes of walking, she reached his house. The door wasn’t locked. She entered the house and shock took over her anxiety. She saw something that she never imagined.
“Who are you? Where is Nate?” her words stammered and her voice cracked.
“I wanted to tell you everything from the beginning. But I was afraid I might lose you. Please let me explain” A machine oriented voice said.
“There is nothing to explain. I hate you. Don’t ever talk to me again!” her heart broken voice mumbled. She started to leave. He grabbed her by extending his arms 6ft 4 inches long.
In front of her was a metal skinned robot who was Nate. He was eating metals with electricity as his breakfast when Alex entered.
“ Please let me explain.” He requested.
“No.” she said
“Your mom made me.” She was shocked again. There was silence again This was his cue to explain things.
“I was your mom’s project. She wanted to create a technology mixed with feelings. She wanted this for our country’s military. She created me and inserted only some feelings and passed away. She took a promise from me telling me not to tell you anything and always protect you and stay with you forever, because I cannot die, I can only be broken. So, I never told you anything but I developed feelings for you.” He paused
“Are you blushing?” she asked with amusement in her voice and glistening blue eyes.
“Are you making fun of me? You know I cannot blush! So, anyways, I love you! I always want to be with you. I cannot give you everything, but I promise you I will love you forever and help you be a great scientist.” He became nervous.
“I love you too. And I am sorry for not trusting you. But I have one condition.” He became more nervous as Alex spoke.
“W... Wh..What is your condition?” He stammered.
“Robots also become nervous! A rare scene! Let me capture it.” She laughed hysterically and moved towards her camera.
“ Stop! Don’t make me more nervous. Tell me about your condition!” he blabbered.
“You have to be Nate. I don’t like this Robot avatar. You have to look like Nate, act like humans and you cannot use your technology” she commanded.
“Ok mam. Your wish will be accepted” He changed back to the Human Nate and skin replaced metal.
She became happy seeing her best friend again.
“Let’s tell Dad everything. He would laugh to death.” She started thinking about everything and it started making sense to her. She thought about his dinner, his family, his speed, his intelligence and everything. It all made sense now.
She was finally happy with her love and now she wanted to focus on her career. Her mom’s dream and her ambition. Nate was also relieved and starting to make himself more ‘human’. He helped her be a great scientist with his intelligence. She was working on her mom’s project of creating Artificial Intelligence for the country. She also received many awards for her work and she dedicated it to her mom, dad and of course, Nate. He never came back to his robot avatar, as promised.
“Finally, everything is perfect in my life.” She said to Nate.
“I know. I love you.” He expressed with a kiss on her knuckles.
“I love you too, Mr. Nate – Robot – Fraser.” She smiled.

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