Show me your emotions | Teen Ink

Show me your emotions

March 12, 2018
By LadyMira17 BRONZE, Douglasville, Georgia
LadyMira17 BRONZE, Douglasville, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My phone beeps as I am walking home from school. Just as I expected a text from dad, him needing me home before 6 to help my mom with dinner. Walking through the woods that lead to my house is the shortest route. No one should be in my way anyway. I know what most people are thinking, Walking in the woods by yourself is stupid because it’s dangerous, blah blah blah. Well, I sadly don’t have a car to drive down the extra half an hour to my house road. So get the f*** off my case.
"Watch out!" said someone, at the same moment I hit myself on the nearby tree branch hanging way too low. To top off the stinging pain already starting to form in my head, out of nowhere a motorcycle comes rolling towards me with a biker chick riding it.
Holy s***! Run, dumbass! I quickly jump out the way and watch as the bike and the women rush past me. I watch for a moment to see if the lady will stop or if something might be wrong with her brakes at the speed she was going at.
Since it seemed as the woman wasn’t stopping anytime soon and that she was getting closer to the nearby lake down a little further than she was.
I start to panic as I run after her, attempting to see if I can help her off of the bike.
Thankfully, back when I was younger all the running I did from my older brother is playing off. I might have to thank him for that…. nah.

"Sweetheart, are you ok?" said the same voice, but closer.
"I think so" I said
Don't say a word to this woman, she is going to hurt you.
Great, I hit my head hard enough that I'm hearing things. I happen to look up to a woman in my face with way too much lipstick, dark emerald eyes and a small mole on her chin.
"I think I am fine." I told her, standing up wobbly.
"That's good. I don't want to hurt my niece." she said smiling at me.
I look at her for a second before I replied, "lady I don't know who you are, but I don't have an aunt or uncle."
You do on your mom's side, but her sister is evil.
Not trying to think of the voice in my head, I watch as the lady walks around me.
"My darling, I am your aunt. I'm your mother, Miyá, sister." she said grabbing my cheeks with her hands, examining my face.
Da fudge, this lady is annoying.
"Let's say you are my aunt, what do you want" I ask removing her hands from my face with an annoyed look.
She sighs before saying, "Well if you must know, I'm here to kill you."
Oh if that's all then let's............. HOLD THE FUDGE POPSICLE UP.
Before I can tell her what I am thinking she grows wings from her back and charge at me. I try to dodge her, but it's she is too fast and hits me so hard sending me flying past the near by lake.
Crap, what the heck is this chick?
As I struggle to stand to my feet she grabs me by my neck and throws me again,
harder on the ground.
"Wait, I have an important question; Why the heck am I being killed!"
She stopped from hitting my face and answered "Your the first born brat of the first generation that gets the family powers that everyone claims is remarkable, so when I kill you I'll get them" she said clearly annoyed.
"Powers? What powers? " I asked confused
"You don't have a clue what I'm talking about. Nevertheless, you must die." she said grinning so big, I thought her face would split into two.
"I still don't understand all of this." I said, my head pounding.
"Don't care. Now shut up so I can make this quick and painful" she told me as her nails began to grow longer and longer.
Is this the end for me? After all the dreams I had, hopes all of them just going to fade away; just because of some crazy lady who says she's my aunt.
As I sit there waiting for the worse to happen, she slowly raises her hand about to slit my throat. She glances at the sky and stops. I wait a few seconds before I ask, "what are you-." I look up to see this boy with wings flying toward us high in the sky.
"What are you doing here, Dustin?" The woman ask.
"Dustin" I think, where have I heard that name before as I smile.He meets my eyes and smiles back.
"Why must you be a pest? This beautiful girl had done nothing towards you." He tells the woman, while my face flushes red.
"Oh, shut up! Why must you ruin my fun?!" She screams, as she take to the skies.
Now is my chance. I struggle to stand and take off towards the woods when I do so. i run making sure not to- "GOD DANGIT!" I yell as I fall over a fallen tree and scrape my already hurt knee even worse.
Why now? I haven't even made it five miles before I fall. I try to stand, but that is a fail as I fall on my butt. I struggle up against the trunk so I can examine the wound.
Blood. Lots and lots of blood, this is really bad. I feel myself getting light headed.
"Stay awake," says the voice from before "you must stay awake"
I try my hardest but it's no use, I'm losing myself, my control over me is gone until I can't stay away.................

You have to wake up now, Teresa.......
As I wake up my head is no longer hurts. Was all that just a dream? No, it was to real to be a dream. I pull my sheets off me to examine my leg, it's perfectly fine. Maybe it was a dream.
I hop out of bed and jump into the shower. After about a good 10 mins I come out the shower and throw on my ripped jeans, a purple tank and my leather jacket.  I run down stairs and search the refrigerator for food. Nothing.
I run out the door and hop into my black acura and start it up. While I'm driving around to find a Walmart, nothing looks the same.
You're not safe, my dear. Who the hell is in my head?!
As I stop my car in front of Walmart and park it, I head straight towards the junk food.
Don't go there.
"Shut the hell up! Don't make me come in there!" I yell, realizing I'm talking to myself, as a few people give me concerned and worried looks.
I walk pass two more aisles before I'm in front of junk food heaven. I grab a basket and fill it with bags of chips, candy, and soda.
Turn around.  Walk away, danger is close to you.
I am not listening to the crazy voice in my head, as I walk towards the freezer area.
"So sorry miss." says an adorable tan man bumping me with his cart.
"You're fine" I say with a nervous/flirtish smile.
"By any chance, do you know where the spices would be?" he asked giving me a cute half smile.
Say no and move on. He is not who you think. 'Shut up' I think.
"Sure, you go two isles over" I tell him.
"Thanks...." he replies, waiting for me to give my name I believe.
"Teresa, my name is Teresa" I tell him feeling my blush and smile growing wider.
"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Mailk" He tells me flashing another smile, showing his bright white teeth. I start to walk away, when a tug is on my arm.
"Do you think you can take me there," he asks, "I'm not familiar with the store. Also, the area."
It's a trap say no and leave so you don't get hurt again.
'Again?  What do you mean again?' I questioned the voice.
Silence was all I heard
"Sure, follow me" I tell him, leading the way.
While we're walking towards the aisle and I start to notice less and less people.
Leave now!
Mailk and I finally get there, I notice it's empty. I start to turn around to leave to finicky shopping, but three men stop me.
"Excuse me?" I ask trying to get by, but they stand still.
"Sweetheart,  you can't leave now. We're here to celebrate. " Mailk says, an evil smirk appearing on his face.
"Celebrating what exactly? " I ask, backing away from him.
"The celebration of our marriage, of course." he answers.
"Bride?! Ha! Your funny, you may be cute but I don't know you; so bye bye. " I tell him attempting to climb the shelves to get over.
"Stop her!" I hear him scream.
'Great now theses idiots move.'
I jump down on aisle 11, only to be caught by one of the goons.
"Put me down or I go loca on your ass!" I yell.
"No can do, pretty lady.  Boss said to grab you." he tells me, pure hatred in his voice.
"That's no way to treat a lady." says the same voice from in the 'dream' and in my head.
'Maybe I'm hearing things but that sounds like....'
I look up to see a bad ass smirk plastered on his face.
'So it wasn't a dream?'
"Fraid, not darling"
A  deep country slangish speaking voice; spoke in my head, making my heart pound faster.
'How the hell are you talking to me in my head?!'
"Umm, let's talk about this later" Dustin thinks,  before taking me from the sleeping idiot.
"Hehe, long story. We might want to leave." Dustin tells me as his wings release from his back.  Looking at his wings, I see eight more goons come towards us. Dustin grabs me by the waist and whisper in my ear
"Hold on tight."

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