Midnight Moon | Teen Ink

Midnight Moon

May 24, 2018
By Anonymous

Julliet wants so badly to know what happens to her and soon she finds out. She is shocked but also amazed. She begins to fall in love with a boy and meets her new friends. Everything is perfectly fine, for now. Then a pack from the north arrive taking an unexpected turn no one wants to take.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I am Julliet. I’m in a hospital. I almost died. That was all I could grasp at. I couldn’t remember anything but those words and the image of wolves surrounding. In the background I could hear the faint murmur of words, slowly getting clearer and clearer.

“When will she wake up?” my mother asked frantically. Her voice was shaky and her words were slurred as if she hadn't slept in days, and knowing her she probably didn't sleep at all.

“Hey mom.” My voice sounded raspy because I could barely breathe. In the back of my head I could feel a violent headache, so nothing is making sense and I can't focus on something as easily anymore.

She rushed over to me and hugged me. Her voice was muffled in my hair. She kept on saying how much she loves me and that she was so scared. Then when I looked around I saw my father sitting on a chair crying. Which I found out of place because he's not one to show emotion in public places. Then again there are stranger things in life.

“We were so worried,” she sobbed into my shoulder. “I thought I was going to lose you!”

I couldn’t remember much and so many questions were crowding my thoughts. What day is it? How long have I been here? Am I dying? My ears started ringing and my vision blurred, and I could feel my eyelids slowly drooping. I start to feel like I'm in some horror movie when they drug you so when they kill you, you don't feel anything.

“Come on, we have to let her get some rest. The medicine is kicking in.” said the nurse. Even her words were beginning to not make sense, becoming quieter and quieter still. She left with my parents close behind. I heard the door shut with a soft click and soon fell asleep.

I woke with a pounding headache and called for the nurse. She gave me some meds and a bottle of water. It’s very strange how everything in this world seems to have a purpose and solution.
“Drink up.” She said in a quiet but almost demanding voice, like she was tired of people not listening to her. I guess I couldn’t blame, nurses do work with very stubborn patients.

I asked her if I could eat and she said yes hesitantly and finally left to fetch me something to eat. While I was waiting for her come back I thought – er, tried to remember – what happened. Brief images would pop up and go away again like they were never there. I would try to remember them, but I would end up forgetting.

The nurse walked in with a big tray, with my parents trailing in after her. They sat down on the chairs, crossing their legs, and remained silent until the nurse turned around and walked out the door.
“How are you feeling sweetie?” my mothers question breaks the silence. Her voice was shaky again, I wanted to tell her I was fine, but I really don’t know if I am or not. Nobody here ever knows until your the one leaving or dying.

“I feel okay. When am I getting out of here?” I asked.

“They said you can leave tomorrow if you’re feeling better. Do you remember anything?”

Her question felt like a stab in my throat. I’ve been trying to figure that out since I got here. The only clear thing was the image of wolves surrounding me. I don’t remember how I got here or when. At this point I’m not sure they even know.
“No, not really.” I say slowly, unsure of myself.

“Can you say what you do remember?” my dad asked. I was startled by his voice. I haven’t heard him talk at all when I was here. It sounds quieter, like he was whispering it. His voice is usually heard not ignored.
“All I know is that wolves attacked me,” I said. “Do you know anything else?” Like if i'm dying or not? I wanted to ask but I knew it would be too much weight to bear

“No, sweetie. We only know as much as you do right now.” My mothers voice is gentle, I always thought that her voice was the most beautiful thing in the world when I was younger.
When I started eating it was silent, nobody wanted to talk. Well, It was quiet except for the sound my silverware made when they bumped each other and the annoying heart monitor by my so-called "bed".

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