The Story of Jacob | Teen Ink

The Story of Jacob

May 24, 2018
By kaylacollins504 BRONZE, Coal Valley, Illinois
kaylacollins504 BRONZE, Coal Valley, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there were twins named Jacob and Scarlett. Jacob and Scarlett were the kids of Tayion who was the leader of the gang Atlantis. For his whole life Jacob dreamed of being the leader of the gang, but his father always said he would want Scarlett to be the leader because she was more responsible. 


Tayion loved both his kids equal and wanted Jacob to be the leader but Jacob was to narcissistic to be trusted with leading the gang. Jacob would do whatever he could to avoid doing work to help the gang, for example when they would catch fish in the river, Jacob would pretend to grab fish while he was really just staring at his reflection.  But in Jacob's eyes he was always perfect and did nothing wrong, that's why he couldn’t understand why he wasn’t the first pick as  leader.

As months went on Tayion began to get sick, he would spend all day in bed and barely eat anything. While he was sick only Scarlett would take care of him, while Jacob would be out flirting with girls and come home late drunk. One day Jacob was bored he stumbled downstairs and began to look at the papers on the big book shelf. All that Jacob saw were baby pictures of him and Scarlett and a stack of old documents. The first one was Jacob's birth certificate and a couple other pages about how big he was when he was born and a picture of him just after he was born. He continued to look through the stack of papers until he saw one that caught his eye.


It was Tayions will, Jacob began to read it and on the paper he saw that it had Scarlett's name and that she would become the gang leader when Tayion dies! Jacob was furious, so furious that he erased Scarlett's name and put his own! At that moment he vowed to himself that he would do whatever it takes to kill his father and become gang leader. Tayion spent the rest of his day plotting on how he was going to kill Tayion. After a couple hours he finally decided that he was going to put poison  in Tayions dinner while Scarlett wasn’t looking and then blame it on her.

The next night Scarlett was in the kitchen making everyone dinner and she left the chickens on the plates while she went to the restroom. Jacob quickly went to the kitchen and put liquid poison on the chicken on the right. Jacob was keeping a close eye on the chicken to make sure he didn’t eat the wrong one. Then he heard Tayion yelling “Jacob come here!”

Jacob went to the bedroom where Tayion was slowly. Tayion was coughing when Jacob arrived. “Son I want you to know that I don’t think I have much time left in my life and I want to see you happy so I’m going to make you the gang leader.”

Jacob was so happy that he forgot that he hated Tayion and gave him a big hug. “Guys time for dinner!”

Scarlett said. Jacob helped Tayion out of bed and they both went to the dining room. Jacob was so happy that he didn’t even look at which plate Scarlett gave him and began to eat. After a couple bites Jacob noticed that his tongue became numb and it was hard for him to breathe. “Oh No!”

Jacob yelled. Scarlett and Tayion both exclaimed “What's wrong?”

Jacob told them the story and Tayion took Jacob by the collar and threw him out of the house. Jacob spent his last night at the river staring at his reflection calling himself bad names. Jacob passed away and was found the next morning with a note. The note said “Dear Tayion my father and Scarlett my sister, I am sorry for everything I have caused you, I love you both.”

“Because of my actions I have came to realize that I am indeed narcissistic.”
“I have lost everything I loved because I was greedy.”
“Yours truly, Jacob.”

When Jacob died he became a mirror so he could never see himself again.

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