Guardian Angels | Teen Ink

Guardian Angels

April 3, 2018
By Anonymous

Guardian Angels. We all have one, right? They protect us, ya know, keep us safe, guide us through life, help us make the right decisions. Many say stuff like, “My Guardian Angel must drink, because my life is hard!” First of all, sweetie, life isn’t all cupcakes and rainbows. Second of all, try having a Guardian Angel like mine.
My name is Olive Markinson, age 17. I never say I’m not like the other girls, because it’s fairly clear I’m not. My life is upside down, but straight forward. I live in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. I’ve always been the ‘goodie-two-shoes,’ straight A’s, attend swim team. My life is fairly normal, just by looking at the basic facts.
Every has their own Guardian Angel helping them through life. They’re cushy and sweet, and sugar-coat everything. My Guardian Angel is, well… different, I guess. Most Guardian Angels don’t reveal themselves to their person until death, but mine failed fairly fast. His name is Anixath, by the way. And he’s no angel.
I remember the first time we’d ever met. I was about 12 or so, I think. I was sitting in my room, working on homework, watching Netflix, or doing something else completely unproductive, when I hear this sound, almost like a tapping, from my closet. Being the audacious, idiotic child I was, and still am, I walked over to my closet like, “Yeah, it’s probably just my little brother’s dead hamster!”
So I open the door, and see nothing. I turn on the light; nothing. So I close the door, turn around, and see a note sitting on my bed. So I’m starting to get weirded out, right? So I sit down and read this note. Do not go out the back door. Instead, let your brother. So, confused but intrigued, I left my room and stood near the back door. I looked at it, confused, because there’s nothing here, right?
My brother, Joey, walks up and says, “What are you doing?” I shrug and say, “Hey, let’s play in the backyard.” Really, Joey, really? Anyways, he swings the door open and walks right on out, and WHAM! Right into a spider web. He’s screaming, he’s bawling, freaking out, trying to get this tiny, dime-sized spider off his face. I feel something in my back pocket.
You’re welcome! -Anixath. So, I’m confused, and I leave my brother and go to my room. By the way, he’s ticked like a cat in a bag still to this day. So I open the door to my room. It’s rather dark, and I see this thing in the corner. I freak out and chuck my phone at it and turn the light on the first chance I get.
It’s this floating, black ghost-like thing. It has these great wings, right, and a cute, little spear tail. It’s smiling, but not like a creep, but more like a happy dog. I stared at it, confused out of my mind. He waves, and I kid you not, says, “Hi, I’m Anixath!”
To this day, no one believes that I’ve seen my Guardian Angel in the flesh. I still have the notes sitting in my room on my hope chest, but many say I faked them. One day, though, they’ll find out I wasn't making anything up, that my Guardian Angel was, in fact, a demon who helped me prank my brother by running into a cobweb.

The author's comments:

I was bored one night, and thought, "Hey, what if someone had a Guardian Demon, and not a Guardian Angel?" And this story was born. 

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