A Tunnel Vision | Teen Ink

A Tunnel Vision

November 20, 2018
By Anonymous

From A Step Toward Falling By: Cammie McGovern

Set Instructions: The stage is set with many trees. Upstage there are big stadium lights with fans filled in the stands, people cheering. Downstage sits the tunnel to the locker room. A 17-year-old boy, Lucas, with his green and white football gear on and his white helmet in his hand. Lucas is standing on the sidewalk, not far from the stands, coming back from the locker room. A 20-year-old girl, Belinda, with disabilities is under the tunnel. She has on a green and white striped shirt with brown spots of coke and shorts to her knees. She is with a 19- year- old football player, Jason. He is wearing his green and white football uniform like Lucas. Under the bleachers an, 18-year-old girl, Emily, with her white shorts, that are way too short and green crop top, watching the same thing Lucas is.   

Monologue: [as Lucas is leaving to locker room to return to the field, he suddenly stops] Who is that? What is she doing? What is he doing? I see a girl, Belinda, on the ground in a ball, all rolled up. Her wet hair looks to have popcorn in it. Jason, one of my team mates, is with her. [Lucas staring at Jason in disbelief] Why is he hitting her? Why is he on top of her? [as he glances in the stands, he makes eye contact with Emily] Is that Emily? I think she is seeing what I am seeing. [Lucas turns his head back to look at Jason and Belinda] Belinda’s face is pushed against the fence. Jason holding her neck as she gasps for air. Kicking her legs. Why doesn’t Jason realize she is trying to get him off of her. [Lucas looks back at Emily as she runs away] It looks like she is going back in the stands. Hopefully she is getting help. [the crowd cheering in the background] I wonder who just scored? I can’t leave Belinda here just to go see the score, but should I stop Jason or just wait? [he walks closer to Jason and Belinda, as he gets closer he glances back to see if Emily has returned, she hasn’t] What am I going to do? [Lucas scratching his head trying to think as he walks closer] Jason won’t listen to me. He is older than me and thinks he is better than me. Why am I doing this? Lucas, you are trying to help Belinda and get Jason back on the field before coach comes looking for you and him. [as Lucas approaches Jason and Belinda, he starts yelling] “Jason. What are you doing?”

[Jason jumps up off Belinda adjusting his football pants and charges at Lucas, pushing him out of the way, causing Lucas to fall and his football helmet releasing from his hand. As he gets back up, he sees Emily has arrived but no one with her to help. As she approaches Lucas, she picks up his helmet. Then, Jason jogs up the tunnel to return to the field. Lucas and Emily slowly follow him, returning to the game, leaving Belinda alone. The lights dim so the only lighting on the stage is the light from the football stadium. As the lights dim, Belinda starts crying and Emily goes up to the stands while Lucas and Jason return to the field]

The author's comments:

This is my dramatic monologue from A Step Toward Falling I did in my English class. It is about one of the scenes in the book. This scene was why everything happened the way it did in the book. 

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