What are Friends For? | Teen Ink

What are Friends For?

October 2, 2018
By shockthesystem BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
shockthesystem BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Alexa Kai was my best friend. Ever since third grade when she shared her cookies with me, we’ve had each other’s backs through thick and thin. She would always help me with my problems, and I would return the favor. We were like siblings. Then one day, we were hanging out when she gave me a note, it read:

“Thank you.”

She then left without saying a word. I tried chasing after her but she was already gone. I tried calling, texting, and emailing. It got me nowhere. I decided to go to her house. What I saw shocked me, her house was for sale. I was stunned, then I thought;

“What happened to her?!?”

Days passed, then months, then years. There was no way I’d see her again. I never got over my confusion. Why did she leave? I still had the note she left me, and every time I saw it I always thought of her. Alas, I had to move on. I had to focus on what’s ahead. But I guess fate had something else in mind.

One day I was heading to the airport to fly to California for a wedding. After I boarded the plane, I sat down and was about to read my book when the lady next to me asked me to help with her seatbelt. She looked strangely familiar, it was like her face was giving me déjà vu. I helped her and went back to reading, but I wanted to talk to her more. I wanted to see where the familiarity was coming from.

Two hours into the flight, I decided to ask for her name. I turned to her, but she was asleep. I didn’t want to disturb her, so I decided to ask later. Then I saw she was wearing a name tag. It said:

Alexa Kai.

My mind crashed. My best friend, who I haven’t seen in years, was right here. What are the odds? She then woke up and saw me looking at her.

“Oh, did I fall asleep? Hehe, sorry.”

Her voice was now familiar. My mind was shambolic. I wanted to ask her why she left and why she didn’t say anything.

“Do you recognize me?” I asked.

She stared at me and looked like she was about to answer, but then we heard screaming from the pilot. He lost control. The plane started to tilt downwards. It was going to crash.

Everyone screamed and panicked. Alexa was on the verge of tears. One of the crew members opened an exit, but it wasn’t going to stay open for long. Everyone rushed to the exit. Alexa and I were near the back, so our situation was critical. As we got closer to the front, we realized there was only enough time for one of us to escape before the plane crashed. Before I knew it though, Alexa grabbed my arm and said:

“What are friends for?”

That day confirmed I would never see her again.

The author's comments:

I am a 14-year-old student who is aspiring to become an author. I want to become an author because my mind is full of creative ideas that I want to express. Writing stories is the best way to express my mind for me. 

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