December 18, 2018
By xXunbracedwolfXx BRONZE, Monmouth, Oregon
xXunbracedwolfXx BRONZE, Monmouth, Oregon
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One day a new family moved in across the street. It seemed so perfect having a mom ,dad and two sons named Cody and Jeff, I was an only child.

The next day, when I was getting ready for school, I heard some boy yelling . I didn't want to look outside my window because I didn't want to waste my time to get ready. Sadly my curiosity got the best of me, so looked out the window . For some reason Roy, one of my school’s bullies, was yelling at Jeff and Cody. I rolled up my window to hear what he was saying, and I heard Roy say “if you don't give me your money, I'll knock your teeth out.”

Then Jeff stood up and punched Roy in the face, breaking his nose in the process .

Stupid boy, I thought

Later that day I saw Jeff at school, but his face a little to happy. It looked satisfied. After school, when I was walking home, I saw a police vehicle. Then I saw an officer dragging Cody out of the house. Then Jeff come out the house SCREAMING at the officer saying,  “It was me!”

At school the next day during lunch I heard people saying Cody got arrested for assaulting Roy. I saw Jeff sitting by himself,so I decided to write him a note. When I was done, I put the note in his locker.The note said “you have a friend here.”

It was a Saturday afternoon when I saw Jeff at my next door neighbors house for their son's birthday party. Then I saw Roy sneak up behind Jeff and pour bleach and gasoline onto Jeff.Then lit jeff on fire with a match.

I stepped back from the window and ran to my phone to call 911. When the operator picked up, all I could say was, “Someone’s is burning alive!” When I thought about Jeff burning I dropped my phone. The screen shattered when it hit the ground.

I ran down the stairs into the kitchen, grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran outside and tried going through the front door. But it was locked so I had to go through the back .When I say Jeff laying at the bottom of the stairs with pieces  of his skin charred, and pink mostly covered in red.Then I passed out.

The next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital with bandages around my head. A nurse came in and said, “Hello, Jane, my name is Amanda.” I told her what happened to the boy with the burns. I was trying to get up, but then Amanda laid me back down.

Then Amanda said, “ you can't see him just because  he’s your boyfriend.”

I got really mad and I screamed at the nurse, saying, “Wouldn't you be worried about someone you saw burning alive right in front of you?”Amanda didn't  answer me after that,but she did say Amanda said my parents were there. They came into the room and asked me what happened. I told them everything . Then I saw two people standing in the doorway. My mother looked over and said, “Who are you?”

“I am Jeff's mom,” the women said.

“I’m Jeff's dad,” said the the man. “We wanted to thank you for saving Jeff’s life.we would like you like to invite you to dinner when Jeff gets out of the hospital?”

Two days later I was released from the hospital. When I went to school the next day I was the center of attention,but I didn't tell anyone what happened  except my friends.

Three weeks later Jeff got out of the hospital. When I saw Jeff get out of his family's car, his skin was paper white. I teared up and passed out because I couldn’t handle seeing someone like that .  

That night when I woke up, all the lights were out except for the kitchen for the light in the kitchen . So I went to the kitchen, and there was a note that said, “Your father and I  went to Jeff’s house for dinner. Feel free to join us if you like .”

I looked out the kitchen window , but when I did I saw Jeff standing in my front lawn staring at me from the lawn with a bloody knife in his hand. I couldn’t understand what he was doing, but I felt my heart beat rapidly then my began to shake so I couldn’t move. I fell back and without thinking grabbed one of the sharpest knives in the kitchen. Then I finally Regained the ability to walk.So then ran to the house phone to call 911, but there was no dial tone. The power line was cut. At that moment I knew I had to face Jeff alone. I heard screeching like nails on a chalkboard. Then I heard him say through the door, “I thought we were friends.”

I was scared for my life, but I went to the door to open it. If I didn’t, he would never go away. Nobody was there.

My brain wasn’t thinking straight. I ran to Jeff's house and opened the door. As soon as I did I was hit from behind and knocked out.

When I woke up, I was tied to a chair. Finally, Jeff came into the room with a can of gasoline. He said, “I’m glad to see you’re awake.” Then I noticed a tarp.

At that moment I remembered my parents. “Tell me where my parents are,” I demanded.

Jeff said, “do you really want to know?”

I said yes, so he lifted the tarp.Then I saw my parents stabbed to death still gushing out blood like a geyser shooting out water. Then he poured the gasoline onto me.

“You’re going to be just like me,” Jeff said, “and by the way, I already called the fire department.”

He lit a match and then dropped it onto me I screamed .

The next thing I knew, I woke up in the the the hospital covered in bandages head to toe except for my hands, but my hand were cover in burns. A nurse came in. She looked familiar. I remembered her from last time. It was Amanda. Sadly she didn't have any good news. She came in and told me my parents died in a fire. I started to tear up ,and then began to ball. Amanda said I'm going to give you something to make you calm down. Then I fell asleep.

Two weeks later I woke up .Then Amanda came in and said we had to put you into a medically induced coma so your wounds could heal. She  also said there was a package for me so she handed it to me . I waited until she left the room, then I opened it.

The package had a white mask , white gloves,a black dress and a note.

The note said I'm sorry I couldn't make you looked like me ,but now you can. I passed out as soon as read who it was from JEFF.

That night when I woke up I knew I had to find him and kill him.

                                                                                     By James 

The author's comments:

Its a thriller that FREAKED me out when I finished typing

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