The Voice In My Head | Teen Ink

The Voice In My Head

December 18, 2018
By RmCconnell BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
RmCconnell BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Short Story

The Voice In My Head

    ‘’I never wanted to do any of what i’ve done. He told me to do it, if I didn't then they were going to get me. They would have killed me! Everyone wants me dead, the cops, my friends, family, even you.’’

    What are you talking about Church? All i've ever done is help you survive, all of those people you killed, they needed to die. They were going to hurt you

    ‘’No! You've tell me that everytime I do something, I was fine until you showed up in my head! My life was perfect, I had a job, a place to live, I had everything I wanted and worked so hard for, but when you came around, you ruined my whole life.’’

    I saved you. You were a worthless nobody when I came around. You couldn't even kill someone properly.

    ‘’I never wanted to kill him! You of all people should know that since you're in my f’ing head! I never wanted to hurt anyone but, I just lost control, I wasn't even in control of my own body. Come to think of it I never am when I kill.’’

    Its the beast inside of you coming out Church. That man was going to hurt you, so you stood up for yourself.

    ‘’And I Murdered him!’’

    It's what needed to be done, all of the people you hurt were going to get you. They were going to kill us, so we killed them. You need to trust me Church, i’m here to keep you alive, i’m here to help you. Trust me. Nothing can ever happen to us when we work together.

    ‘’But why do we need to kill people?’’

Because you're a criminal dumbass, if anyone knows who we are then they will call the cops and send us to jail. Then we’ll be stuck there forever with people who will want to kill you. Trust me.

    ‘’I guess, i can tr-’’

    Shut up! Someone's at the door, Church, they are trying to capture you, you have to do something. The cops are probably going to show up soon. You need to get rid of whoever that is.

    ‘’But I can’t’’

    SSSSSHHHHHHH! No One else can hear me, if you talk out loud they will think you’re crazy, you have to just go get rid of them, grab that knife. Go. Kill.


    Church precedes ever so slowly to his door, knife in hand ready to kill whoever is at the door. He looks through the peephole to see who it is. He may be hesitant to murder again as he as done it so much in the past month for seemingly no reason whatsoever. And last time he nearly got caught. But that little voice in his head seems to persuade him to do just about anything. As he looks through the hole, he sees that the person waiting there is his long time neighbor Kyle.

    I can’t kill Kyle, we have been friends since I moved in, and if someone notices he’s gone, they might suspect me because i’m the only person he talks to.

    Nobody cares about Kyle, expect you, and no one would notice if he’s gone. Either way he’s here to turn you in. Invite him inside do you can kill him!

    Church proceed to open the door, knife still in hand as he decided to go through with it and let Kyle come inside.

    ‘’Hey Church what's up man, hey what's with the knife?’’ Kyle says nervously

    DUMBASS. Don't let that bum of a pothead in here, heś gonna ruin our secret.

    ‘’Oh I was, I was um, just about to make some dinner if you wanted to come join me? I have enough for both of us’’ Church blurts out

    ‘’Yeah sure i’ll eat, what you gonna be making?’’ Kyle asks

    ‘’Some…..Spaghetti with homemade pasta sauce’’ Church exclaims

    Kyle comes in to Churches apartment and sits on the couch to watch some nightly news. Church goes over to the kitchen to start ‘making dinner’

    ‘’Hey Church, have you heard about all of these murders that have been taking place all around Brooklyn? Some of them were pretty close to us man, we better watch out.’’ Kyle mentions

    ‘’Yeah I have, it’s crazy, someone like that so close to us. Gotta be careful’’ Church says nervously

    ‘’I bet we could take him on’’ Kyle says proudly

    ‘’Sure’’ Church says in a monotone voice

     Kyle continues to watch the news as Church starts to boil some water for the delicious meal they are going to have.

    How are you going to kill him church? You need to do it soon, he might be catching on, unless he already knows.

    Don’t worry about it. I can handle myself for once.

    ‘’Hey Kyle can you come here for a moment?’’ Church asks

    ‘’Yeah sure what's up’’ Kyle curiously asks as he goes over to Church

    As Kyle walked over to the kitchen where Church was Church turned around with a pot of boiling water and he threw it at Kyles face. Kyle screamed as the water scolded his face, burning him and leaving him imobile. Church needed to shut Kyle up so no one would hear so he threw the pot at his head knocking him onto the floor.

    Church you need to deal with him now! Get rid of this f’ing mess!

    Church proceed to grab a baseball bat that he had on a shelf and went on to slam his head with it until he was sure Kyle was dead and his head was nothing but jelly mush in place of his head on the floor. Going overboard just a tad.

    ‘’Holy shit, what the hell did I just do?’’

    Good Church, you did well, he knew what we did and you took car-

    The voice was interrupted as a loud baning was suddenly heard at the door. It was Churches landlord Mr. Polinsky who was a rabid blubbering whale of a man.

     ‘’Hey Church! What the hell is all of that noise going on in there?’’ Mr. Polinsky asks furiously

    Church rushed to the door opening it only the slightest bit, just enough for im to see Mr. Polinskys tomato red face, and for him to see his.

    ‘’Jesus Church, what the crap is all over your face? Is that blood?’’ Mr. Polinsky questions

    ‘’Wha...blood?? Nooo, it’s, it’s, it’s some spaghetti sauce, Kyle is over here and I was just making food, and, and I spilled a bowl of it and it made a big noise and I got the sauce all over me. You know, it was just an accident.’’ Church says rapidly

    ‘’Oh, well my bad then. I thought you were fighting or something, sorry for disturbing you, oh and tell that lousy deadbeat Kyle he needs to pay his damn rent!’’ Mr. Polinsky says as he waddles away

    He fell for that stunt? What an oblivious asshole, well either way Church you did good and now we are safe from being found out. But now we have a bigger issue I suppose. What to do with this jelly head and his body.

    ‘’I’ll have to cut his body up, and then, well I can put all of him in a trash bag and put it in the bottom of the garbage container outside. The truck will pick it up and it will be gone forever.

     Genius Church, if we work together we will never be found out and we can be the best criminal in the world!

    ‘’I don’t want that though, I just want to live my life. I want to go free without crime like I was before you showed up.’’

     Listen to me Church, did you forget what you are. You’re a criminal. You’ve killed too many and can’t go back to the way you ever were. You can either listen to me and kill people but still live a somewhat regular life just will all of the murder, or you can run and get caught by the cops. If you do that they'll kill you. And that kills me too, and I’ll do whatever I can to survive in your worthless piece of shit body. You are just the most pathetic person that I had ever had the pleasure of meeting.

    ‘’Will you just shut up! I’ll do what you want as long as you just shut up.’’

     Alright Church as you wish

    Church tries to go on and live a somewhat normal life but the voice keeps making him kill, and kill, and kill. Church seems to never want to stand up for himself as he descends deeper and deeper into madness. No hope of leaving this life as the demon in his head leads him into total destruction.

     Church you’ve done well

    ‘’Yes, I guess I have. It doesn't matter anymore anyway. I've gone too far, there's no going back.’’ Church mutters

     Why would you want to go back? Your famous now, the news is talking about your work all the time. ‘’A mass murderer on the run for one year now has had the police in a panic, so far they know that this maniac has over 50 kills.’’ You're everywhere, and with me helping you, you're also nowhere.

    ‘’We are pretty popular, but it’s never the life I imagined for myself. Who would have thought that one guy trying to rob me would end up with me being a mass murderer. It’s not what I wanted, but if you say so I will continue to. I’m living like a rat, in the sewer or wherever I can only coming out to strike.

     Church rambles on for a long while while he dozes off to wake only in the middle of the night to a red and blue light with a bang at the door in the warehouse he is in. He gives it no mind until a flock of police bust in with gun in hand.

     Shit! Church you gotta go1 It’s the cops!

    ‘’Sir, put your hands in the air! We know who you are and we won't think twice about shooting if you try to make a move.’’ The cops yell from a intercom.

     Without a second thought church stand up, but then sprints toward the van that he has been using for a while now and he speeds straight toward the barricade. He busts thought it as the cops are spraying at the van but he doesn't care, until a bullet grazes his skull and he shoots up fully aware.

     ‘’Holy crap! What the hell is going on?!’’

     Oh no, you’re back aren't you?

   ‘’What do you mean I’m back, where have I been?’’

     Listen Church, you’re a submissive person, you let people manipulate you. So I sort of took advantage of that to control you and make you murder if you refuse. You lost all hope so it was easy to make you my pupett.

    ‘’Great. I did accept that I was a killer but you just made it worse. Asshole’’

     Listen buddy were all good right? You're going to get us out of this?

   ‘’No. I’ done letting people push me around. I won't let you and me hurt anyone anymore. This has gotten out of hand you maniac. I don’t care if youre just my inner thoughts but I can't let this go on. I’m not okay. I need to be stopped.

     Church keeps running from the cops going as fast as he can to the highest building that he can, and when he gets there he keeps going. All the way to the top. Once he’s there he stands upon a ledge looking down on the beautiful city that he’s ruined.

     ‘’Church, we have you cornered, don't do anything stupid and come with us.’’ The cops yell with guns till pointed.

     ‘’I’m not doing anything stupid. I know i’m a pushover and i won’t let anyone control me. I’m helping this whole city. I’m doing this on my own will.

     Church what the hell do you think you’re doing? Church? Listen to me! Don’t do this! Church!

    I’m free. The voice is gone. I can think on my own, without that damned demonic voice. Growling away in my head, scratching away at my sanity, my actions echoing its each word. This melancholy feeling passes me as I can think in peace, no more torment. I can rest forever.

     Church proceed to save himself and everyone that would have been in his path of destruction in this city. He jumps, being the bearer of his own fate once more, not letting anyone or anything decide for him anymore. He falls, for a while while he looks back on his life and hopes the next one is better as he hits the ground. The city is quiet once more. The terrors of a murderer silenced. While the pain may still be felt, there will be no new pain in this wonderful gem of a city. Unless there are other maniacs waiting in the shadow do be prey for the darkness that is in all of us.

The author's comments:

It is a dark thriller of a man named Church with a sadistic voive in his head that leads him into darkness

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