Our Morning | Teen Ink

Our Morning

December 19, 2018
By tiffanerz BRONZE, Stockton, California
tiffanerz BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our Morning


“Danny, wake up, you gotta get ready for work.” I said lightly shaking him.

“Hmm”  he replied and rolled over, cracking open his eyes. Giving him a kiss on the cheek, I go start breakfast. As I walk away I hear him groan and then the bed squeak under his weight.

“I'm making eggs and bacon for breakfast!” I yelled to him while searching through the fridge.

“Can we have waffles too?!” he replied.

“Yeah, I guess.” I chuckled at his kiddish question. I seen it coming though, waffles are his favorite and he always asks for them when we have bacon and eggs. Before I start cooking I turn on the T.V. to the news and quickly wash my hands. I dont usually watch the news but lately there has been several public attacks, supposedly there from terrorists, but they've been completely spontaneous. There hasn't been an attack in a couple of weeks, so hopefully it's over and done with. The most recent attack was a suicide bomber that tried to take over a subway train; Obviously it did not end well.

By the time I was done with cooking, danny had already ate his waffle, eggs and bacon sandwich and was rushing around trying to find his keys.

“There in your pocket, honey.” I said sipping my coffee, waiting for the last waffles to finish.

“No there not, I already ch--”he began to say but cut himself off when he reached into his pocket, finding his keys. “thanks, babe.” he said smiling sheepishly and gave me a kiss and headed for the door.

“ Wait!” I yelled running over to him, “ please wear this,” handing him my great great grandmothers lucky pendant, “for me?” I asked smiling my biggest smile. Danny doesn't believe in superstitions or lucky charms.

“For you?” he asked grabbing the necklace and examining it before putting it on, “Anything for you, love.”

“Thank you,” I said and gave him a kiss, “I love you.”

“ I love you too,” he answered before giving me another kiss, “ok, I gotta go before i'm late again.” he said before planting another kiss on me and getting into the car. I stayed to watch the car drive away as I prayed for his safety, like I always do. I turn to walk inside when I remember that I have to use the car to run errands before work, and we only have one car. So, heading inside I head to the living room to turn off the T.V. and blast some tunes.

After about five minutes of searching through youtube, I finally settle on ‘As I am’ by H.E.R., she always puts my mind at ease. I remember that I didn't lock the door, so I go do so, and on the way back I see that the kitchen is a mess. I start to clean and as I see how much food is left, I decide to bring danny breakfast for lunch. So I kinda get off track a little bit and started to make some more bacon and potato chunks. And by the time i'm finished, I barely remembered that I was supposed to be getting ready. I finish cleaning up and head to the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower, I get dressed and grab my bags, heading off to the bus stop. The next bus doesn't come till 8, so I still have time to get there. I take the 47 downtown, and it's perfect because its directly in front of danny's work. On the way there, we have to stop and pull over for some ambulances and I can't help but think that their going to the same place as me. We aren't far from his work now and I can't help but fidget in my seat, trying to keep my eyes on the ambulance, when they take an unexpected turn and we come to a complete stop. We are about 4 blocks from his work, and I feel as i’m going to vomit. I can't take it anymore, I hurriedly get up and push past people, saying excuse me to every other person.

“Ma’am, you can't get off, we're in traffic,” the bus driver says to me as I reach the door.

“Please I have too, I need to see what's going on, my husband works not to far from here, please” I said trying to persuade him to open the door. “ please” I beg him once more and reluctantly he opens the door. As soon as my feet hit the ground I start sprinting to all the comotion, weaving in and out of groups of people and around cars in traffic. I already know something's happened, everyones to still for something to not have. I turn the corner and see a huge group of people running away from the smoke and debris.

“ Oh god, Danny!” I start pushing past people trying to get to the wreckage.

I've never seen anything like this before. With all the dust and smoke I can barely see anything but whats five feet in front of me. There's bodies scattered all over the road. Without even giving it a second thought I take off running into the debris.

“Someone call 911, Hurry!”  oh god danny, where are you? Please be ok.

“Danny!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, “danny!” frantically looking through the rubble. I cant see a thing, the fogs to thick, but I can't stop looking for him.

Ahhh! I heard his voice but didn't see him.

“Get off me! Help!” he yelled from below the beam I was standing on.  

“Oh my god, danny!” I hopped down and tried to lift the beam but it would not budge. “Oh god, oh god, someone help! Help! Please!” I screeched and continued to try to lift the beam. I can hear the sirens now, “Don't worry danny, it's going to be alright, i'm gonna go get help, i'll be right back.”

“wait, baby please don't leave me” he pleaded holding on to my arm.

“I'll be right back I promise, i'm just gonna go get help.” I said easing away from his grip. I can hear the sirens clear as day right now. I start running toward the flashing lights. As I get closer I can see the crowds of people, bloodied and traumatized. I can see the trucks now.

“Help, someone please help!” I yelled to get their attention. “Please,” I said grabbing onto one of the fighter fighters arms, “please, my husband, he's stuck under the rubble.”

“Ma’am, you can't be here, it's not safe, you need to get behind the barrier,” he yelled over all the commotion, obviously not hearing me.

“My husbands stuck! I need your help!” I yelled at him, trying to get him to understand. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn't catch a word I said. He continued to try to corral me to the barrier but I wasn't having it, I slipped under his arm and ran passed the rest of them; They obviously didn't care about the people stuck, they were more into putting out the fires so they could go back for them, but I couldn't leave danny, not like this. I promised him I would come back.

My vision started getting blurry, but I had to get back to danny. Everywhere I stepped, there was either a body or rock to be stepped on. It's like the fog keeps getting thicker and I can't tell which way is which. I can't remember where I came from or where danny is.

“Danny!?” I croaked, but I didn't get a response. I started running in the direction I thought danny was in, but instead I found nothing but a pile of debris that I didn't see was there and tumbled over it, hitting my head in the process. The only thing I could think of was danny. I tried to get up but my leg was broken; I guess you could say I was in shock because I couldn't feel it, I couldn't feel any part of my bottom half. I look down to check the damage and there's steel bar sticking out my hip. My head was pounding and I could feel hot liquid pouring down my face, wiping it off I find its blood. Tears sting my eyes as I think This is it, I know it is; I can feel my body shutting down. My vision gets hazier by the second and I feel as if i'm going to...

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