Waterlogged | Teen Ink


January 25, 2019
By Anonymous

Wesley woke to a call. He looked over to see the time and the clock read 3:34 A.M. He checked the caller ID before answering, it was the police chief. He then answered the phone.

“Hey, Chief what’s up?”

“There was a dead body that washed up in the park lake and I need you to check it out.”

“Alright Sir, I’ll get right over there.”

Wesley hung up and rolled onto his back just before hopping out of bed to start the early morning. He quickly got on his suit and tie as to look as presentable as possible without wasting any time. He shuffled down the stairs said goodbye to his dog and hastily grabbed a Clif bar with water to start him off for the day. The park was a 10-minute drive over usually but there was noon the road so Wesley got over to the park in 7. He checked his watch when he got there and it read 3:54. He got out of the car and immediately knew where to go as there were already two other officers there one looking along the shore and the other seemed to be talking to presumably the jogger that found the body. Wesley was trying to take in everything around him. He was feeling the air temperature which he estimated to be 71˚ he noticed that there was a total of 4 cars in the parking lot. He didn’t take out his flashlight as he could already see just fine with the full moon on a clear sky.

He approached the scene and scaled everything he could up and down to look for anything irregular. Wesley approached the officer that wasn’t taking a statement and asked what he knew so far.

The officer replied, “We know the victim is Caucasian and male but we are waiting for the medical, examiner to show up so that he can estimate the time of death.” He continued, “I found a bag further down on the beach that could possibly be related to this.”

Wesley lifted up the cover and observed that the victim was only wearing his swimsuit. He put down cover and continued to look around. He observed all of the marks in the sand  The detective looked through his things and found a towel, goggles, and a spare change of clothes along with his keys, wallet, and phone. The detective thought this was all picular as the towel had definitely been used because it was wet and all wrapped together. Another thing that he found suspicion was the fact he found goggles.  Wesley being interested took the goggles and went back to the body to check something he lifted up the cover for the body to see that he was not wearing any goggles.

At this point, Wesley knew something was up and that the man didn’t drown. Wesley went back to the bag and pulled out the victim's wallet. The ID inside read the name, James Dean. Multiple hours had passed since he had arrived at the crime scene and at this point, the Medical examiner confirmed that James was strangled and then thrown in the water due to the bruising on his neck and lack of water in his lungs.

Wesley backtracked Jame’s activities from that day he started with his work were his boss Steve confirmed him leaving at 5 like everyone else does at the bank. Wesley was then able to confirm this by tracking his phone. He then is able to learn that James most likely went to the bar that he usually goes to on Friday nights. He was then able to corroborate from witnesses that he stayed at the bar until 1:30 when he didn’t close out his tab and left with another man that is another regular to the bar who also worked at the same place as James with his name being Mathew. Mathew was the last seen person with James and even though Mathew having problems with James in the past he was only trying to get James to his apartment safely. At this point, he says that the bartender met them pulled them into the alley and killed James because he hated serving him. Yet the traffic cameras only show Mathew tripping into the alley with a passed out James and then emerging minutes later with an equaly as passed out James.

Wesley after hearing all of this from various people has to make a decision whether it was the bartender or Mathew.

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