TTT | Teen Ink


January 25, 2019
By Corth BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Corth BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Trouble In Terrorist Town

Lying in the middle of the courtyard of this processing plant is a plague, a plague that causes distrust among friends and family alike, a plague that will continue to spread until there is but one person left.  The plague started from one single bullet to the head of on of the captains of a band of terrorists holding out in an old grain processing plant, in the middle of nowhere.

The story starts with me, Connor,  the investigator sent by the leaders of the group to investigate a possible mole in the group.  The team left a drop box with a few things for me if I need them, like a medkit, a silenced weapon, and a few grenades.  It all started with a single gunshot from the courtyard. I was in a run down garage when it started, with a guy named Hunter, silent type, seemed to keep to himself whenever he can, we were sent to try to scrap what we can from this plant.  Hunter and I were assigned to the garage, we were taking parts from a radio in an old car when it happened, a shot from the courtyard, we all ran out from what we where we were, I tried to take a note of where everyone came from, I was only able to get 3 others, I saw Grant come from the grain storage building, and will and lucas from the factory, and Hunter was with me.  The only one that didn’t come out right away was Andrew. I inspected the body, his name was Christian a friend of both Grant and Andrew, a shot from a high calibre rifle to the head is what killed him. We had Hunter watch the body while we went to look around for Andrew, since he was with me when the shot was taken. We went to the tower first, there we found him, in the hall, eating.

“What in the hell are you doing, one of our people was shot!” I yelled,  

“Oh shit!  I figured one of you misfired!”

“We don’t know where it came from or who did it, it could be one of us for all we know,  we have to be sure cause one of you could be the m---”

Andrew cut me off “Odd, any idea who it might be”

“Yeah It’s probably you isn’t it, Andrew if that’s even your real name,  how do we know that you weren’t the one that shot Christian?”

“Christian's dead?!  He was the only person I could’ve called a friend in the god forsaken group!” Andrew responded.  “Let me finish this up and I’ll meet you guys out there”

we walked back through the hall and into the tower, but before we exited, Grant pointed out something.

“WAIT!  There’s a tripwire!”

Lucas, the one closest to the door, fell backwards trying to stop himself from going through the tripwire, on the ground scared out of his mind Lucas yells.

“There’s a goddamn S.L.A.M attached to the door!”

A S.L.A.M is a small landmine triggered by a tripwire that can be attached to any surface, in this case, a door frame

“Everyone move back, I’m gonna shoot it” I said.

As soon as everyone moves to the very back of the room I shot the SLAM with my sidearm.  The explosive went off and with a crash, it tore a hole in the wall where the doorframe was.  As we walk out we see Hunter run up.

“The hell was that?” questioned Hunter

“Someone set up a trap after we went in----”

Before I could finish Hunter interrupted me

“I swear to god if you blame it on me… “

“We don’t know who it was but, I have a feeling I can still trust y---”

“I can’t” said Andrew, interrupting me

Andrew pulled out his pistol and shot Hunter right through the chest.  After a moment of shock, I was enraged, I grabbed Andrew by the throat and shoved him into the wall nearby.


I let go of him and dropped him to the ground.  I dragged him over to the chain link fence a few feet away

“I’m not dealing with you, slide your weapons towards me.”

I zip tied him to the fence by both of his hands once I had his weapons, not like he would be able to use them anyway.  I walked back towards the group, everyone just looked over Hunters body in a daze.

“Alright everyone the traitor is tied up over there, what do we do?”

“I say execution” Will said

“Same here” said Lucas

Grant still looked over the body with no response.  

“Ok then, who does the honors?” I asked

“I will”  responded Lucas

Us four walked over to Andrew, tied to the fence, and lucas drew his shotgun

“I’m telling you right now it’s not me” claimed Andrew

Lucas pulled the trigger and the life in Andrews eyes left, not even a sound other than the explosion of the gunpowder.

“Search him for any evidence of him having ties to the US government” I ordered  “I’ll go check Hunter for anything”

As I searched Hunters pockets Will shouted over to me

“Come over here, you need to see this!”

I ran over, holding in wills hand is an FBI issued badge with a name and picture on it, it was Hunters picture.

“God dammit, that’s why he shot him, he had proof that it was Hunter”

“Why didn’t he try to show it to us?” asked Lucas

“Don’t know, I don’t think we’ll ever know” I responded

“I guess that’s it then, we got him” will said

“We need to leave, before the FBI finds out what happened, will go to the radio in the factory and radio the rest of the team“ I proposed

“Yeah lets go”

We went to go grab our things, I was grabbing my tools from the drop box that our team left,  I noticed that my silenced M16 was gone. Realizing that someone must’ve grabbed it while we were out

“Wait, how could he have killed Christian if he was right with me” I said to myself

I realized that there must be someone else here that was a traitor. I remembered that Grant, instead of giving an answer for my question he looked over Hunters body, he was working with Hunter.   I sprinted out the garage and towards the factory, where Lucas and Will both had their stuff, I opened up the double doors to see Lucas and Will’s bodies lying there, dead, lifeless. I didn’t know what to do, I slowly walked backwards back into the courtyard.  As I walked out the factory I felt the cold metal of the silencer on the back of my head.

“Drop everything” I heard Grant’s voice say

I gently emptied all of my holsters and dropped my MP5 to the ground.  I have to do something I thought to myself. I grabbed a handful of sand and threw it in Grant’s face before he could react.  I wasn’t able to grab my MP5, it was too close to his feet so I grabbed one of my pistols and sprinted deeper into the factory.  I was able to find a vent up in the office part of the factory that could be used to escape. I took the cover off and started climbing through.  It took longer than it should’ve to get through to the other end. I peaked out the vent noticing that I’m on the roof now. I climbed out of the vent onto the sheet metal ceiling.  I noticed that Grant was still looking for me below, I still had one of the grenades from the drop box, I grabbed it off my vest and pulled the pin. As soon as Grant came close to the wall I jumped off clutching the grenade in my hand with A loud thud I landed on Grant, few seconds later the Grenade went off.  Yet I didn’t die, I was left there to bleed out. As everything was fading I heard a jeep roll up, I heard the voice of one of our leaders before I faded.


The author's comments:

It's based off of a game that me and my friends play from time to time.

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