If You Find Me Don't Lose Me | Teen Ink

If You Find Me Don't Lose Me

January 29, 2019
By sage-11 BRONZE, Groton, Connecticut
sage-11 BRONZE, Groton, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you want to find me, look for me in places that are abnormal, abandoned, and dark. But if you lose me you will have trouble finding me again. I will hide in the dark corners of a room and pray to god you see me or hear me screaming for help. I'm everywhere you don't expect me to be everywhere its dark. I hang my head in sorrow as I cry, my legs and arms hurt from clawing away from the demons that lurk in the dark crevasse of every room. I have to figure out a way to protect you until you find me and drag me away from the dark and pry my eyes open to the light. I'll want the headache so that way I may feel alive again. I'll know I'm out of danger to which I was thrown into unwillingly, I want my second chance at life I feel dead. I want my life back for as long as possible. So I plead for mercy, I plead you will look at me and through me. I plead for you to look for me. I beg you to please find me and pull me by my sore arms to save my life. Save me from choking on my halo. So if you find me keep me close, don't let me run out of time. Do everything you possibly can. Remember, look for me in unnatural and abandoned places. Look for me in the dark. Use your heart and your brain. I'm in the dark I have been neglected by everyone and everything except you. So when you find me hold me tight, I'll die in your arms when its my time, not when my hourglass is expected to run out. Death is on my side helping you you find me in the unexpected. Death is trying to get me back to you, you'll find me when you finally realize I’ve been here the whole time. This is how I can speak to you, this is my way of telling you I’m here so please find me.

I miss the sound of laughter, the sound of guitar bass and drums in my ears, I miss the feeling of headphones in my ears, and I miss the church bells ringing. The last time I heard them was the day Death took me under his jet black wings. Death is my protector. He uses his scythe to fend off the dark, to fend off demons that want my head that want my soul. They feed off sadness, they want to feed off my soul. There’s only so many things he can do only so many places he could take me that are safe. But most of all the things I miss, is you and the protection you shielded me with.

I know its peaceful there, but all I want is to be tethered to my life again. Please save me from this, save me before my heart stops before my lungs give out. I can’t stay with Death because soon he has to push me into the warm peaceful light. So please my love bring me back, bring me home.    

The author's comments:

The woman I wrote about is on the verge of death. Shes is in a coma and wants her love to pull her from the door that leads to eternal peace. She sits in the waiting room next to him draining her time, she wants him to tether her back to her life before she's dragged to heaven or hell to the after life.

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