The day my phobia came true | Teen Ink

The day my phobia came true

April 11, 2019
By LS56897 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
LS56897 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

         My day has started great. I was asked on a date by the guy I always admired by the coffee shop window. He was always there, just drinking his coffee but sometimes, I swear he would stare at me. One day I was on my usual daily run and I felt like someone was staring at me. I was looking around and I saw the boy from the coffee shop. I got caught in his gaze until he looked back down at his phone. I was a little weirded out but he was so handsome. I couldn’t handle it and I ran home. One day he came up to me and told me I dropped $200. I knew I didn’t because I don’t carry that much money when I’m going on a run. I usually carry a bit if I wanna stop for lunch. He insisted I take it since be apparently saw me drop it. He invited me for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. “Hello, I’m Seth and you are.” “Hey, I’m Ally.” After we had some lunch I realized that i love hanging out with him. He asked me on a date and I said yes, but he told me to meet him in the address he sent to me. I was hesitant at first, but I was deeply in love. I spent hours getting ready. I put the location onto my GPS and it was in the middle of the woods. Now this really set alarms in my head but I thought I was just nervous. It was a pretty long ride and I was talking to my best friend who recently moved out of state. She said this seemed very sketchy but I should go for it if i really liked the guy. When I got there I got a message and it was from him. He said “When you get here go inside the woods and keep walking till you see the open area. My brain was
         My day has started great. I was asked on a date by the guy I always admired by the coffee shop window. He was always there, just drinking his coffee but sometimes, I swear he would stare at me. One day I was on my usual daily run and I felt like someone was staring at me. I was looking around and I saw the boy from the coffee shop. I got caught in his gaze until he looked back down at his phone. I was a little weirded out but he was so handsome. I couldn’t handle it and I ran home. One day he came up to me and told me I dropped $200. I knew I didn’t because I don’t carry that much money when I’m going on a run. I usually carry a bit if I wanna stop for lunch. He insisted I take it since be apparently saw me drop it. He invited me for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. “Hello, I’m Seth and you are.” “Hey, I’m Ally.” After we had some lunch I realized that i love hanging out with him. He asked me on a date and I said yes, but he told me to meet him in the address he sent to me. I was hesitant at first, but I was deeply in love. I spent hours getting ready. I put the location onto my GPS and it was in the middle of the woods. Now this really set alarms in my head but I thought I was just nervous. It was a pretty long ride and I was talking to my best friend who recently moved out of state. She said this seemed very sketchy but I should go for it if i really liked the guy. When I got there I got a message and it was from him. He said “When you get here go inside the woods and keep walking till you see the open area. My brain
         My day has started great. I was asked on a date by the guy I always admired by the coffee shop window. He was always there, just drinking his coffee but sometimes, I swear he would stare at me. One day I was on my usual daily run and I felt like someone was staring at me. I was looking around and I saw the boy from the coffee shop. I got caught in his gaze until he looked back down at his phone. I was a little weirded out but he was so handsome. I couldn’t handle it and I ran home. One day he came up to me and told me I dropped $200. I knew I didn’t because I don’t carry that much money when I’m going on a run. I usually carry a bit if I wanna stop for lunch. He insisted I take it since be apparently saw me drop it. He invited me for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. “Hello, I’m Seth and you are.” “Hey, I’m Ally.” After we had some lunch I realized that i love hanging out with him. He asked me on a date and I said yes, but he told me to meet him in the address he sent to me. I was hesitant at first, but I was deeply in love. I spent hours getting ready. I put the location onto my GPS and it was in the middle of the woods. Now this really set alarms in my head but I thought I was just nervous. It was a pretty long ride and I was talking to my best friend who recently moved out of state. She said this seemed very sketchy but I should go for it if i really liked the guy. When I got there I got a message and it was from him. He said “When you get here go inside the woods and keep walking till you see the open area. My brain was
         My day has started great. I was asked on a date by the guy I always admired by the coffee shop window. He was always there, just drinking his coffee but sometimes, I swear he would stare at me. One day I was on my usual daily run and I felt like someone was staring at me. I was looking around and I saw the boy from the coffee shop. I got caught in his gaze until he looked back down at his phone. I was a little weirded out but he was so handsome. I couldn’t handle it and I ran home. One day he came up to me and told me I dropped $200. I knew I didn’t because I don’t carry that much money when I’m going on a run. I usually carry a bit if I wanna stop for lunch. He insisted I take it since be apparently saw me drop it. He invited me for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. “Hello, I’m Seth and you are.” “Hey, I’m Ally.” After we had some lunch I realized that i love hanging out with him. He asked me on a date and I said yes, but he told me to meet him in the address he sent to me. I was hesitant at first, but I was deeply in love. I spent hours getting ready. I put the location onto my GPS and it was in the middle of the woods. Now this really set alarms in my head but I thought I was just nervous. It was a pretty long ride and I was talking to my best friend who recently moved out of state. She said this seemed very sketchy but I should go for it if i really liked the guy. When I got there I got a message and it was from him. He said “When you get here go inside the woods and keep walking till you see the open area. My brain was

telling me to leave but my heart said go so I went. The woods gave me an eerie feeling. I hated the dark, silence, and spookiness of the woods. It was so dark i could barely see. I could only see the outline of trees. I could barely see where I was going but when I got there I got a message from seth “Hey, sorry I haven’t texted you, I lost my phone when I was going to the dinner reservations I made for us.” My heart dropped, I looked up and see someone staring at me. It wasn’t the boy from the coffee shop, it was someone wearing a mask. I tried to run but that when time slowed down. I felt like my heart was at my throat. I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. It felt like they just gave out. That’s when I realized that I had fallen. I had fallen in a deep small-spaced ditch. It was a tiny space and I was just about to freak out when I remembered I had my phone. I tried texting Seth but she wouldn’t answer me. I tried calling my best friend and I heard a phone ringing. It couldn’t have been her, she wouldn’t do this to me. Then when I called Seth another phone started ringing. I could barely control myself from how claustrophobic I was in that ditch. I felt like I was running out of breath when I felt dirt falling on me.

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