Hospital with the red flickering lights | Teen Ink

Hospital with the red flickering lights

April 11, 2019
By Madelyn33 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
Madelyn33 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     I was just in jail for a crime I never committed and no one believes me. I was accused of stealing someone else's identity. I did steal an identity but not the identity I was accused of apparently that doesn’t matter to anyone but me.  I was only in jail for a couple of months but it was awful. I was somewhere where I didn’t belong. I have to do community service at a small town hospital in Oregon. I didn’t even know where Oregon was until I looked up the directions. After an 8-hour car ride with my parole officer, We arrive at the hospital I stepped out and then step right back in the car.  No way I was going in there. The front of the building was covered in white paint that was so old it was crumbling. There was faded red lights that flickered that spelled out hospital. But every once in a while the lights would not spell Hospital but would spell hostile. “ Do I need to drag you out of the car, “ Said my parole officer in an assertive tone.       I slowly step out and shuffle my feet towards the door. And I was sure that as soon as I walked in I heard a scream that was saying to run.

 We walked up to the front desk, it looked so old that if you were to put your hand on it the wrong way it would topple over. I had to sign all these papers and there was this one question that really stood out to me. It was do you promise to not hurt the patients in any way to be more specific not to purposely kill them. Once I signed all the papers they gave me this uniform. It seemed like they watched an old 50’s horror movie and took the costumes right out of it. It had a white skirt that was to short for my taste and a white shirt with a pocket with red trim around the pocket. That's not even the worst part it came with a hat with a red cross on it. I was told I would be helping out a nurse named Helen. When I first met her she had this gold necklace. She was really quiet and only spoke when she was asked a question, that was  until we got onto the elevator then she turned toward me with big eyes and said “ I’m only going to tell you this once this is not a normal hospital we do care and heal people like in normal hospitals but things happen here. We used to have a unit of 50 nurses here until a new doctor showed up, Charlotte, and then more and more patients started dying and nurses started not showing up to work and we would only see them on missing fliers on bulletin boards. So you need to watch your back and you tell no one what I just told you,” Said Helen fiercely


“Why haven’t you ever gone to the police, we can go right back up there and say something,” I said calmly.


“ You think we haven’t tried that yet, that's the other weird thing whenever nurses decided to tell the police they never came back, ” said Helen is a hushed voice.
We walk out of the elevator and never spoke about it since.

                                                                   2 Days later

I walked into the Hospital ready to meet Helen to see what the schedule was, but she wasn’t there. I waited  10 minutes until I walked up to the front desk. “Do you know where I could find Helen?” That's when I noticed something odd about the front desk lady she wasn’t the normal lady who was there. The women slowly lifted her head and I almost cried out but I took a deep breath and I kept it together. It was Charlotte the doctor and I noticed something about her that felt somewhat familiar  I just couldn’t put my finger on it. The necklace! That was the necklace Helen always would wear.

“ What was that dear,” said Charlotte in a  sweet tone.

“WHOOPS”, I said that out loud, “ I...I..I, have to go,” I said in a muffled voice. I dashed to the elevator and That’s when I saw her stand up with this god awful grin on her face. I slam my hand onto the elevator buttons and press the close button. As it was closing I saw her dash to the stairs. I pushed the button that goes to the bottom floor of the hospital. I got out a piece of paper and started writing down everything I know and fold it up and leave it in the elevator where I know it will get to the person its address to my parole officer. If this wasn’t an urgent situation I would never leave anything this important to her.

I get down to the basement and I realize that this is the morgue and it smelled like someone died in here and they were decaying. It shouldn’t smell like that this is basically a big freezer. I slowly walk over to where they store the bodies and  I slowly open the small door ready for the cold icy air that's when I realize that the freezer isn’t on. I quickly take the sheet off and discover Helen with pale skin and a shot needle in her neck. I quickly cover it up and find more bodies but this time it's a patient a  little boy who looked about 3. Then I hear the door swing open I dash behind some file cabinets. “ You don’t need to hide from me Alice If you cooperate I will make your death fast,” she said in a mysterious tone, “ Fine if you aren’t going to cooperate I will make sure to make your death a long and painful one,” she said now yelling.

That's when I swing open the door and I run as fast as I could going into the deep dark woods. I could feel the air brush against my face and the drizzle of the rain hit me. I hear the leaves crunch under my feet, then I slip and scratch my eye. Now I’m half blind. I know that I won't be able to run much farther. I hide behind a bush and wait for my faith. That's when I hear her heavy breathing over me and that's when I start to cry because I know it's the end. She hears me she puts her old wrinkly hands on the bush and slowly starts to pull them back, I squeeze my eyes shut  “GOT YA” she screams.

She picks me up by my white shirt and throws me against the tree and the last thing I see is her deep green eyes look into to mine and she smashes her foot on me and a faint laugh.                                                                                                                                               ( One year later Parole officer perspective )

I never thought I would miss her but I do. She saved so many people but she couldn’t save herself. I did get the letter she left in the elevator the day after she went missing, I shouldn’t say missing I should say murdered. We never did find Alice's body, but we did find Charlotte and I made sure she would pay. And I did. I was going to turn her in but something was stopping me from doing so. I did the only thing I thought was humane I killed her. I tied her up and threw in the lake behind my house so she would have a miserable slow death. I just thought she should get a taste of her own medicine.

The author's comments:

     My name is Maddie I am a 7th-grade middle school student. I enjoy listening to music and playing the flute. I enjoy being outside and walking my dog. I didn't start writing until this year. And my favorite genre to write is suspense.

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