To my darling dear... | Teen Ink

To my darling dear...

June 21, 2019
By Apascha BRONZE, Ruckersville, Virginia
Apascha BRONZE, Ruckersville, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      I had to kill her I can’t take any risk. She saw me putting drops of toxic into the sugar. She made a run but I was faster. I tackled her down on to the floor and gripped on to her hair as I dragged her down into the basement. She was crying and screaming begging for her life.

I threw her down and of course, she had to try to make a run.  I had to tackle her again quickly grabbing the rope from the counter as I started to get tired of this little cat and mouse game, looping the rope once around her neck. To make sure that everything is secured I wrap the rope around both of my hands,  then when I am well-adjusted, I began to pull at the two ends of it.

It’s funny to me how she tries to grasp for air, groaning and moaning, gripping on to the rope pulling it, tugging it-like that’s going to be any help somehow, then swinging her arms at me trying to fight for her life, but eventually, her strength begins to leave her body and just like that she lay motionless . She laid still with shock, her bloodshot eyes staring right at me as a single tear slowly rolled down her pale face. I place my hand on her cheek wiping the tear away from her, then a thought hit me. I wondered what my father saw in her, was it her beauty?  I mean she is pretty, I’ll give her that, but she is nothing compared to my mother. Perhaps it was the youth within her that my father saw or maybe it was just pure lust, but for whatever the reason maybe it’s still a sin and they shall be punished for it. After everything I had done, I took in a breath and got up on my feet. I looked at the clock on the left, it was 3:00 in the morning. Her brother is out of town right now if I remember correctly and he should be back in two days. I picked her up, threw her over my shoulder while grabbing the rope. She wasn't heavy so that was great and I carry her to her house. The street was dead, luck was by my side on this lovely full moon night.

When I get to her house without being spotted by any living soul, I gently place her down to search her body for the key. It was in her right pocket. I use the key to open the door, pick her back up and carry her in, placing the rope on the bed. I took her to the washroom, turning on the tub water and  I placed her down to check the water temperature and when it was right I stripped her down and washed her body and shampoo her hair. When I was done I dried her with a towel and moved her body to the bed to dress her with a white nightgown. After that, I grabbed the rope throwing it over the wooden beam along with the ceiling that was located in the middle of the room, making a perfect knot for just her. I went back to her and brushed her hair, she was just like a doll. When I was done, I grabbed the rope and put her head through it, pulling the rope up as her feet began to lift up off the ground and when it was high enough I step up on the bed make another knot so that she will stay in place. I step down from the bed and sit on it, rubbing my hands together then a light caught my eyes. The moonlight was beautiful. It reminded me of the night that I had met you, my darling. I wish that you were still here with me, my love.

                                                                                           - Love, your one and only.

The author's comments:

caution read at your own risk!!!!!  Keep in mind that the story is fiction!!!! 

- This story this a confession letter of a killer. 

I had a project in forensic science to create your own crimes and this letter is one of the many evidence that was collected. 

Here is the background story of the crime  

At approximately 8:36 on a Thursday of May 26, 1971, morning, Mr. Edward Kingsley was found dead by his maid, on the bathroom floor in the master bedroom lying face down on the ground near the sink. The police roll it off by saying that the man had a heart attack and call it a day. He was later taken to the autopsy room for further examination because it seems too strange for a man like Kingsley, to die so suddenly when he was in such good health. According to many reports, men who die from heart disease are usually between the ages of 45 to 54 as well as those over 65 and Mr. Kingsley was 38 years old. About a week later, they had found the cause of his death to be murder. He was poisoned. They discover that the poison was Ethylene glycol, a poison that tastes sweet and notably causes kidney damage.

        His wife and daughter were also poisoned but not to the point of instant death. They experience headache, heart palpitation, and vomiting. The police tested all the food that was on the breakfast table on the day of Mr. Kingsley’s death. The item on the table that tested positive for poison, was the sugar cubes. Edward put about seven sugar cubes in his coffee while his wife and daughter only put two.

  The police went to the home of the Kingsley family and one officer found a white box underneath his bed. They open it and there were many little blue packets labeled “heavenly powder”. They sent it to the lab and the results that came back in the report were that the powder substance was cocaine. With that information, they got a warrant to search the inside of the family safe, and as they had suspected there were many more of those white boxes and the small packets of heavenly powder. They also found a stack of money and a payment book full of names. It appears that Mr. Kingsley had a shady side job.


Character :

Mother - Martha: A 29-year-old woman. She is well loved and known throughout the area. A shopaholic with too much time on her hands enjoys to party and host as well.

Father - Edward: 38-year-old man.  A well-known doctor who is always too busy for his family but would never miss his beloved daughter’s birthday. There is a rumor that he is having an affair with a French woman, but little did they know that she’s not the only one that he has an affair with.

Butler: Patrick - Who was on a vacation.

Maid one - Ben: a 27-year-old young man is the older brother of Alice.

Maid two - Alice: an 18-year-old young woman who is also one of the ladies that Edward is having an affair with. She got pregnant with his child and later died due to suicide.

Daughter - Lisa: An only daughter of the Kingsley family and is to be engaged to the Princely family’s oldest son on her 18 birthday. She is the perfect daughter of the family. She is well mannered, top of her class in school, and devotes her life to god.

Mistress: Ivonne - A french burlesque woman that Edward was having an affair with. She is very outgoing and doesn’t think before she speaks. She loves money more than she will ever love a man.



Please don't copy my work.  

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