Mike Looked, It Was Gone: Missing! | Teen Ink

Mike Looked, It Was Gone: Missing!

October 17, 2019
By cummingsandrew24 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
cummingsandrew24 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Buzzzzzzzz! The buzzer on the clock buzzed louder than a large truck on a highway. Everyone dropped what they were doing and they looked back to the fun they were having where the basketballs bounced on the slick gym floor and the vibrating backboards hung from the ceiling. Mike walked to the wide ajar door and went to get his clothes from his locker so he could swap his outfit to be more comfortable. He had his phone in the bottom of the locker because he was going to tell his mom that basketball practice had ended early. He walked over to the changing stall with his shoes squeaking on the floor and loud shutting lockers around him.

Mike entered one of the stalls with a loud click to lock and dressed in relaxing clothes. But when he came back and did his locker combination, then went to grab his phone it was gone! Mike started to freak out, he looked on the ground, in the stall, and every square inch of his locker. Mike did not know what to do at all, his phone was nowhere to be found. Mike thought he was out of luck and he was never going to make it home, all his friends were gone by the time he fazed out from the fright of losing his cell phone.

He went back over to the coach and asked, “Hey coach, have you seen my phone at all? I have somehow misplaced it.” The expression on the coach’s face looked like he hadn't seen it at all but he answered, “I’m so sorry Mike, but I have not seen it anywhere. Oh! You know what? Let’s look in your locker and any other ones that might be accidentally be left open.” So Mike agreed with his coach, and they both went back to where lockers shut and the floor squeaked like a noisy animal. They looked in the section of Mike’s locker but none of the others were open except his.

Mike and his coach agreed to split up and they thought that it would be easier and more efficient for them to look at different locations. Mike took the left side and the coach took the right side. He looked very carefully into other sections, to look for open lockers, and it turned out that the locker in the corner had its door cracked open a little! Mike yelled for the coach and he came running over. They opened it slowly with a noise like a creaky door on Halloween, but they saw nothing except for an empty wrapper of a candy bar, and Mike’s cell phone!

Mike was so thankful that his coach could help him find it. He went on his phone to text his mom about all the trouble he went through and that his practice had ended early! Mike’s coach walked him out to the front of the building and waited for his mom. Time passed and his mom pulled up and she looked relieved to see him. They drove home and had a trouble-free evening with an amazing dinner and a good night's rest.

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