The Night I Met Jonathon | Teen Ink

The Night I Met Jonathon

May 14, 2020
By maryallen BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
maryallen BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Night I Met Jonathon 

Hi, my name is California Rose. I know, it sounds weird for a name, I get that a lot. So, I usually just go by Cali. I’m 23 years old and I live in downtown Los Angeles and I'd say my life is pretty average. I’ve lived alone ever since my boyfriend and I, well ex-boyfriend, John, broke up a little over a month ago. It’s like he just disappeared, one day we were fine and then, I got a text from him saying he had family issues, and I haven’t heard from him since. Weird. It’s been different being alone in my apartment, but I'm getting used to it. I work a nine to five, weekday job, in an office just like every other person trying to meet monthly rent in LA. As I said, my life wasn’t going too great, but it was decent until things got weird.

It was a Friday night. I needed a break from work, responsibility, and being an adult. Don’t we all. Luckily, it was the weekend which meant a night out with the girls. We went out every Friday night, it was our special tradition. We all looked forward to it so much because it was the one day we could all get together with our busy schedules. What’s crazy is, unlike all of my friends, I don’t drink. Anyways, we always went to the same bar in downtown LA, but tonight, we decided to try something new. 

I arrived at En Soiree twenty minutes late. Oops. The music was so loud it was almost unbearable, I couldn’t even hear my own thoughts. The building was filled with college students that looked like they weren’t even twenty-one years old. Some kind of Soiree. I noticed that there was a seat saved for me by Sarah. As if I wasn’t already feeling bad enough about myself. 

Sarah was the definition of perfection, there was not a single flaw that came to mind when I thought of her. She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her style was unique and she looked good in everything, probably because she had a model’s body. Not only was Sarah’s exterior perfect, but she had a good heart too. I mean I doubt that she’d even lay a finger on a fly. 

I sat down next to Sarah and joined in on the conversation. It’s hard for me to stay focused tonight, it’s hard for me to take my mind off my job, or John. It feels like these last couple of months nothing has gone my way like my life was going downhill. Am I having a midlife crisis? No, I can’t be, I’m only 23. I just need a drink, one won’t hurt.

Before I knew it I was on the dance floor with some random guy. I didn’t know who he was, but I did know that he was cute, and I knew he thought I was cute because he had been eyeing me all night. He was tall, at least 6’3”, he had brown hair and dark green eyes. His smile fit his face perfectly with teeth that were as white as fresh snow. This is good, I need to move on. 

We danced all night, song after song. I snapped back into reality when Maria grabbed me. Maria has been my best friend ever since I moved to Los Angeles. She loved giving me a hard time about literally anything. She was honest, and that’s what I liked about her. I could talk to her about anything, and she’d have the best advice. Her hair was short and black. She’s the kind of person who shows very little skin. She might not be the prettiest in the friend group, but her personality was a ten out of ten, and everyone loved her.

“We’re leaving, it’s almost 2:00 a.m.,” she said.

“Ok. Do you see that guy?  He's gorgeous, and just my type!” I shouted over the loud music.

“Yeah, he’s a cutie alright. C’mon, we have to go, it’s late.”

“Okay let me just tell him it was nice meeting him, it would be rude of me to leave without saying goodbye.” As I turned around he was gone, just like that.  How rude.

I woke the next day with a throbbing headache. I couldn’t stop thinking about the mysterious man from the night before. I didn’t even get his name. How could I have not gotten his name? I figured it would be best if I forgot about him completely. I mean for all I know he could be a crazy stalker. Whatever, I need coffee. I grab my keys and coat and get in my car. 

As I wait in line for my coffee, I hear a voice that sounds oddly familiar. I look up and I see him. How… ironic. He orders his coffee, and turns around, we lock eyes and his face lights up.

“Wow, Cali!” He says in a way that sounds like he has rehearsed saying the line, “I was... not expecting to see you here!” 

So I guess we did introduce ourselves to each other. “Uh hi… I’m sorry I’m drawing a blank on your name, what was it again?”

“No worries, my name is Jonathon, but most of my friends and family just call me John.”

John, that's odd. How coincidental. 

“Do you maybe want to sit down, we can chat over our coffee?”

“Sure! Let me order and you can find a table for us to sit at.” This isn’t that weird, I mean sure he has the same name as my ex, that I only broke up with over a month ago, but stuff like this happens all the time. Right?

I order my coffee and sit at the table with John. He looks at me with a smile. Not just any smile, it’s like he’s looking into my soul, or like he’s known me for years. Almost like he’s been watching me. What did you get yourself into this time, Cali?

The author's comments:

I am submitting my fiction piece entitled, “The Night I Met Jonathan” which has 1020 words. This is a story about how one encounter with a man one night changes Cali’s (the main character) life forever. It leaves the reader with a cliffhanger wanting to know more about the story.

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