The Unbelievable Mistake | Teen Ink

The Unbelievable Mistake

May 28, 2020
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Let’s go out for a walk”, Ned advised Sara. 

“I want to but am stuck with an interesting case”, Sara replied. 

Ned went for a light walk through the streets of London. The atmosphere was vibrant with smiles and warm conversations filling in the air. 

“Sara missed it”, he murmured. 

Meanwhile, Sara stared at her notepad unable to find any clue. Her friend, Stanley, was missing since a week. Right then, the phone rang.

“Sara, I’ve got a new case for you. There’s this lady standing in front of my shop for the past one hour. She looks tensed and is staring towards the police station helplessly”, said Kayz, the owner of ‘Coffee Beans’. 

“I think she needs help”, he said before hanging up. 

Sara hurriedly ran to the coffee shop and sat on a tall chair near the side door. She caught the sight of a middle-aged woman. 

“Kayz was right, she is still here”, she whispered.

The lady looked familiar but Sara was unable to recollect where she saw her. 

“Isn’t that Miss Heather Jones?”, a customer exclaimed. 

“She surely is”, Sara said as she approached the lady. 

Heather’s frustration could easily be seen on her face as she stood a few meters away from the police station. 

“Miss Heather, can I help you?” Sara enquired. With an apprehensive look and uneasy smile, she quickly left the place.

“Something is wrong”, Sara concluded. She was recollecting the sequence of events that followed when someone patted her from behind.


“Any update on your case?”, Ned asked. 

She quickly updated him and hurried back to her room. 

“Miss Heather is Stanley’s mother and Stanley is missing”, Sara noted.

While pondering about her next clue, she spotted a newspaper laying on the table. Miss Heather’s photo was printed on the first page and she was one of the most promising candidates for the upcoming city elections. 

Sara’s next hunch was that Stanley could be kidnapped! 

“This could be Marsh Logan’s dirty game as he is another tough competitor for the elections” she said to herself, “and there could not be a better way to divert Miss Heather’s attention”.

It was a fine Tuesday morning and Sara got the best chance to visit Marsh Logan’s residence. He was busy with the campaigning procedures and Sara decided to keep the news to herself before finding any strong evidence. She drove her car towards Cannon Street and on arriving, she was glad to find an open window. 

She steadily jumped across it and went to the basement. The room was filled with posters and boxes. Suddenly, she heard a faint cry and her hunch was right. She had found Stanley tied up in a chair.

She quickly unfastened him and they were about to leave the place when she heard a heavy laugh. A chill ran down her spine and she slowly turned back to find Marsh Logan standing behind them. 

“You did not stop sneaking into people’s business”, he said. 

Scared to death, Sara thought of the possible options to tackle the situation. Unfortunately, she could not come to any conclusion. 

“How...did you find me?” she asked in a low tone. 

“Your shoes are really dirty and made a way for me to catch you up”, Marsh revealed. 

Sara at once stared down to see her mudded sneakers. 

“That was an unbelievable mistake”, she whispered. ​​​​​​​​​​​

The author's comments:

Some mistakes are hard to believe...

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