Puddles | Teen Ink


December 21, 2020
By Anonymous

Sitting at the park alone is dangerous, especially at night. Bad things can happen to you, you could get kidnapped, lost, or even killed. The last of those reasons was why I was alone. Hiding in bush damp from the evening rain with the smell of drenched cement surrounding me is not my usual pastime I assure you. I tried to slow my breathing and not panic,  I was too focused on controlling the amount of noise I made to notice how in the glimmering puddles of rain that lay before me was the figure of a person. The exact person I was trying desperately to escape the clutches of. Unfortunately for myself, this had gone unnoticed, and as I covered my mouth to maintain silence as the last street light dimmed out and the moths surrounding it departed into the cool darkness that I had once found comforting. The figure approached me as I thought I could finally come out of hiding but that feeling soon disappeared as I felt one of my long pigtails being tugged, I wiped around and tried to fight back any way possible but the figure held me away from its body by my hair as if it were a small child inspecting a toy. A toy, that's what I realized I had become. If only I was taller I could reach the ground and attempt my escape but I was only about 4.9 despite my age of 17. I struggled farther but I was roughly held to the figure's chest to restrain my movements. I’m not lying when I say I was surprised to find myself being drowned in the tell-tale scent of birthday cake, it reminded me of pleasant things which I for some reason could not identify. I couldn't move and the world was dark. I knew that I was still awake due to the small movements and heaving chest that led me to believe the figure was moving. After a while, I can't explain it but the darkness, settle movements, the smell of cake, and the warmth of another human being put me in a deep and comforting sleep……..I woke up who knows how long later, after remembering what happened I expected to be tied up or behind bars but I found myself under a warm blanket on a soft dark gray couch. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my surroundings, I looked to be in a small, dark room with a tv, the sofa I was laying on, and a table with the only thing atop it being a computer among other things arraigned in a neat yet menacing manner around the room. My eyes inspected the room farther, only to fall on the shadow of a person sitting in the corner, with The smell of dust and old books surrounding me. My heartbeat stopped and I froze cold. “Ah! You're awake! Exquisite dear!” The figure that I could now identify as a man stood up, he was only about 5 foot something. still not average height but much taller than me. I panicked “ who are you!?!?” I asked in a rushed voice. The man stood up, he was wearing an average white button-up shirt with tan or beige jeans to go with it along with green-focused eyes and dirty blond messy hair that looked half brushed. The weirdest thing about his appearance was the large orange-red scarf that was wrapped around his neck “what do you mean?” he pushed his spectacles up with his ring finger “I was under the impression that you knew who i was.” he finished. I took a minute to collect myself as I listened to the pitter-patter of rain start up once again outside, it was soothing.  I  brushed my dark black hair out of my face and my big red eyes met his small green ones. “Why would I know you?.......” I questioned, “ you killed my closest friend just a little while ago!” I suddenly felt quite a bit of rage well up inside me, threatening to explode like confetti at a party. But before that could happen he walked closer to me “ hmm…... I suppose I wouldn't have thought one would fall asleep cuddled in the arms of one that they distrust? Miss Brianna.” he giggled harshly at me. The anger turned into fear quickly “how do you know my name….” I said my face going pale “as I said before…...this is not our first meeting.” he approached farther and sat down next to me. I couldn't move due to the amount of fear coursing through my body. “You p- pervert! You're a maniac and a killer! I haven’t seen you in my life!” I stammered. That's when my head was met with something, he had just smacked me with a clipboard “ow!” I groaned and rubbed my head “stupid….. I may be a killer….. But i am not a maniac nor a pervert” he stated smugly “ but I suppose I could introduce myself once again to try and jog your memory….” he said “ my name is Jeff, my last name doesn’t matter so you can call me jeff nobody, I'm 19 by the way” he stated “ok…..my name is Brianna perry and i-” my head was met with the clipboard again “stupid!  i already know most things about you ……” I looked at him suspiciously once again. He scoffed “you think I am insane…..but the truth is you are as well.” he stated “you just don’t remember all the pain you have caused people in the past. All the pain that has come to you, or the fact that you might be more than a little more messed up than me…….and now I shall prove my point” he pushed his glasses up and continued to giggle as he wrapped the scarf around himself tighter “do you remember your parents? Anything before you were 15? what school have you gone to?” the questions keep coming. I tried to think about the answers, but  I could not answer any of them. “What's your point!” I snapped. He cracked a twisted smile “you don’t remember any of your previous life do you?” he giggled evilly “well your old life continues today, you've been in hiding for long enough!”  although he was clearly not right in the head, there was something delicate about him…….I trusted him for some  reason. I took a deep breath and spoke, “ if you plan on keeping me here while claiming I'm not who I am currently…...you better start talking.”

The author's comments:

I wrote this for a school project and liked it enough to submit it, i hope whoever reads it likes it to

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