The Fortune Teller | Teen Ink

The Fortune Teller

January 10, 2021
By arguetakarina BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
arguetakarina BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Halloween had arrived once again, I used to enjoy all the activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes, and eating treats. Now all those things sadden me. Last year me and my best friend Olivia were going to Huntsville Haunted Carnival. We were both super excited, we had been waiting to go for as long as we could remember. That day the crisp air blew softly against our face and we could smell the warm delicious pumpkin bread that was being sold at the concession stands. We stood there for a minute observing, and from the corner of my eye I saw a house that sat high on a hill. It looked pretty empty, so me and Olivia decided to go take a look. When we arrived the house was decorated with pumpkins, skeletons, and dried out leaves that led a path to the entry. 

“Are you sure we should set foot in there?”

“Olivia stop worrying, let's just check it out.” 

When we entered the only light that shone was from the window above. 

“Olivia, let's use our phones as flashlights.”

“ I would prefer not to, let's just go back.”

“Quit being such a baby and turn it on.”

We discovered the room to be grey and gloomy, it looked abandoned and lifeless. Amid in the shadows, a voice softly spoke to us,

“Come take a seat and see what your future holds.”

“Jade are you sure this is safe?”

“It's fine Olivia.”

The fortune-teller grabbed my hand and stroked it softly. This made the hairs on my hand stick up and chills ran down my entire body. He looked at me with gloomy eyes.

“Jade, it seems that today is your friend's final day to live. I sat in shock for a quick minute and then turned back to look at Olivia, but she wasn't there, she had gone back. I knew I had to keep an eye on her. I quickly ran to find her but there was no trace of her anywhere. Then I heard,



I found her dangling off the cliff. I quickly grabbed onto her arm and pulled with all my might, but I wasn't strong enough. I knew that what the fortune teller had said was about to be fulfilled. My eyes poured in tears, my hands became sweatier, and her hands slowly started slipping out of mine. I had her grabbed by the tips of her fingers but could no longer hold her and down she went.

The author's comments:

January 8, 2021

Dear Fiction editors

 I am submittong one poem entitled Forever in “My Heart” which has 419 words   

Please recycle my manuscripts if it does not fit your editorial needs. I hope to hear from you soon.

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